The Australian Army Medical Corps in Egypt. Deane Percival Edgar
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Название: The Australian Army Medical Corps in Egypt

Автор: Deane Percival Edgar

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ soldier was not very fond of chairs. He did not want to stay in the shelter sheds, but preferred to spend much of his day lying in bed, and had to be ordered away from it to effect any change. It is not unnatural that men who have been doing excessive physical work should prefer physical rest when they can get it.

      At No. 2 Auxiliary Hospital, the Atelier, similar changes were made. The Red Cross provided shelter sheds and a number of comforts. The Atelier was certainly the easiest of the buildings to adapt, by reason of the relatively small number of patients and its spacious surroundings.

      At No. 3 Auxiliary Hospital the building could not accommodate more than 250 patients in any circumstances, but two large tennis courts were covered with matting and provided with a louvred roof. This proceeding was followed by the erection of wooden huts each of which constituted a ward of 50 beds. These huts were placed in convenient relationship to a central kitchen and other conveniences. The Sporting Club thus became an excellent outdoor hospital.

      The creation of the Infectious Diseases Hospital at Abbassia is another instance of the importance of prevision. It was organised by Major Brown (who had already organised Luna Park and the Atelier) as a hospital of 250 beds. By successive squeezes, and by the erection of tents, the accommodation was rapidly increased to 1,250 beds, and was then insufficient although typhoid cases were not admitted.

      The work of extension was at first difficult, but soon became quite simple because a considerable number of officers and men became experienced in the methods of effecting desirable results, and in the art of adapting means in sight to the end desired.

The Conversion of the Auxiliary Hospitals into Independent Commands

      Finally it became obvious that the mechanism was becoming too complicated, i. e. that the administration of all these hospitals from the Palace Hotel, and the keeping of the records at the Palace Hotel, had become impossible. It was accordingly decided to separate them and make them independent commands. This arrangement was completed about the middle of August, but it involved a fresh crop of difficulties. It was quite necessary that some one should meet the trains and allot the patients to the various hospitals. That was a comparatively simple matter. It was necessary that the hospitals should be properly staffed, and that those who administered them should receive proper rank, in other words that there should be a definite establishment. This necessitated a reference to the Australian Government, and consequently difficulties and delays.

      The valuable and almost essential part played by the Australian Branch British Red Cross, in effecting the expansion and in preventing a disaster, will be referred to in the chapter on the Red Cross.

      The following table indicates the nature of the increasing demand on the hospital accommodation:

Growth of the Hospital (First Australian General)Hospital opened on January 28

      Largest number of patients admitted on any one day (June 8, 1915):

      Sick and wounded received at the First Australian General Hospital at the end of April:

      Surveying in retrospect this anxious and troublesome period, the outstanding feature is the mistake made in the constant assumption that the hospital expansion was temporary. It was stated that Luna Park would only be wanted for a few weeks; the Dardanelles campaign would soon be over, Luna Park would not then be wanted, and could be closed, consequently heavy expenditure on it was deprecated. Furthermore the experience gained makes it obvious that in war the Service cannot include too many medical officers – preferably juniors. The demand for their services here and there is practically unlimited. They should be young and unattached to any particular unit – in fact a junior reserve on the spot.

      It should be remembered that the expansion of No. 1 Australian General Hospital was effected under the personal direction of the officer commanding, Lieut. – Colonel Ramsay Smith, who inspected all new buildings, gave his approval or disapproval, and was responsible for their efficient equipment when converted into hospitals.




      It will be remembered that so far as the Australian troops were concerned, provision had been made for three convalescent hospitals or homes. The magnificent hotel of Al Hayat at Helouan was taken over on May 5, emptied of hotel furniture, fitted with palm beds and mattresses, and converted into a convalescent hospital. As there was no staff in Egypt available, it was placed under the direction of a military commandant and a principal medical officer who was a civilian practitioner resident at Helouan. A few non-commissioned officers and orderlies were transferred to it from the convalescent camp in the desert at Zeitoun, which was very properly terminated. The cooking was effected by arrangement with a professional caterer at a charge of 5s. a day for officers, and 3s. a day for men. These charges ultimately included the provision of cooking and eating utensils. This convalescent hospital both in its general character and with respect to the food supplied represents in all probability the most successful effort made in Egypt. In fact it has been suggested that the hospital was almost too attractive, and that there was consequently a good deal of disinclination to leave it. In favour of the principle involved in installing a military commandant to administer a convalescent hospital there is much to be said, as the administration is one man's work.

The Egyptian Climate

      Those who know Helouan and the hotel will not be surprised at the success of the Hospital, but it may surprise even those who know Egypt to learn that Helouan is considerably cooler than Cairo, notwithstanding the fact that it is situated on the edge of the desert. Owing to dryness the Wet Bulb temperature is considerably lower than at Cairo in midsummer and the nights are always cool.

      It must be remembered that the figures in the attached table give means only, and that any registration over 75°F. Wet Bulb is high, and that at 80°F. Wet Bulb work becomes difficult. At 90°F. Wet Bulb the danger point is reached, and all work must cease on pain of death from heat apoplexy.

      It will be seen, then, that Egypt is not especially hot, even from May till October, and that Helouan is particularly cool. These conclusions coincide with the feelings of those who live there. Alexandria is pleasant by day, because of the sea breezes, but at night most people prefer Heliopolis, which is drier and where they are more likely to enjoy a breeze.

      These observations apply to the weather after May. From March to May the khamsin may blow for several days. The temperature then is high, but the air very dry. Khamsins usually cease in May.

Convalescent Hospitals

      The Ras el Tin Convalescent Hospital at Alexandria was organised on similar principles to those adopted at Al Hayat, for those who required seaside change and sea bathing. At a later period half the accommodation in the Montazah Convalescent Hospital was rendered available to Australians. The Montazah Hospital will be described under the heading of Red Cross.

      By the use of these three convalescent hospitals, accommodation was provided for 1,500 patients, but in case of necessity at least another 800 could have been accommodated. In addition a large convalescent camp was erected at Zeitoun in case of emergency. After the engagement in August, a very great rush of wounded was expected, and had the hospitals and convalescent homes been really taxed the convalescent camp would have been utilised for overflow purposes. Fortunately this did not become necessary, but the experience of May had given sufficient warning of possibilities.