A Mad Love. Charlotte M. Brame
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Название: A Mad Love

Автор: Charlotte M. Brame

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ and there were very few people in England who did not know Cawdor. There was no book of engravings that had not a view of Cawdor for its first and greatest attraction; there was no exhibition of pictures in which one did not see ruins of Cawdor. It had in itself every attribute of beauty, the ivy-mantled ruins, the keep, from which one could see into five different counties, the moat, now overgrown with trees; the old-fashioned draw-bridge which contrasted so beautifully with the grand modern entrance, worthy of a Venetian palace; the winding river, the grand chain of hills, and in the far distance the blue waters of the Channel.

      There could not have been a more beautiful or picturesque spot on earth than Cawdor. It had belonged to the Lanswell family for many generations. The Lanswells were a wealthy race – they owned not only all the land surrounding the fair domain of Cawdor, but nearly the whole of the town of Dunmore. The Earl of Lanswell was also Baron of Raleigh, and Raleigh Hall, in Staffordshire, was a very grand estate. In one part of it an immense coal mine had been discovered, which made Lord Lanswell one of the wealthiest men of the day.

      Cawdor, Raleigh Hall, and Dunmore House, three of the finest residences in England, together with a rent-roll counted by hundreds of thousands, should have made the earl a happy man. He married a wealthy heiress in accordance with the old proverb that "Like seeks like." His wife, Lucia, Countess of Lanswell, was one of the proudest peeresses in England; she was unimpeachable in every relation of life, and had little pity for those who were not; she had never known sorrow, temptation, doubt, or anything else; she had lived in an atmosphere of perfect content and golden ease; she had the grandest mansion, the finest diamonds, the finest horses in London; she had the most indulgent husband, the handsomest son, and the prettiest daughter; she did not know the word want in any shape, she had not even suffered from the crumpled rose-leaf. The nearest approach to trouble of any kind that she had known was that her son, Lord Chandos, had failed in one of his examinations. He asked that he might go into the country for some months to read, and permission was most cheerfully given to him. With her daughter, Lady Imogene Chandos, the countess had never had and never expected to have any trouble; she was one of the fairest, sweetest, and most gentle of girls; she was docile and obedient; she had never in her life given the least trouble to any one.

      Lord Lanswell was walking up and down one of the broad terraces at Cawdor one fine morning in July, when one of the servants brought to him a telegram. He opened it hastily, it was from his son, Lord Chandos:

      "Dearest Father, – Will you run up to town, and meet me at Dunmore House this evening? I have something very important to tell you. Not one word to mother yet."

      Lord Lanswell stood still to think with the telegram in his hand.

      "What can be the matter now?" he said to himself; "that boy will give me trouble. He has done something now that he will not let my lady know."

      He had a dull, heavy presentiment that the boy who should have been the pride and delight of his life would be a drawback and a torment.

      "I must go," said the earl to himself, "I must make some excuse to satisfy my lady."

      It was typical of Lady Lanswell that her husband seldom spoke of her as my wife, the children more seldom still as "my mother;" every one alike called her "my lady." She might have been the only peeress in England, so entirely did every one agree in giving her that title. "My lady" was pleased, meant sunshine at Cawdor; "my lady" was angry, meant gloom. She regulated the moral and mental atmosphere of the house with a smile or a frown.

      Lord Lanswell knew that he dare not show the telegram to Lady Lanswell; she would have started off at once for Dunmore House, and there would have been war. He must deceive her. He carefully destroyed the telegram, in some queer fashion which he did not own even to himself he had a kind of sympathy with his son.

      He had been wild in his youth and made allowances for the same in others. His worst thought now was that his handsome young heir, with the frank blue eyes and sunny hair, had been gambling or betting.

      "A few thousand pounds would set him straight," he thought, "and after all, one must not be too hard on the follies of youth."

      No need to tell my lady; she looked on these exploits with a keen, cold eye. He went to the drawing-room, where my lady sat looking regally beautiful in black velvet and point lace.

      The countess of Lanswell was considered one of the handsomest women in England. She had married very young, and her beauty was still so well preserved that she took her place with the beauties of the day. Husband and children both felt in awe of the beautiful woman, with her queenly grace and bearing.

      "Lucia," said the earl, "I thought of running up to town this afternoon. I shall return to-morrow."

      "Indeed," said my lady, slowly. "Why this sudden resolution, Ross?"

      "There is some little business that no one can attend to but myself," he said. "I shall not be long absent."

      "Business of what nature?" asked my lady, her fine eyes fixed on his face.

      "Why, dear, it is surely not needful for me to explain my business to you? I have none of which you would not approve. I want to call on my bankers – I want to sell some shares. I have several little reasons for running up to town."

      "You remember, of course, that the Beauvoirs dine here to-day?" said my lady.

      "Yes, I have not forgotten, but with your usual tact you can apologize for me, Lucia."

      The compliment pleased her.

      "Certainly, I can, if your absence is really needful, Ross," said my lady.

      "It is needful, I assure you. I can tell you all I have done when I return; just now I must hurry off, or I shall not catch the train."

      As the earl quitted Cawdor, he regretted deeply that his son should have complicated the situation by enforcing silence as regarded his mother.

      He pondered a great deal on what he should say when he returned – above all, if the boy's trouble was, as he imagined, the loss of money.

      "I must not let his mother know," thought the earl. "Boys are boys; she would think he was lost altogether if she knew that he had betting and gambling debts. Whatever he owes, no matter what it is, I will give him a check for it, and make him promise me that it shall be the last time."

      He never thought of any other danger; that his son had fallen in love or wanted to marry never occurred to him. He was glad when he reached Dunmore House; the old housekeeper met him in the hall.

      "I have dinner ready, my lord," she said. "Lord Chandos told me you were coming."

      He looked round expectantly.

      "Is not Lord Chandos here?" he asked.

      It occurred to him that the housekeeper looked troubled and distressed.

      "No," she replied, "he is not staying here – they are staying in the Queen's Hotel, in Piccadilly."

      "They," he cried, "whom do you mean by they? Has Lord Chandos friends with him?"

      The woman's face grew pale. She shrunk perceptibly from the keen, gray eyes.

      "I understood his lordship that he was not alone," she replied. "I may have made a mistake. I understood him also that he should be with you by eight this evening, when you had finished dinner."

      "Why could he not dine with me?" he thought. "Sends a telegram for me, and then leaves me to dine alone. It is not like Lance."

      But СКАЧАТЬ