Some Jewish Witnesses For Christ. Bernstein Aaron
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Название: Some Jewish Witnesses For Christ

Автор: Bernstein Aaron

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Биографии и Мемуары




СКАЧАТЬ canon. Well versed in Hebrew literature, he was appointed censor of Hebrew books, first at Cremona, afterwards (1567), at Venice. In this capacity he permitted (1557) the publication of the "Zohar," and edited the "Tur" in 1558.

      Eskelis, Denis Baron de, and his sister, Countess of Winifen, son and daughter of Freiherr Von Bernhard Eskelis, Austrian financier, who was the founder of the Austrian National Bank, embraced Christianity in the nineteenth century. Denis succeeded his father in the management of the banking-house.

      Felix Pratensis, born at Prato, Italy, in the second half of the fifteenth century, died at Rome in 1539. In 1518 he embraced Christianity, then joined the Augustine Order and devoted himself to missionary work among his brethren. He had a perfect knowledge of three languages, and displayed such great fervour, though apparently with little discretion, in his sermons, that he was called "the Jews' scourge." While still a member of the synagogue, Felix published a Latin translation of the Psalms, entitled, "Psalterium ex Hebræo ad Verbum Translatum," Venice 1515. He arranged the Masorah for the "Biblia Veneta," 1518, published by his disciple Bromberg.

      Ferretti Francesco Maria (Abot), whose Jewish name was Sabbathai Nahum, was a native of Ancona or had been rabbi there, for he calls himself d'Ancona. He embraced Christianity in 1734. He wrote a book entitled, "La Verita della Fede Christiana," Venice, 1741. In this book there is a prayer in Hebrew and Italian which gives us an insight into his experience and life as a seeker after the truth.

      The prayer is as follows: —

      "Creator of the worlds, Lord of lords! It is revealed and known before the Throne of Thy Majesty that for many years my heart is restless and my spirit is drawn hither and thither, in that the thought occurs to me to forsake the faith of my fathers and to accept the Christian faith. I do not, however, know whether this desire is good, a pure effect of the working of the Holy Spirit, which aims at my salvation, and is determined before the Throne of Thy Majesty, that Thy will and pleasure should be accomplished in this faith. It is also known unto Thee that just when I am in the synagogue or in the houses of study, and even in the highest festivals when I am engaged in prayer, the desire of acknowledging the Christian faith inflames my heart and mind to the utmost. I cannot do otherwise. I must leave my bed in the middle of the night, and with bitter tears which Thou wilt not disdain, beseech Thee, that on the ground of Thy thirteen attributes, Thou mayest deliver me from these inward vexations. Yet they become stronger and more vehement every day, so that I am powerless to overcome them, and in weariness repine. No sooner does one thought leave me than another arises; the one whispers this, the other that. I am dumb and without advice. Thou knowest also that, after I made an excursion and returned home, I felt a little easier, but these thoughts took hold of me more mightily, making me anxious with fear and dread, and giving me not a moment's rest either day or night. They pursue me while dreaming or awake, on all my ways, so that life is a misery to me. Therefore, O Lord, Thou God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who art enthroned over the Cherubim, hear me! O Lord, hearken unto me! Here I am, here I am! Behold, in fasting and in prayer I supplicate Thy lovingkindness and grace, that Thou mayest graciously incline to me from Thy throne of glory and grant my request. O, my God, teach me to pray humbly and acceptably. Give me a new and pure heart, and renew my spirit, that I may be enabled to understand the inward emotions and to perceive the truth. Save me from this tribulation, and lead me in the right way. If it is determined before the Throne of Thy Majesty that I should accept the Christian faith, because it is good, holy, and acceptable to Thee; O, so may it please Thee that I should walk about in peace, and not depart from Thy way and will. All things come from Thee, and Thou hast dominion over all, and Thou enlightenest the eyes of those who love Thee, and Thou accomplishest that which is in accordance with Thy counsel. When after this month is passed, these spiritual emotions do not cease, then I will in truth acknowledge that Thou alone from Thy dwelling place in heaven hast wrought this restlessness in me, in order to lead me to my soul's salvation. So take hold of me with Thy right hand, bring my soul near to redemption, and save me from mine enemies. Thou anointest my head with oil, my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. Praised be Thou, O Lord. Teach me Thy statutes. Praised be Thou who hearest prayer. Amen."

      Ferrus, Peter, a Jewish convert to Christianity, lived in Spain in the fifteenth century. He was a poet of ability, but lacked discretion as well as charity in his poems with regard to the Jews.

      Franchi, Guglielmo Dei, born in Rome, died there about 1660. After having embraced Christianity he joined the monastic order of Vallombrosa, and devoted himself to the dissemination of knowledge of Hebrew among Christians. In 1596 he published, at Rome, a Hebrew alphabet ("Alphabeticum Hebraicum"), giving the rules for the reading of Hebrew, and three years later a short Hebrew grammar. (Bergamo, 1599.)

      Gonzalo, Garcia De Santa Maria, son of Paul of Burgos, was baptized with his father in 1379, when he was eleven years old. He was appointed archdeacon of Briviesca in 1412, and then successively Bishop of Astorga, of Placentia, and of Siguenza. Besides his ecclesiastical and historical studies, he made himself familiar with Jewish literature, and was one of the most learned men of his time in Spain. He was present at the Council of Basel as a delegate from Aragon.

      Forti, Hortensius (Johanan Hazak), Jewish convert to Christianity, lived in the sixteenth century, born at Gorima, and settled at Prague, under Maximilian II. He wrote "Dikduk Leshon Kodesh," a Hebrew grammar, Prague, 1565-66, and "De Mystica Literarum Significatione," in which he expatiates on the different ways of writing the Holy Name. The latter work was published by Kircher in his "Oedipus Aegptytiacus ii."

      Heydeck, Don Juan, was before his conversion to Christianity a rabbi in Germany, and afterwards professor of Oriental languages at the University of Madrid. In 1792 he published a work in three vols. entitled, "Defense de la religion Christiana," in which he reputed the errors and attacks of Voltaire and Rousseau. This work next to the Bible was the means of convincing Dr. Cappadose and Da Costa of the truth of the Gospel. In 1807 Napoleon convoked a great Jewish Sanhedrin, when some of the delegate rabbis were exuberant in their flattery of him as if he had been the Messiah. Thus the Italian Rabbi Segri, in an oration in honour of Napoleon's birthday said: "Truly a supernatural genius appeared upon earth, invested with greatness and infinite fame." Et ecce cum nubibus cœli quasi Filius hominis veniebat et dedit ei potestatem et honorem et regnum (Dan. vii. 13). R. David Zinsheimer, of Strassburg, applied to him in a sermon, Isa. xlii. 1, 4, 6. Another Italian rabbi opened the sitting with a speech in which this passage occurs in reference to Napoleon. Le genie createur, qui parmi les mortels est le mieux formée à l'image de Dieu, en suit les traces sublime. It was then that Heydeck wrote to them, "If the Son of Man shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed" (John viii. 36.) (See "Christen und Juden," by Dr. A. Fürst, p. 202. See also the "Missionary Journal" of Dr. Joseph Wolf, 1824, containing a letter of Heydeck to a friend of Wolf in England, in which he expresses great interest in Wolf's journey to Jerusalem, and asks his correspondent to tell him that it is his wish that he may become like Joseph in Egypt, a deliverer of his brethren according to the flesh.)

      Henekstein, Alfred Freiherr Von, born at Ober Dobling, Austria, 1810, died in Vienna, 1882. He was the son of the banker Joseph Von Henekstein, and embraced Christianity in 1828. Joining the army in the same year, he was gradually promoted, until in 1869 he was appointed Chief of the General Staff. As such he acted under Benedek in the Austro-Prussian war, when the Austrian army, through the blunders of commanding officers, was defeated, and he and his superior were arrested to appear before a court-martial. After some time the court was dismissed without having given judgment. Leaving the army, Henekstein passed the rest of his life in retirement in Vienna.

      Hess, Ernst Friedrich, lived in the sixteenth century. He was the author of a controversial book entitled, "Neue Juden-geissel," cited as "Flagellum Judæorum." (Fritzlar, 1589.) (Strack, "Sind die Juden Verbrecher," p. 7.)

      Ibn Vives, Juan, grandson of one of the richest Jews of Valencia, was the author of a book entitled, "Veritate Fidei Christianæ." It is asserted in the "Jewish Encyclopædia" that he did this in self-defence, because he was condemned СКАЧАТЬ