A Brief Handbook of English Authors. Adams Oscar Fay
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Название: A Brief Handbook of English Authors

Автор: Adams Oscar Fay

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ poems, but The Canterbury Tales is his greatest work. He is rightly called the Father of Eng. Song, since it is with him that Eng. poetry really begins. He gave form to the language, and blended the French and Eng. influences into a harmonious whole. His verse, in the main, is easy and musical, and shows a love of nature. See publications of the Chaucer Society. Chaucer, by A. W. Ward. See Gilman's edition of Chaucer in 3 vols., 1879. Pub. Hou.

      Chesterfield, Earl of. See Stanhope, Philip.

      Chettle, Henry. Fl. c. 1600. Dramatist. Prolific, but valueless.

      Chillingworth, Wm. 1602–1644. Theologian. Author of Religion of Protestants a Safe Way to Salvation, a celebrated work. See Oxford edition, 3 vols., 8vo, 1838.

      Chitty, Joseph. 1776–1841. Jurist. Author of Practical Treatise on Criminal Law, Synopsis of Practice, and other invaluable legal text-books. Pub. Lip.

      Chorley, Henry Fothergill. 1808–1872. Musical critic. Author Thirty Years' Musical Recollections, Criticisms on Modern German Music, etc., and of numerous songs and opera librettos. See Autobiography, Memoirs and Letters, 2 vols., London, 1873. Pub. Ho.

      Christmas, Henry. See Noel-Fearn.

      Church, Alfred John. 1829 – . Stories from Homer, Stories from Virgil, Poems, etc. Of the poems, Unseen is one of the best. Pub. Har.

      Church, Richard Wm. 1815 – . Author Life of Anselm, University Sermons, Civilization before and after Christianity, Sacred Poetry of Early Religions, Spenser in Eng. Men of Letters, etc. Pub. Har. Mac.

      Churchill, Charles. 1731–1764. Satirical poet. The Rosciad is his chief work. Was at one time an extremely popular poet. See Essay on, by Macaulay.

      Cibber [sĭb´ber], Colley. 1671–1757. Dramatist. Author of The Careless Husband, She Would and She Would Not, and some 20 other plays. See his Apology for his Life.

      Clare, John. 1793–1864. Pastoral poet. Author Poems of Rural Life and Scenery, etc. Some of his verse has great beauty. See J. L. Cherry's Life of, London, 1873.

      Clarendon, Earl of. See Hyde, Edward.

      Clarke, Adam. 1760–1832. Irish bibliographer. Author Commentary on the Bible, Bibliographical Dict., Succession of Sacred Lit., etc. An industrious, careful writer. Pub. Phi.

      Clarke, Charles Cowden. 1787–1877. Author of Shakespeare Characters, Molière Characters, Riches of Chaucer, etc. Pub. Scr.

      Clarke, Mrs. Mary Cowden. 1809 – . Wife to C. C. C. Shakespearean scholar. Author of the noted Concordance of Shakespeare, World-Noted Women, and several vols. of verse. With her husband was editor of an annotated edition of Shakespeare, 1869. Pub. Cas. Lit.

      Clarke, Samuel. 1675–1729. Metaphysician. Author of numerous metaphysical works written in a simple yet vigorous and eloquent style.

      Cleveland, John. 1613–1658. Poet. A famous Cavalier writer. His verse is satirical and amatory in character.

      Clifford, Wm. Kingdon. 1845–1879. Scientist. Author Lect. and Essays, Elements of Dynamics, Seeing and Thinking, and Mathematical Papers. See biographical introduction to Lect. and Essays, by F. Pollock. Pub. Mac.

      Clive, Mrs. Archer. 1801 – . Novelist. Author Paul Ferrol, Why Paul Ferrol Killed his Wife, etc.

      Clough [kluf], Arthur Hugh. 1819–1861. Author of The Bothie of Tober-na Vuolich, Amours de Voyage, both hexameter poems, Dipsychus, and minor poems. His verse shows a mastery of metre and a thoughtful, earnest spirit. See Atlantic Monthly, April, 1862; Hutton's Essays; Matthew Arnold's Essays in Criticism; Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 4. Pub. Ho. Mac.

      Cobbe, Frances Power. 1822 – . Philosophical writer. Author of Intuitive Morals, Religious Duty, Darwinism in Morals, The Peak in Darien, Duties of Women, etc. A clear, able, and vigorous writer. Pub. El.

      Cobbett, Wm. 1762–1835. Political writer. Style idiomatic and rancorous. See Robert Walker's How to Get on in the World, as Demonstrated by the Life and Language of William Cobbett.

      Cobden, Richard. 1804–1865. Statesman. See Political Writings of London, 1867; Speeches, etc., in London, 1870; Gilchrist's Life of, 1865; and Recollections of, by Ashworth. Pub. Apl.

      Cockburn [kō´burn], Henry Thos., Lord. 1779–1854. Jurist. Author Life and Correspondence of Lord Jeffrey, and Memorials of his Times.

      Coke, Sir Edward. c. 1549–1634. Jurist. Best known by his famous Coke upon Littleton, or the First Institute.

      Colenso, John Wm. 1814–1883. Bp. Natal. Theologian. Author of The Pentateuch and Joshua Critically Examined, Lect. on the Pentateuch and Moabite Stone, etc. An able and vigorous writer.

      Coleridge [kōl´rĭj], Hartley. 1796–1849. Poet. Son to S. T. C. Author of Poems, Essays, Life of Massinger, etc. Style in both prose and verse clear and beautiful. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 4.

      Coleridge, Henry Nelson. 1800–1843. Neph. to S. T. C. Essayist. Style able and scholarly.

      Coleridge, John Taylor. 1790–1876. Neph. to S. T. C. Author of an annotated Blackstone, Memoir of John Keble, etc.

      Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. 1772–1834. Poet and philosopher. Author of The Ancient Mariner, Christabel, Kubla Khan, etc., in verse; Lect. on Shakespeare, Table-Talk, The Friend, Biographia Literaria, etc., in prose. A man of great genius, who accomplished little commensurate with it. His best, however, is unsurpassable. See 9 vol. edition, N. Y., 1853-4. See Gilman's Life of; Personal Recollections of Joseph Cottle.

      Coleridge, Sara. 1803–1852. Dau. to S. T. C. and wife to H. N. C. Editor of her father's works, and author of the exquisite romance Phantasmion. A writer of much critical ability. See Memoir of. Pub. Har. 1873.

      Collier, Jeremy. 1650–1726. Theologian. His famous pamphlet against the immorality of the stage greatly helped to purify Eng. literature.

      Collier, John Payne. 1789–1883. Shakespearean scholar. Best known in connection with the famous Collier MSS. of Notes and Emendations to the text of Shakespeare. See Atlantic Monthly, Oct., 1859, and Sept., 1861. Pub. Scr.

      Collins, Mortimer. 1827–1876. Novelist. Author Sweet Anne Page, Marquis and Merchant, etc. Pub. Apl. Har.

      Collins, Wm. 1720–1756. Poet. Famous for his musical odes, as The Passions, Evening, and the poem How Sleep the Brave. C. occupies a high place among minor poets. See Johnson's Lives of the Poets.

      Collins, Wm. Wilkie. 1824 – . Novelist. Excels all other novelists in the construction of plots. The Woman in White is his most famous story. Pub. Har.

      Colman, George. 1733–1794. Dramatist. Composed nearly 30 comedies, of which The Jealous СКАЧАТЬ