The Tempering. Charles Buck
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Название: The Tempering

Автор: Charles Buck

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ before he replied, and when he spoke his own manner retained its imperturbability.

      "I didn't offer gratuitous criticism, Larry," he suggested. "I merely declined another toddy."

      "You know my case, Tom" – the younger of the two caught him up quickly; "you know that no younger son ever came out from England with fairer expectations of succeeding on his own. I've been neither the fool nor the shirk – and yet – " A shrug of disgust finished the sentence.

      Colonel Wallifarro studied his cigar ash without rejoinder, and when Larry Masters failed to draw a return fire of argument, he sat for a minute or two glumly silent. Then, as his thoughts coursed back into other years, a slow light kindled in his eyes, as if for a dead dream.

      "You were always sceptical about Middlesboro, even when others were full of faith – but why?" he demanded. "To you, with your Bluegrass ideas of fat acres, these hills must always be the ragged fringes of things, a meagre land without a future. It was only that you lacked imagination."

      The speaker swept torrentially on with as much of argumentative warmth as though he had not just confessed himself ruined by reason of his own former confidence.

      "Where the Gap came through lay the natural gateway of the hills, hewn out in readiness by the hand of the Almighty. There was water-power – ore. There was coal, for smelter and market, timber awaiting the axe and the saw-mill – the whole tremendous treasure house of a natural Eldorado."

      "Perhaps," observed the Colonel, "and yet, when all is said and done, it was only a boom – and it collapsed. Whatever the causes, the results are definite."

      "Yes, it collapsed, and we went with it." Masters paused to take up and empty the glass which had started the discussion, then with a heightened excitement he swept on afresh:

      "Yet how near we came! Gad, man, your own eyes saw our conception grow! You saw lots along what had been creek-bed trails sell at a footage-price that rivalled New York's best avenues, and you yourself recognized in me, for all your scepticism, a man with a golden future. Then – after all that – you saw me jolly well ruined – and yet you prate of what life may hold for me in the vigour of my middle-age."

      "All that happened ten years back, however," the elder man equably reminded his companion. "It was the old story of a boom and a collapse – and one misfortune – even one disaster – need not break a man's spirit. You might have come back."

      The eyes of the portly gentleman rested in a momentary glance on the bottle and glass, but that may have been chance. At least he did not mention them.

      "You think I might have come back, do you?" The voice of the Englishman had hardened. "I don't want to be nasty or say disagreeable things. You've been a staunch friend to me – even when Anne found herself growing bitter against me. Well, I don't blame her. Her people had been leaders always. She had the divine right to an assured place in society, and I had failed. I suppose it was natural enough for her to feel that she'd been done in – but it happened to be the finish of me. I'd sweated blood to make Middlesboro – and I didn't have the grit left to commence over."

      For the first time Colonel Wallifarro's attitude stiffened, bringing up his silver-crowned head defensively.

      "Anne didn't leave you for financial reasons, Larry," he asserted steadily. "She's my kinswoman, and you are my friend, but no purpose is to be served by my listening to ex parte grievances from either of you."

      Masters shrugged his shoulders. "I dare say you're quite right," he admitted. "But be that as it may, she did leave me – left me flat. If she didn't divorce me, it wasn't out of consideration for my feelings. It would almost have been better if she had. All I ever succeeded in doing for her was to make her the poor member of a rich family – and that's not enviable by half. And yet if I'd been a sheer rotter, I could scarcely have fared worse."

      "If it wasn't consideration for you, at least it was for some one who should be important to you. As it is, your little girl isn't growing up under the shadow of a sensational divorce record."

      The pale blue eyes of the Englishman softened abruptly, and the lips under the short-clipped moustache changed from their stiffness to the curvature of something like a smile. Into his expression came a lurking, half-shy ghost of winsomeness. "Yes, yes," he muttered, "the kiddie. God bless her little heart!"

      After a moment, though, he drew back his shoulders with a jerk and spoke again in a harsher timbre.

      "Anne has been fair enough with me about the child, though I'm bound to say I've been jolly well made to understand that it was only a chivalrous and undeserved sort of generosity. Well, the kiddie's almost twelve now, and before long she'll be a belle, too – poor, but related to all the first families."

      Masters paused, and when he went on again it was still with the air of a repressed chafing of spirit.

      "I dare say her mother will see to it that she doesn't repeat the mistake of the previous generation – marrying a man with only a splendid expectancy. Her heart will be schooled to demand the assured thing. That pointing with pride – a gesture which you Kentuckians so enjoy – well, with my little girl, it will all be done toward the distaff branch. There won't be much said about the wastrel father."

      "Perhaps," suggested the other, "you are a little less than just."

      "I dare say. She'll be a heart-breaker before long now – and listen, man" – Masters came a step nearer – "don't make any mistake about me either. When she's here, the bottle goes under lock and key. I play the game where she's concerned."

      Colonel Wallifarro nodded slowly. "I know that, Larry," he hastily answered. "I know that. If the breach hadn't widened too far, I'd go as far as a man could to bring your family together again under one roof-tree."

      "That's no use, of course," admitted Masters with a dead intonation. "Only remember that down here where I'm chained to my little job, life ain't so damned gay and sunny at best – and don't begrudge me my liquor."


      During those following months, when Asa Gregory lay in jail, first in Frankfort, then in Louisville, as a prisoner of state, who had been denied bail, the boy back in the laurel-mantled hills smouldered with passionate resentment for what he believed to be a monstrous injustice. In his quest of education he sought refuge from the bitter brooding that had begun to mar his young features with its stamp of sullenness. Asa had killed men before, but it had been in that feud warfare which was sanctioned by his own conscience. Now he stood charged with a murder done for hire, the mercenary taking off of a man for whom he had no enmity save that of the abstract and political. Upon his kinsman's innocence the boy would have staked his life, and yet he must look helplessly on and see him thrown to the lions of public indignation.

      Of Saul, he hardly thought at all. Saul was small-fry. The Commonwealth would treat him as such, but upon Asa it would wreak a surcharged anger, because to send Asa Gregory to the gallows would be to establish a direct link between the Governor who had pardoned him and mountain murder-lust.

      Already the Secretary of State had been disposed of with a promptitude which, his friends asserted, savoured rather of the wolf pack than the courtroom. The verdict had been guilty, and his case was now pending on a motion for rehearing.

      Already, too, a stenographer, who had been in the employ of the fugitive Governor, had been given a life sentence and had preferred accepting it without appeal to risking the graver alternative of the gallows.

      As he lay in jail waiting until the slow grind of the law-mill should bring him into its hopper, Asa too recognized СКАЧАТЬ