A Mere Chance: A Novel. Vol. 2. Ada Cambridge
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Название: A Mere Chance: A Novel. Vol. 2

Автор: Ada Cambridge

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика


isbn: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/38084


СКАЧАТЬ on the chimney-piece, and looked at his watch.

      "Dear me," he muttered briskly, as if struck with a sudden thought, "a quarter to six, I do declare! Excuse me a few minutes, Kingston."

      "Certainly," replied Mr. Kingston. And then he went out.

      "How stupid they are!" cried poor Rachel to herself, almost stamping her foot with vexation. But there was no help for it. The affianced couple were once more left to themselves – as affianced couples should be, and should like to be – in the pleasant firelight and no less pleasant twilight shadows that were filling the quiet room.

      Mr. Kingston rose, took his reluctant sweetheart's hand, and led her back to the sofa by the hearth.

      "What time do they have dinner here?" he asked.

      "Seven o'clock," said Rachel, with a sinking heart.

      "Then we shall have nearly an hour to ourselves, shan't we? Come then, and let us have a good long talk. But first, I've got something for you."

      He began to fumble in his pockets, and presently drew forth a little square packet, neatly sealed up in paper, which he laid on Rachel's knee. Wise man! he had not had his long and varied experiences for nothing.

      The girl in smiling perplexity turned the mysterious parcel over and over, broke first one seal and then another with much delicate elaboration; cautiously stripped off the paper wrappings, and revealed, as she expected, a morocco jewel-case.

      "Oh, how kind!" she murmured, stroking it caressingly with her white fingers.

      "Open it before you say that," said he; "you don't know that there is anything in it yet."

      "Ah, but I know your ways," she rejoined; "I know it is sure to be something lovely." And then she lifted the lid, and exclaimed "O-o-oh!" with a long breath. There lay, on a bed of blue velvet, a beautiful little watch, thickly set on one side of the case with tiny diamond sparks, which on examination proved to illuminate the flourishes of a big R; and a chain of proportionate value was coiled around it.

      Rachel was in ecstacies. She had longed for a watch all her life, and had never yet had one, except an old silver warming-pan of her father's, which would not go into a lady's pocket.

      It was only lately that Mr. Kingston had discovered this fact; and he had immediately had one prepared for her, such as he considered would be worthy of her future position in society, and of his own reputation for good taste. He felt himself well repaid for his outlay at this moment. Of her own accord she put up her soft lips and kissed him, pouring out her childish gratitude for his thoughtfulness, and his kindness, and his goodness, in broken exclamations which were charmingly naïve and sweet.

      "You are always giving me things," she murmured, shyly stroking his coat sleeve.

      "Dear little woman!" he responded, with ardent embraces, from which she did not shrink – at least, not much; "it is my greatest pleasure in life to give you things."

      And from this substantial base of operations the astute lover opened the campaign which was to deliver her, a helpless captive, into his hands.

      "And now," he said, when the watch having been consigned to its pocket in her pretty homespun gown, and the chain artistically festooned from a button-hole at her waist, a suggestive silence fell upon them – "now I want to know what you mean by saying you won't be married till next year? Naughty child, you made me very miserable with that letter. Though to be sure it was better than the other one, which was so horribly, so really brutally, cold that I had to go to the fire to get warm after reading it. Oh, Rachel, you are not half in love yet, I fear!"

      "Don't say that," she murmured, with tender compunction.

      "And I believe that is why you wish to put off our marriage."

      "Oh, don't say that!" she repeated, weakly anxious to re-assure and conciliate him, and to postpone unpleasantness – woman-like, afraid of the very opportunity that she wanted when she saw herself unexpectedly confronted with it. "I don't wish to put it off – only for a little while."

      "Do you call till next year a little while? Because I don't."

      "Of course it is. Why, here is August!"

      "And there are five long months – double the time we have been engaged already. And it wouldn't be comfortable to be travelling in the hot season."

      "You said spring would be a nice time," suggested Rachel. She was touching his sleeve with timid, deprecatory caresses, and she was desperately frightened and anxious.

      "Yes; this spring – not twelve months hence. Oh, my pet, do let it be this spring. There are three lovely months before us, and I should like to get that Sydney house. I have the offer of it still for a few days; I got them to keep it open till I could consult you. You must remember that I am not as young as you are, Rachel; a year one way or the other may be of no account to you, but it is of very great importance to me."

      There was a touch of impatience and irritation in his voice, which helped her to pluck up courage to cling to her resolve.

      At the same time she heard the soft ticking of that precious watch at her side; her heart was touched and warmed by what she called his "kindness;" and she was anxious to do anything that she could do to please him.

      "Won't it do when the house is built?" she asked, in a wheedling, cowardly, coaxing tone, as she laid her cheek for a moment on his shoulder. "I will come back to Melbourne as soon as you like – I can stay with Beatrice, if aunt likes to remain here. We can be together almost as if we were married. We can ride together every day, and watch how the house goes on; and you know aunt doesn't mind how much you are with us at Toorak. Only if you would consent to put off the wedding till then – "

      "Will you promise to marry me then?" he asked quickly.

      "Yes, I will, really," she replied, without any hesitation, thankful for the reprieve, which she had been by no means sure of getting.

      "As soon as the house is built?"

      "As soon as the house is finished."

      "No – not finished; that mayn't be next year, nor the year after. As soon as the roof is on?"

      Rachel paused.

      "How long does that take?"

      "Oh, a long time – ever so long."

      She paused again, with a longer pause. And then,

      "Very well," she sighed, resignedly.

      "It is a bargain? You promise faithfully? On your solemn word of honour?"

      "Oh, don't make such a terrible thing of it!" she protested, with a rather hysterical laugh, that showed signs of degenerating into a whimper. "I can only say I will."

      "And that is enough, my sweet. I won't require you to reduce it to writing. Your word shall be your bond. It is a long while to wait, but I must try to be patient. At any rate, it is a comfort to be done with uncertainty, and to have a fixed time to arrange for. And now, perhaps, we ought to go and dress. Tell me how much it wants to seven, Rachel; you have the correct Melbourne time."