Adventures of a Young Naturalist. Lucien Biart
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Название: Adventures of a Young Naturalist

Автор: Lucien Biart

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Книги о Путешествиях




СКАЧАТЬ after repeating this process, brought him a cup of boiling coffee. Having been revived and strengthened in this way, the lad quite recovered his sprightliness, and soon asked when we were going to start.

      I gave a small present to the old couple who had so kindly accommodated us, and our little party began its second day's work; Gringalet sniffing the breeze, and evidently enjoying the excursion as much as any of the party.

      When the sun rose, the sky was covered with grayish clouds, driven along quickly by a north wind; but the weather was cool, and well adapted to walking. A limestone mountain rose right in front of us, the slope of which we had to climb; but ere we reached the top, we halted at least twenty times to take breath. Our little companion, with his head bent down towards the ground, struggled to retain his place by our side. At last we reached the summit, and felt at liberty to rest.

      Casting a glance on the plain beneath us, the boy surveyed a vast prairie, dotted over with clumps of bushes. He silently contemplated the panorama which was spread out beneath, although he failed to completely comprehend all that he saw.

      "Look at those black spots moving about over the plain," said he.

      "They are oxen," I replied.

      "Oxen! Why they are scarcely as big as Gringalet."

      "Don't you know that you must not trust to appearances? Recollect the trees you saw yesterday, which you thought were a forest."

      "But if, from this height, the oxen appear no larger than sheep, the sheep ought not to look greater than flies."

      "You can easily judge; there is a flock of goats down below."

      "A flock of goats! It is like a swarm of ants."

      "Exactly; but look at them through the telescope."

      Availing himself of the glass, which he used rather unskillfully, Lucien raised a sudden cry.

      "I see them! I see them!" he exclaimed. "How pretty they are! They are running about and crowding together, in front of a little boy who is driving them."

      "It is most likely a man, who is diminished by the distance."

      "The idea of men of that size!"

      "Well, look at the foot of that wooded hill; the thin line which you might easily take for a mere pathway is the main road. Perhaps you may see an Indian family travelling along it."

      Lucien kept shifting his telescope about for some minutes without descrying any thing; but at last he broke out in a fresh exclamation.

      "Have you discovered any men?" I asked.

      "Oh yes! – men, horses, and mules; but they are regular Lilliputians."

      "You are quite right," said Sumichrast; "how do we know that Dr. Swift did not first form his idea of 'Gulliver's Travels' from looking at the world from the top of a high mountain?"

      After a time, I was obliged to take the young observer away from this point for contemplation to proceed on our journey. The ridge of the mountain was soon crossed, and we began to descend the other side. I took Lucien by the hand, for the slope was so steep that it needed the utmost care to avoid rolling down over the naked rocks. Several times I slipped, and scratched my legs among the bushes. Sumichrast, who had taken his turn in looking after the boy, was no better off than myself. The descent was so steep that we were often forced to run, and sometimes the only thing possible to retard our impetus was to fall down, and run the risk of being hurt. Therefore, in spite of Lucien's promise to walk prudently and with measured step, I declined to allow him to go alone. We at last, to our great satisfaction, got over about two-thirds without any accident, when l'Encuerado, losing his equilibrium, fell, turning head over heels several times; the basket and its bearer chasing one another down the hill, finally disappearing into a thicket.

      "Look after Lucien," I said to my companion, who was a few paces in front. And I dashed forward anxiously to assist l'Encuerado.

      I feared that I should find the unfortunate Indian with some of his bones broken, even if not killed; so I called to him, when he replied almost immediately; but his voice sounded not from below, but from a spot a little to my left. I could not stay my rapid course except by grasping a tuft of brush-wood, to which I hung. Then, turning towards the left, I soon encountered the Mistec, who had already begun to collect his burden.

      "Nothing broken?" I asked.

      "No, Tatita; all the bottles are safe."

      "It's your limbs that I mean, my poor fellow!"

      "Oh! my nose and arms are a little scratched, and my body is rather knocked about; but there's not a single rent either in my jacket or breeches," added he, looking with complacency at the leathern garments which had given him the name of l'Encuerado.

      "Well, you have had a narrow escape."

      "Oh! señor, God is good! In spite of the basket-work case, the bottles might have been broken, and they are not the least hurt."

      For my part, I was more inclined to recognize God's goodness in l'Encuerado's almost miraculous preservation. As to the basket, the Indian had tied it up so strongly, that I was not at all surprised to find that our provisions were uninjured.

      "Give a call-cry," said I to the Indian, "Sumichrast can not see us, and may think that you are killed."

      "Chanito, hiou, hiou, hiou, Chanito!"

      "Ohé! ohé!" replied Lucien.

      And the boy, looking pale and alarmed, almost immediately made his appearance. He rushed up to his friend, threw his arms round his neck, and embraced him. The brave Mistec, who had been but little injured by his terrible descent, could not help weeping at this proof of Lucien's attachment.

      "It was nothing but a joke," he said. "You'll see me perform many a feat like that."

      "Your face is all over with blood!"

      "That's a mere joke, too. Would you like me to do it again?"

      "No, no!" cried the child, catching the Indian by the jacket.

      I dressed l'Encuerado's hurts, and we were about to continue our journey.

      "I say," said Lucien, archly, just as the Indian was hoisting his basket on to his back; "how would it have been if I had been perched on it?"

      "Then I should not have fallen," replied l'Encuerado, with the utmost gravity.

      In a minute or two more we were at the foot of the mountain, when Lucien, overjoyed that the descent was accomplished, gave a leap which showed me that the back of his trowsers had suffered in the late struggle.

      "There's a pretty beginning!" I cried; "how did you manage to get your trowsers in that state?"

      "It is my fault," said Sumichrast, with consternation; "wishing to descend more rapidly, and fearing another tumble, I advised him to sit down and slide carefully. I did not foresee the very natural results of such a plan."

      "Well, papa! it does not matter in the country."

      "If my advice had been taken," broke in l'Encuerado, "he would have had a pair of leathern pantaloons, which wouldn't suffer from such contingencies. Never mind, Chanito, we'll mend them with the skin of the first squirrel which comes within reach of my gun."

      We СКАЧАТЬ