The Natural History of Cage Birds. Bechstein Johann Matthäus
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Название: The Natural History of Cage Birds

Автор: Bechstein Johann Matthäus

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ The Natural History of Cage Birds / Their Management, Habits, Food, Diseases, Treatment, Breeding, and the Methods of Catching Them


      The Natural History of Cage Birds, which I now lay before the public, is a work I have long been solicited to write. There are many people who like to keep birds, who neither know their habits nor the proper treatment or food requisite for them. Even those who are not altogether ignorant of these, often have but very limited, superficial, and, what is worse, sometimes erroneous ideas on the subject. It is for such readers I have given the following Introduction; for professed naturalists will find nothing there but what they have already learnt, either from my own works or from those of other authors on natural history.

      If long experience and minute observation on the subject of his work is calculated to gain an author credit, I flatter myself that this will not be denied me, since from my earliest youth I have delighted in being surrounded with birds, and am so accustomed to them that I cannot write at my desk with pleasure, or even with attention, unless animated by the warbling of the pleasing little creatures which enliven my room. My passion is carried so far, that I always have about thirty birds around me, and this has naturally led me to consider the best and easiest mode of procuring them, as well as of feeding and preserving them in health. Few amateurs, therefore, are better fitted than myself to write on this subject; and I hope I have done it to the satisfaction of the public. I ought also to notice in this place the plan of my work, as my book may fall into the hands both of those who might feel a wish to learn more particulars, and of those who may think much less would have sufficed.

      I have described all the indigenous European birds with which I am acquainted that are capable of being tamed, and are pleasing in the house. As to foreign ones, I have only spoken of those I have occasionally seen in Germany, and which can be procured without much difficulty.

      I have followed the same plan in their natural history which I have pursued in my other works on birds.

      Description. – Under this head I have entered into particular details, in order that the amateur may the better satisfy himself in discriminating the species and the sex of the bird before him. This knowledge is exceedingly necessary, as the bird-dealers are not very scrupulous in deceiving their customers, either by selling one species for another, or a female for a male. These descriptions may likewise have the advantage of inspiring a taste for ornithology in the bosom of a mere amateur, who may, by repeated observations, afterwards enrich this branch of natural history with his own remarks.

      Habitation. – On forming a wish to possess any particular bird, it is natural to try to discover what situations it frequents in order to find it, and when it has been found and secured, a desire to know the best place to keep it in follows as a matter of course.

      Food. – In keeping tame birds it is most important to know what food is best adapted to each species; that is to say, what approaches nearest to its natural aliment. I have therefore divided the directions on this point into two parts; showing in the first the natural food of the bird in its wild state, and in the second what is best for it in confinement.

      Breeding. – Many birds succeed best when reared from the nest, which makes it necessary to speak of their manner of being hatched, and the like.

      Diseases. – Birds being very tender creatures, on passing from a state of liberty to slavery, in which they lose the means of exercise and proper food, are soon afflicted with many diseases occasioned by this change alone, without reckoning others that naturally follow in their train. Under this head I endeavour to point out these, and their proper treatment; but I confess that this is the most imperfect part of my work, and I wish some clever experienced medical man would take the trouble to render it more correct.

      Chase. – On going into the country a wish often arises to procure a bird, and therefore under this head I have described the method of catching such species as may be desired.

      Attractive Qualities. – Under this head I have stated the properties which render a bird worthy of our notice, and of being tamed and kept in the house.

      The volume ends with an alphabetical index, which will enable a person instantly to find the birds whose history he requires. May my work be as useful as it is my wish to make it, and my intentions will be accomplished.


      The call for a second edition is no inconsiderable proof to me that I accomplished my purpose in the first. None of my works have had a more flattering reception, from all classes of readers; but particularly from some of the most distinguished, who have given me repeated proofs of their satisfaction. I have also had the pleasure of assisting many amateurs with my experience, who have honoured me with questions. This pleasure is now increased by being able to render these instructions general, and to perfect this new edition by later observations, some communicated by others, which I judged it right to introduce. If any reader is surprised at not finding in this work many foreign birds seen in France, Holland, or in some of the maritime towns of Germany, it is because I have never had an opportunity of observing them myself: in a word, it is very pleasing to me to feel that my work has increased the number of the lovers of natural history; and I hope to see them still increasing. It is, indeed, my earnest wish that it may contribute more and more to the love of that class of attractive creatures with which the Creator has adorned the earth, and which sing His praises so melodiously and unceasingly!


      A new edition of my Natural History of Cage Birds having been called for, I have made many additions and improvements in the work, as will appear on comparison. Some have alleged that I have been too diffuse in my descriptions, and others find fault that I have introduced birds difficult to tame, such as the gold-crested wren and the common wren. In the latter case, at least, the most ample details are excusable, as the birds require more care; yet I know several amateurs who always have one or two wrens flying about a room, or in a cage, and to let loose so delicate a little bird as the gold-crested wren always gives great pleasure. Besides, the minutest detail can never, in such cases, do any harm. I have likewise added some foreign birds, several of which have been but recently introduced in this country by bird dealers.


      November, 1812.


      The work of Dr. Bechstein upon Cage Birds has been so highly esteemed on the Continent that it has passed through several editions, both in the original and in translations. Besides rendering as faithfully as care could effect, the interesting details of the author, numerous notes have been added, as well as several species introduced, which have recently been kept with success in this country by the Hon. and Rev. Mr. Herbert, Mr. Sweet, Mr. Blyth, and others. The mode of management also peculiar to these, and so different in some points from that recommended by Dr. Bechstein, has been given in detail. It is to be hoped that this translation may have similar success, and produce similar effects in increasing the taste for Natural History, which the original has had on the Continent. It is proper to add, that the drawings of cages, which illustrate this edition, were selected by permission of Mr. Cato, Holborn Bridge, from the numerous elegant specimens which his stock contains.


      November 1837.


      By cage birds, I mean those kept by amateurs, for amusement, in their apartments, generally selected for sweetness of song or beauty of plumage; but the naturalist has other reasons for surrounding himself with these pleasing creatures: they enliven him, and he delights in studying their habits and characters. To attain these objects it is necessary, in the first place, to be able to distinguish СКАЧАТЬ