A Young Man's Year. Hope Anthony
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Название: A Young Man's Year

Автор: Hope Anthony

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ and earned his 'screw' (and Sidney held a good position in a wholesale linen-merchant's business and was doing well) he was entitled to his amusements – if you like, his dissipations – while he was young at all events. If indiscretions marked them, if one sometimes tumbled over the line, that was in the nature of the case. He would not have minded an encounter with Joe Halliday outside that public-house in the least – no, nor even with young Raymond Sarradet, Marie's brother though he was. Nay, he would not much have minded being seen even by Arthur Lisle himself; for if Arthur had been shocked, Sidney would, in all sincerity, have dubbed him a milksop; the man who would be shocked at a thing like that was certainly a milksop. He was not even afraid of Arthur's betraying him to Marie – not because he thought his enemy above that, but because he had an easy confidence that he could put the matter right with Marie, and a strong doubt whether women objected to that sort of thing so much as they were in the habit of pretending; in their hearts they like a man to be a man, Sidney would have told himself for comfort.

      The poison lay elsewhere. Under the influence of his liquor and the stress of his plight – wanting to prove to the policeman, to the 'chucker-out,' to the interested bystanders, that he was not a common tap-room frequenter but a 'gentleman' – he had let himself appeal for his warrant of gentility to the man whom he had derided for thinking himself so much (if you please!) a gentleman. Arthur Lisle's acquaintance was to prove to bystanders, policeman, and chucker-out, that he, Sidney Barslow, though drunk and in queer company, was yet a gentleman! And how had the appeal been received? He could not charge Arthur with cutting him, or leaving him in the lurch. He hated far worse the look he had seen in his enemy's eyes as they gazed steadfastly into his – the fastidious repulsion and the high contempt. True, on the sight of them he had withdrawn his appeal; he had preferred to accept defeat and humiliation at the hands of chucker-out and constable; but the fact of the appeal having been made remained with all its damning admission of inferiority. And that look of contempt he had seen again when Arthur Lisle, in answer to Joe Halliday's clumsy jokes, replied in his cool proud voice that, as he walked home by Oxford Street, he had met with "nothing out of the common." He had met a common fellow with a common woman, and, as was common, the common fellow was drunk. With all the sharpness wherewith humiliation pricks a man, with all the keenness wherewith hatred can read the mind of an enemy, he pointed for himself the meaning of Arthur's careless-sounding words.

      He was in a rage, not only with Arthur Lisle, but with himself and his luck – which had indeed been somewhat perverse. Lashing himself with these various irritants, he soon produced another sore spot – Marie Sarradet's behaviour. He was an older friend than Arthur; she had, he declared, backed Arthur up in his airy insolence; he swore to himself that he had seen her smile at it. At any rate she had not backed him up; to a man in a rage, or several rages, it was enough – more than enough for a man of his temper, to whom the desire for a woman was the desire for a mastery over her. And in the end he could not believe that that fragile whipper-snapper with his hoity-toity effeminate ways (the point of view is Sidney's) could be weighed in the balance against his own manly handsomeness, his dashing gallantry; why, he knew that he was a conqueror with women – knew it by experience!

      Marie and Raymond, Amabel Osling and himself had made up a four to play lawn-tennis on the hard courts at Acton. They had enjoyed their game and their tea. He and Marie had won after a close match, and were in a good humour with themselves. He was forgetting his grievance against her. She liked him playing games; he was a finely built fellow and looked really splendid in his white flannels; if he ordered her about the court like a master, it was a legitimate sway; he knew the game and played well. When, after tea, the other two sauntered off – for an open and unashamed flirtation – Marie had never felt more kindly towards him; she had really forgiven the bearishness of his behaviour, and was prepared to tell him so after a little lecture, which, by the way, she quite looked forward to giving; for she too was fond of domination. She started leading up to the lecture.

      "You seem to have found something since we last met, Sidney. I'm glad of it."

      "What do you mean?" he asked carelessly, as he filled his pipe. He did not see her drift.

      "Hadn't you mislaid something the other night?" Her dark eyes were dancing with mockery, and her lips twitched.

      Now he looked at her suspiciously. "I don't understand."

      "You might. I'm referring to your temper."

      "I'm not aware that I said anything rude to you. If I did, I apologise."

      "I'm not speaking of myself, but of my friends – my guests."

      He leant his arm on the table which stood between them. "Meaning Mr. Arthur Lisle?"

      "The smoke of your pipe blows in my face when you lean forward like that."

      "Sorry!" He laid his pipe down beside him. "Well, the fact is, I'm about fed up with Lisle."

      And Arthur Lisle was much in the same case – allowing for the difference of expression – as to Sidney! Marie smiled, but her brow wrinkled. "Sorry you don't like him, but it costs nothing to be polite."

      "Well, all I can say is that I shall be very much obliged if you'll ask us on different evenings."

      "That's assuming that I'm going to ask you on any evenings at all."

      She thought this smart flick of her whip would bring him to reason.

      "Oh, perhaps Lisle's going to be there every evening?"

      "Any evening that he likes, Pops and I will be very pleased to see him – with or without an invitation." She relented a little; he looked angry and obstinate, but he looked handsome too. "You too, if you won't be silly. Why do you dislike him so much?"

      He could not give her the whole reason; he gave what he could. "I see his game. He's always trying to come the swell over me and the rest of us."

      "I'm sure he doesn't mean to; it's just – "

      "His naturally aristocratic manner?" he sneered.

      Marie sat up straight and looked composedly at him. By now she was angry – and she meant to hurt. "That's exactly it, Sidney," she said, "and it's a pity everybody hasn't got it."

      She did hurt sorely. He had no code to keep him from hitting back, and his wrath was fierce. "Where did you learn so much about aristocratic manners? Behind the counter?"

      She flushed hotly; tears came in her eyes. He saw what he had done, and was touched to a sudden remorse.

      "Oh, I say, Marie, I didn't mean – !"

      "I shan't forget that," she said. "Never!"

      He shrugged his shoulders and stuck his pipe back in his mouth. He was ashamed, but obstinate still. "You brought it on yourself," he grumbled.

      "Yes, I forgot that I wasn't talking to a gentleman."

      He made one more effort after reconciliation. "Look here, Marie, you know what I think of you – "

      "Yes, I do – you've just told me."

      "Damnation!" he muttered, pulling at his pipe. Marie, looking carefully past him, began to put on her gloves. Thus Amabel and Raymond found them – with things obviously very wrong. Amabel diagnosed an offer and a refusal, but Raymond thought there must be even more behind his sister's stormy brow and clouded eyes. The journey back was not cheerful.

      Marie was indeed cut to the quick. Even to herself it was strange how deeply she was wounded. The Sarradets had never been ashamed of the shop; rather they had taken an honourable pride in it and in the growth of its fortunes from generation to СКАЧАТЬ