A Young Man in a Hurry, and Other Short Stories. Chambers Robert William
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Название: A Young Man in a Hurry, and Other Short Stories

Автор: Chambers Robert William

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Рассказы




СКАЧАТЬ deprived him of speech.

      Colonel Hyssop awaited his comrade at the club-house, nervously pacing the long veranda, gnawing his cigar. “Hello!” he called out, as Major Brent waddled up. “Have you bought the O’Hara place for us?”

      The Major made no attempt to reply; he panted violently at the Colonel, then began to run about, taking little, short, distracted steps.

      “Made a mess of it?” inquired the Colonel, with a badly concealed sneer.

      He eyed the Major in deepening displeasure. “If you get any redder in the face you’ll blow up,” he said, coldly; “and I don’t propose to have you spatter me.”

      “He – he’s an impudent swindler!” hissed the Major, convulsively.

      The Colonel sniffed: “I expected it. What of it? After all, there’s nobody on the farm to annoy us, is there?”

      “Wait!” groaned the Major – “wait!” and he toddled into the hall and fell on a chair, beating space with his pudgy hands.

      When the Colonel at length learned the nature of the threatened calamity, he utterly refused to credit it.

      “Rubbish!” he said, calmly – “rubbish! my dear fellow; this man Munn is holding out for more money, d’ye see? Rubbish! rubbish! It’s blackmail, d’ye see?”

      “Do you think so?” faltered the Major, hopefully. “It isn’t possible that they mean to come, is it? Fancy all those fanatics shouting about under our windows – ”

      “Rubbish!” said the Colonel, calmly. “I’ll write to the fellow myself.”

      All through that rainy month of May the two old cronies had the club-house to themselves; they slopped about together, fishing cheek by jowl as they had fished for thirty years; at night they sat late over their toddy, and disputed and bickered and wagged their fingers at each other, and went to bed with the perfect gravity of gentlemen who could hold their own with any toddy ever brewed.

      No reply came to the Colonel, but that did not discourage him.

      “They are playing a waiting game,” he said, sagely. “This man Munn has bought the land from O’Hara’s daughter for a song, and he means to bleed us. I’ll write to Sprowl; he’ll fix things.”

      Early in June Dr. Lansing and his young kinsman, De Witt Coursay, arrived at the club-house. They, also, were of the opinion that Munn’s object was to squeeze the club by threats.

      The second week in June, Peyster Sprowl, Master of Fox-hounds, Shadowbrook, appeared with his wife, the celebrated beauty, Agatha Sprowl, née Van Guilder.

      Sprowl, now immensely large and fat, had few cares in life beyond an anxious apprehension concerning the durability of his own digestion. However, he was still able to make a midnight mouthful of a Welsh rarebit on a hot mince-pie, and wash it down with a quart of champagne, and so the world went very well with him, even if it wabbled a trifle for his handsome wife.

      “She’s lovely enough,” said Colonel Hyssop, gallantly, “to set every star in heaven wabbling.” To which the bull-necked Major assented with an ever-hopeless attempt to bend at the waistband.

      Meanwhile the Rev. Amasa Munn and his flock, the Shining Band, arrived at Foxville in six farm wagons, singing “Roll, Jordan!”

      Of their arrival Sprowl was totally unconscious, the Colonel having forgotten to inform him of the threatened invasion.


      The members of the Sagamore Club heard the news next morning at a late breakfast. Major Brent, who had been fishing early up-stream, bore the news, and delivered it in an incoherent bellow.

      “What d’ye mean by that?” demanded Colonel Hyssop, setting down his cocktail with unsteady fingers.

      “Mean?” roared the Major; “I mean that Munn and a lot o’ women are sitting on the river-bank and singing ‘Home Again’!”

      The news jarred everybody, but the effect of it upon the president, Peyster Sprowl, appeared to be out of all proportion to its gravity. That gentleman’s face was white as death; and the Major noticed it.

      “You’ll have to rid us of this mob,” said the Major, slowly.

      Sprowl lifted his heavy, overfed face from his plate. “I’ll attend to it,” he said, hoarsely, and swallowed a pint of claret.

      “I think it is amusing,” said Agatha Sprowl, looking across the table at Coursay.

      “Amusing, madam!” burst out the Major. “They’ll be doing their laundry in our river next!”

      “Soapsuds in my favorite pools!” bawled the Colonel. “Damme if I’ll permit it!”

      “Sprowl ought to settle them,” said Lansing, good-naturedly. “It may cost us a few thousands, but Sprowl will do the work this time as he did it before.”

      Sprowl choked in his claret, turned a vivid beef-color, and wiped his chin. His appetite was ruined. He hoped the ruin would stop there.

      “What harm will they do?” asked Coursay, seriously – “beyond the soapsuds?”

      “They’ll fish, they’ll throw tin cans in the water, they’ll keep us awake with their fanatical powwows – confound it, haven’t I seen that sort of thing?” said the Major, passionately. “Yes, I have, at nigger camp-meetings! And these people beat the niggers at that sort of thing!”

      “Leave ’em to me,” repeated Peyster Sprowl, thickly, and began on another chop from force of habit.

      “About fifteen years ago,” said the Colonel, “there was some talk about our title. You fixed that, didn’t you, Sprowl?”

      “Yes,” said Sprowl, with parched lips.

      “Of course,” muttered the Major; “it cost us a cool hundred thousand to perfect our title. Thank God it’s settled.”

      Sprowl’s immense body turned perfectly cold; he buried his face in his glass and drained it. Then the shrimp-color returned to his neck and ears, and deepened to scarlet. When the earth ceased reeling before his apoplectic eyes, he looked around, furtively. Again the scene in O’Hara’s death-chamber came to him; the threat of Munn, who had got wind of the true situation, and the bribing of Munn to silence.

      But the club had given Sprowl one hundred thousand dollars to perfect its title; and Sprowl had reported the title perfect, all proceedings ended, and the payment of one hundred thousand dollars to Amasa Munn, as guardian of the child of O’Hara, in full payment for the O’Hara claims to the club property.

      Sprowl’s coolness began to return. If five thousand dollars had stopped Munn’s mouth once, it might stop it again. Besides, how could Munn know that Sprowl had kept for his own uses ninety-five thousand dollars of his club’s money, and had founded upon it the House of Sprowl of many millions? He was quite cool now – a trifle anxious to know what Munn meant to ask for, but confident that his millions were a buckler and a shield to the honored name of Sprowl.

      “I’ll see this fellow, Munn, after breakfast,” he said, lighting an expensive cigar.

      “I’ll go with you,” СКАЧАТЬ