Madeline Payne, the Detective's Daughter. Lynch Lawrence L.
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СКАЧАТЬ been far more drear, else your life might have known never a ray of sunlight, in the long days to come.

      On, on; nearer and yet nearer the long journey's end. Both thinking of her, but how differently!

      One pityingly, sadly, fearing for her fate, longing to save her from the precipice which she could not see and still wear that look of sweet trustfulness.

      One triumphantly, as of a fair prize gained; a new tribute to his power and strength; another smile from Chance; one more proof that he was a favored one of Fortune, and that life ever gave him good things from out the very best.

      They are very near their journey's end now, and Lucian Davlin whispers briefly to Madeline, and lounges out to give some necessary directions to the neglected companion of his wanderings.

      Hastily the young man opposite rises, and crossing to Madeline bends over her, speaking hurriedly.

      "Pardon me, madame, but are you a stranger to the city?"

      "Yes." After giving her answer she wonders why she did it, remembering that it is from a stranger the question comes, and that it is therefore an impertinence.

      "I thought as much!" – the blue eyes look troubled, and the manly voice hurries on. "The time may come, I hope it will not, when you will need a friend. If so, this card bears my address, – take it, keep it, and believe me, I speak from honest motives and a desire to serve you."

      He drops a card in her lap, and as she makes a gesture of repulsion, he says, entreatingly: "Take it; in the name of your mother I ask it."

      She snatches up the card impulsively, and looks for one moment straight in his eyes. Then drawing a long sighing breath says, simply, "I will," and turns away as she puts it in her pocket, never so much as glancing at it.

      "Thank you." He lifts his hat, and resumes his seat and his former attitude just as Lucian reappears.

      Now all was bustle and confusion, the journey's end was reached; and through the hurrying, jostling crowd, past flickering lamps, and sleepy guards, they went under the dusky arches of the mammoth city station, out among the bawling 'bus drivers and brawling hackmen, past them, until a carriage, that seemed to be in waiting for them just beyond the noisy crowd, was reached. Stepping into this, they were about to drive away when, in the shadow, and very near them, Madeline discerned the form of the Unknown of the railway train. Then Lucian gave the order from the carriage window, and they rolled away.

      The man in the shadow heard, and stepping into the nearest carriage, repeated the order given by Lucian the moment before, adding: "Quick; don't lose a moment!"

      And thus it was that a carriage passed swiftly by that which contained Davlin and his companion, and the flash of their vehicle's lamp showed Madeline the face looking from its window.

      Again that face seen in the shadow – how strange, thought she; but her lover was speaking and she forgot all else.

      "Darling, I must leave you soon. I came up to-night on a matter of business, and to meet a friend who will leave to-morrow early. I must therefore keep my appointment to-night, late as it is; or rather this morning, for it is midnight and past. You will not be afraid, dear, left alone for a little while in a great hotel?"

      "I am not afraid, Lucian, but – "

      "But lonely; is that it? Well, sweetheart, it's only for a little while, and to-morrow I will come for you, and all shall be arranged. We'll have no more separations then. Rest well and at noon to-morrow be ready; I will be with you then. Meantime, your every want will be supplied, and let the morrow find my little treasure bright-eyed and blooming."

      "Oh, Lucian, Lucian! how strange this seems. I can't realize it at all."

      He laughed lightly. "Not afraid, little one?"

      "Not afraid, Lucian, no; but I can't explain or describe my feelings. I suppose I need rest; that is all."

      "That is all, depend upon it; and here we are. One kiss, Madeline, the last till to-morrow."

      He folded her tenderly in his arms, and then sprang lightly from the carriage.

      Up and down, far as the eye could see, the street lamps glittered, and as Madeline stepped from the carriage she observed another roll away. High above her loomed the great hotel, and after midnight though it was, all here was life and bustle. The scene was novel to the half bewildered girl. Clinging to her lover's arm, she entered the reception-room and, sitting opposite the door, saw a form pass in the direction Lucian had taken, as he went to register her name and order for her "all that the house could afford."

      "I did not give your real name, because of your step-father, you know," said Lucian, upon his return. "I registered you as Miss Weir, that name being the first to occur to me."

      She looked a trifle disturbed, but said nothing. A few words more and a servant appeared.

      "To conduct you to your room," said Lucian.

      Together they moved towards the door; there he lifted his hat, with profound courtesy, and said in a very audible tone: "Good-night, Miss Weir; I will call to-morrow noon; pleasant dreams."

      "To-morrow noon," she echoed.

      As she watched his retreating figure, another passed her; a man who, meeting her eye, lifted his hat and passed out.

      "He again!" whispered the girl to herself; "how very strange."

      Alone in her room, the face of this man looked at her again, and sitting down, she said, wearily: "Who is he? what does he mean? His name – I'll look at the card."

      Taking it from her pocket, she read aloud: Clarence Vaughan, M. D., No. 430 B – street.

      "Clarence Vaughan, M. D.," she repeated. "What did he mean? I must tell Lucian to-morrow; to-night I am too weary to think. Search for me, John Arthur; find me if you can! To-morrow – what will it bring, I wonder?"

      Weary one, rest, for never again will you sleep so innocently, so free from care as now. Sleep well, nor dream!

      She slept. Of the three who had been brought into contact thus strangely, Madeline slept most soundly and dreamed the brighter dreams.

      It was the last ray of her sunlight; when the day dawned, her night began.

      CHAPTER V.


      An elegant apartment, one of a suite in a magnificent block such as are the pride of our great cities.

      Softest carpets, of most exquisite pattern; curtains of richest lace; lambrequins of costly texture; richly-embroidered and velvet-covered sleepy-hollows and lounging chairs; nothing stiff, nothing that did not betoken abandonment to ease and pleasure; downy cushions; rarest pictures; loveliest statuettes; finest bronzes; delicate vases; magnificent, full length mirrors, a bookcase, itself a rare work of art, containing the best works of the best authors, all in the richest of bindings – nothing here that the most refined and cultivated taste could disapprove, and yet everything bespoke the sybarite, the voluptuary. A place wherein to forget that the world held aught save beauty; a place for luxurious revelry, and repose filled with lotus dreams.

      Such was the bachelor abode of Lucian Davlin, as the glowing gas lights revealed it on the dark night of the arrival of this gentleman in the city.

      Moving СКАЧАТЬ