A Woman at Bay: or, A Fiend in Skirts. Carter Nicholas
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СКАЧАТЬ What do you want with him?"

      "By your l'ave, mister, I'll tell that to him when I find him. In the meantime, if youse be afther mindin' yere own business, it wouldn't hurrt ye any. Ye seem to be making of yerself a sort of highcockalorum elegantarium bosski. If ye tell me that ye know Hobo Harry, an' will take me to him, so's I can tell me story to him, mebby I'll answer ye; but not unless."

      Again there was silence; and this time it was Nick who brought it to an end.

      "Handsome," he said sharply, "who's this other bunch? What I want to know is, are they wid you?"

      "They are," was the quick reply. Then he wheeled quickly to Patsy again, and added:

      "Come with me – you – if you want to see the chief. I'll take you to him. The rest of you can wait where you are."



      A dead silence reigned around that camp fire for several moments after the two departed; but then the seven strangers who were left seated themselves in various attitudes, filled their pipes – or lit the stubs of half-smoked cigars, produced from their pockets; and after that, little by little, conversation was indulged in.

      The night was warm and balmy. There was no reason why any of them should seek other shelter than the boughs of the trees which already covered them; but Nick knew from the manner in which Handsome had left them that he expected to return, and that there was some other place near by to which he intended to take them – if the chief should say the word. And he saw now that Patsy, by rare forethought, had prepared for that very emergency.

      More than an hour had passed before Handsome made his appearance again; and then he loomed suddenly beside the camp fire, as silently and as stealthily as an Indian. Even Nick Carter, who was on the alert for his approach, did not hear him coming.

      "I'll take you now!" he said briefly to Nick. "The others can wait."

      Without a word more he turned away again, and Nick, leaping to his feet, followed him in silence through the darkness.

      The night was almost black in there among the trees, although the moon was shining above them; but nevertheless Nick had no difficulty in following his guide.

      They made directly for the railway tracks, and crossed the fence that intervened; but when they reached the top of the grade, Nick's guide halted and faced him.

      "You said you are Dago John," he said slowly. "Who might Dago John be, pard?"

      "They call me Dago John because I look like an Italian, I suppose, although I am not one," replied the detective. "But I try to carry out the idea. If you have worked your way through the South at all, maybe you've heard of Sheeny John. It will do as well as Dago John. A name doesn't make much difference."

      "It makes a sight of difference here, my friend. What's your lay?"

      "Anything that I can turn my hand to – or my brains."

      "You have an education?"


      "Can you write a good hand?"

      "It's my one fault that I can – too good a one."

      "Have you looked through the screens?" (Been in prison.)

      "Never yet – to stay there. What do you want to know all this for?"

      "I've been telling the main guy about you."

      "What about me?"

      "I told him of your strength, for one thing. There isn't another man in our outfit who could lift me off my feet the way you did it."

      Nick shrugged his shoulders.

      "I could have done it as easily if you had been twice the man you are," he said contemptuously.

      "There is no doubt of that. I don't bear you any ill will for it, either. Neither does the boss."

      "And who may he be, Handsome?"

      "Don't you know, Dago John?"

      "Maybe I do, and again maybe I don't."

      "Didn't you come here looking for him?"

      "Maybe so."

      "Well, who were you looking for?"

      "Maybe the same one that the other fellow was looking for – maybe not."

      "That's all right. You can come along, I guess. But I warn you to have a care what you say to him."

      "Say to who?"

      "To Hobo Harry. He isn't one to be trifled with."

      "Say, Handsome, on the level now, is there such a person?"

      "Sure there is. You'll find that out all right, too, before you are much older. Didn't you come up here to get into the gang? Isn't that what you are here for?"

      "Sure thing; but, on the level, I didn't think that I could do it so easy."

      Handsome laughed as if he were intensely amused.

      "If you think that you are in it now, you are very much mistaken," he said, with a shrug. "We don't take men into the bosom of our family quite as easy as that. But with us there is always room for a good man, and he always has a chance to prove whether he is good or not. That is the sort of chance you are going to get."

      "Will you tell me about it?"

      "I will if you will agree to teach me that hold by which you threw me over the fire into the bushes a little while ago."

      "Sure thing, Handsome. I'll teach you that, and a lot of others as well, if you wish. That is one of the ju-jutsu tricks."

      "I've heard about that. It's all right, all right."

      "Sure thing. Now, where are we going? Are we to stay here all night, Handsome?"

      "Not quite."

      "Tell me what is expected of me, then; where we are going?"

      "I am to take you to the chief; to Hobo Harry himself, for he happens to be here to-night. It is only once in a while that he is here, too; but it happens that he is to-night. He is to interview you. Otherwise – that is, if he were not here, you would have to hang around on the outside until he showed up to pass upon you in person."

      "I see."

      "He is the only man in the whole bunch who has a right to do that. I've got to blindfold you after we get across the fence on the swamp side of the tracks."

      "All right."

      "I suppose you would like to know what you are up against before I take you into the old swamp, wouldn't you?"

      "Sure thing, Handsome."

      "Well, it's just this: If you don't pass muster with the boss, you'll never come out again. There are deep holes in that swamp, Dago."

      "Oh, I don't doubt that; but what do you mean by passing muster?"

      "I СКАЧАТЬ