США и борьба Латинской Америки за независимость, 1815—1830. Андрей Исэров
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СКАЧАТЬ por Felipe A. Espil. Buenos Aires, 1956.


      MHS. Adams Family Papers.


      HSP. Joel Roberts Poinsett Papers; HSP. Joel Roberts Poinsett Papers, Henry Gilpin Collection; LC. Joel Roberts Poinsett Papers.


      MHS. Correspondence of Alexander H. Everett; Everett-Noble Papers; Everett-Peabody Papers.


      National Archives. Department of State, RG 43, Records of United States Participation in International Conferences, Commissions, and Expositions. Records Relating to the First Panama Conference, 1825–1827; Department of State, RG 59, M 37, Domestic Letters of the Department of State, 1784–1906; Miscellaneous Letters of the Department of State.


      Britain and the Independence of Latin America, 1812–1830 / Ed. by Charles K. Webster. 2 vols. Oxford, 1938.


      Some Original Documents on the Genesis of the Monroe Doctrine / Publ. by Worthington Ch. Ford // MHS. Proceedings. 2nd series. Vol. XV. Boston, 1902; Moore J. B. A Digest of International Law… 8 vols. Wash., D.C., 1906. Vol. VI.


      Harvard University. Houghton Library. Tudor Papers; Tudor Papers, Additional; Harvard Business School. Baker Library. Tudor Family Papers; Boston Athenaeum. William Tudor Papers; MHS. William Tudor letters, 1824–1828; С. E. French Collection of Autographs.


      LC. Peter Force Collection – Jeremy Robinson Papers.


      MHS. Adams Family Papers.


      Memoirs of John Quincy Adams, Comprising Portions of His Diary from 1795 to 1848 / Ed. by Charles F. Adams. 12 vols. Philadelphia, 1874–1877; MHS. Adams Family Papers. Reels 4 – 48. Задача полного издания дневника Адамса была поставлена уже очень давно, но пока “Adams Family Papers Project” в 1981 г. опубликовал только два тома, относящиеся ко временам Войны за независимость. С февраля 2006 г. рукописный дневник доступен on-line: www.masshist.org/jqadiaries. Дело академической публикации отложено на неопределенный срок после завершения работы по изданию бумаг Джона Адамса, что произойдет в лучшем случае через 50 лет.


      The Writings of John Quincy Adams / Ed. by Worthington Ch. Ford. 7 vols. N.Y., 1913–1917.


      The Writings of James Monroe / Ed. by Stanislaus Murray Hamilton. 7 vols. N.Y., 1898–1903; LC. James Monroe Papers; New York Public Library. James Monroe Papers.


      The Papers of Henry Clay / Ed. by James F. Hopkins, Mary W. M. Hargreaves, et al. 11 vols. Lexington (Ky.), 1959–1992. Vol. 1–7.


      The Writings of Thomas Jefferson / Ed. by Albert Ellery Bergh. 20 vols. Wash., D.C., 1905.


      The Writings of James Madison / Ed. by Gaillard Hunt. 9 vols. N.Y., 1900–1910. Vol. VIII–IX.


      The Writings of Albert Gallatin / Ed. by Henry Adams. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1879. Vol. II.


      The Papers of Andrew Jackson / Ed. by Harold D. Moser, David R. Roth, et al. 6 vols. to date. Knoxville (Tn.), 1980–2002. Vol. Ill – V.


      The Papers of Daniel Webster / Charles M. Wiltse, Editor, Alan R. Berolzheimer, Ass. Editor. 15 vols. Hanover (N.H.), 1974–1989.


      The Papers of John C. Calhoun / Ed. by W. Edwin Hemphill, et al. 28 vols., Columbia (S.C.), 1959–2003. Vol. 1-11.


      The Austin Papers / Ed. by Eugene C. Barker. 2 vols. Wash., D.C., 1924–1928.


      Archivo del General Miranda / Dirig. у revisada por Vicente Davila. 24 tomos. Caracas, 1929–1950. (tomos 16–24, La Habana); Lemoine Villicana E. Morelos, su vida revolucionaria a traves de sus escritos у de otros testimonies de la epoca. Mexico, 1965; Bolivar S. Cartas de Libertador / Ed. Vicente Lecuna. 10 tomos. Caracas, 1929; Idem. Obras Completas / Comp, у notas de Vicente Lecuna. 3 tomos. La Habana, 1950; Hanke L. Simon Bolivar and Neutral Rights // HAHR. Vol. 21. № 2 (May 1941). Важнейшая часть наследия Боливара доступна в хорошем комментированном издании на русском языке: Боливар С. Избранные произведения: речи, статьи, письма, воззвания, 1812–1830 / Сост. и науч. ред. пер. А. Ф. Шульговский. М., 1983.


      Register of Debates in Congress… 29 vols. Wash., D.C., 1825–1837.


      The Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States… (далее – Annals of Congress). 42 vols. Wash., D.C., 1834–1856.


      Бурстин Д. Американцы: национальный опыт. М., 1993. С. 396, 397.


      Griffin Ch. С. The United States and the Disruption of the Spanish Empire, 1810–1822. N.Y., 1937. P. 132.
