Сверхнормальное. Путь к овладению сверхвозможностями. Дин Радин
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СКАЧАТЬ practices are changing the way we live. Kalamazoo, MI: Fetzer Institute; 2011.


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      Cullen LT. How to Get Smarter, One Breath at a Time. TIME magazine 2006.


      Cloud J. Losing focus? Studies say meditation may hel p. TIME magazine. August 6, 2010 2010.


      Park A. Study: Yoga Improves Quality of Life After Cancer. TIME magazine 2010.


      Oz M. Medical Meditation: Say Om Before Surgery. Time 2003.


      Schwartz SA. Meditation – The Controlled Psychophysical Self-Regulation Process That Works. Explore. 2011;7(6):348–353.


      Метаанализ – понятие научной методологии, которое означает объединение результатов нескольких исследований методами статистики для проверки одной или нескольких взаимосвязанных научных гипотез. Используют либо первичные данные оригинальных исследований, либо обобщают опубликованные (вторичные) результаты исследований, посвященных одной проблеме. Метаанализ является частым, но не обязательным компонентом систематического обзора. Термин предложен американским статистиком Дж. Глассом. – Примеч. ред.


      Sedlmeier P, Eberth J, Schwarz M, et al. The Psychological Effects of Meditation: A Meta-Analysis. Psychol Bull. May 14 2012.


      Ellison K. Giving Meditation a Spin. The Washington Post 2007.


      Singleton M. Yoga Body: The Origins of Modern Posture Practice. Kindle Edition ed. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press; 2010.


      Broad WJ. The Science of Yoga New York: Simon & Schuster, Inc.; 2012.


      Devi I. Forever young, forever healthy. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 1953.


      Goldberg P. American Veda: From Emerson and the Beatles to Yoga and Meditation How Indian Spirituality Changed the West Harmony; 2010.


      Singleton M. Yoga Body: The Origins of Modern Posture Practice. Kindle Edition ed. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press; 2010.


      Committee PEaC. Neuroscience Core Concepts. In: Neuroscience Sf, ed2007.


      Chalmers DJ. The conscious mind: in search of a fundamental theory. New York: Oxford University Press; 1996.


      Beauregard M. Brain Wars: The Scientific Battle Over the Existence of the Mind and the Proof That Will Change the Way We Live Our Lives San Francisco, CA: HarperOne 2012.


      Trimble MR. Soul in the Brain: The Cerebral Basis of Language, Art, and Belief. Baltimore, MD, USA Johns Hopkins University Press; 2007.


      Urgesi C, Aglioti SM, Skrap M, Fabbro F. The Spiritual Brain: Selective Cortical Lesions Modulate Human Self-Transcendence. Neuron. 2010;65(3):309–319.


      Urgesi C, Aglioti SM, Skrap M, Fabbro F. The Spiritual Brain: Selective Cortical Lesions Modulate Human Self-Transcendence. Neuron. 2010;65(3):309–319.


      Ornstein R, Dewan T. MindReal: How the mind creates its own virtual reality. Boston, MA: Malor Books; 2008.


      Begley S. Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain: How a New Science Reveals Our Extraordinary Potential to Transform Ourselves Random House, Inc..; 2008.


      Begley S. Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain: How a New Science Reveals Our Extraordinary Potential to Transform Ourselves Random House, Inc..; 2008:5.


      Begley S. Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain: How a New Science Reveals Our Extraordinary Potential to Transform Ourselves Random House, Inc..; 2008:13–14.


      Begley S. Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain: How a New Science Reveals Our Extraordinary Potential to Transform Ourselves Random House, Inc..; 2008:153.


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      Kozhevnikov M, Louchakova O, Josipovic Z, Motes MA. The Enhancement of Visuospatial Processing Efficiency Through Buddhist Deity Meditation. PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE. 2009;20:645.


      Kozhevnikov M, Louchakova O, Josipovic Z, Motes MA. The Enhancement of Visuospatial Processing Efficiency Through Buddhist Deity Meditation. PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE. 2009;20:645.
