Фразовые глаголы в американском английском. Словарь. Тамара Алексеевна Муравицкая
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      Выйти наружу (об истине, информации)

      Come out

      Get out

      What really happened when President Kennedy was assassinated may never come out.

      Выключить (прибор)

      Turn off

      Switch off

      Could you turn the radio off?


      Get out

      Take out

      The videotape is jammed. I can’t get it out.


      Wash up

      Go and wash up, it’s time for dinner.

      Pieces of sunken boat continued to wash up for a week.


      Take out

      Take out the trash because it is stinky.

      Выпасть, вывалиться

      Fall out

      I found a baby bird that had fallen out of its nest.


      Pay off

      I made my last payment yesterday, and now my car loan is paid off.

      Выпрямить (распрямить)

      Straighten out

      As the city grew many streets were straightened out.

      Выпустить пар, успокоиться

      Let off steam

      I’m sorry I was so angry this morning. I was just letting off steam.

      Вырастить (воспитать) детей

      Bring up

      Tom was born in Canada, but he was brought up in the United States.


      Help out

      We had a lot of work, so Maria helped out.


      Dry up

      Dry out

      The sun came out and dried up all the rain.


      Steak out

      We all stuck our heads out the window to get a better look.

      Высадить (из транспорта)

      Let off

      The driver let her off at the corner.


      Dry up

      Dry out

      The Great Salt Lake is slowly drying up.

      Вычеркнуть (из списка)

      Cross off

      Why was my name crossed off the invitation list?


      Clean out

      We clean out our garage every spring.


      Go out

      Get out (покидать помещение, выходить из транспорта)

      Nancy was so sick that she didn’t go out of the house for a week.

      We smelled gas and got put of the building just seconds before it exploded.


      Дарить, отдавать

      Give away

      I think I’ll give this old furniture away, it’s worthless.

      Держать (-ся) подальше

      Keep away

      That dog is dangerous, so keep it away.

      That neighborhood is a bad, so keep away from it.

      Двигаться, передвигаться

      Get around

      It’s easy in this city to around by bus.

      Держать, поддерживать

      Hold up

      The house was held up by jacks while the foundation was repaired.

      Держаться, придерживаться

      Keep to

      Faster cars are supposed to keep to the left

      Держаться (при атаке, переговорах)

      Hold out