Rise of London Gambler. Second edition. Serik Jumanov
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СКАЧАТЬ it that bad, mate?”

      “Well, thing is, they don’t hire people at all. All they want is you to invest money in stock trading, and then you can either trade by yourself or appoint them to manage your account and trade on your behalf. Plus, there are no guarantees your money will be safe since it’s a high-risk business, and there is no fixed salary except commissions. A few years ago I worked as a FOREX trader so I know this shit. That’s not what I am looking for.”

      Mike and John were roommates who shared a two-bed room flat in Tooting, a small town in South West London. Both were students – Mike was pursuing a Bachelors degree in Social Studies, and John was attending a business school for a Masters degree in Business Administration or “MBA” for short. They were good friends; both loved football and had many common topics to converse on. Mike was a 20-year old British citizen with Jamaican roots, and John, 28-year old, was from Russia. John’s real name was “Ivan” but he preferred when people called him “John” as he wanted to look like British.

      “Hey, John, what the ‘MBA’ stands for? Managing the banks and accounts?” Mike asked him once.

      “Nope, but you’re close. I’d say it stands for ‘Master of Being an Asshole’, ” laughed John.

      “How is that?” laughed Mike too.

      “Well, they teach you how to make cuts if your company is struggling with finances, how to fire people or hire only one of thousands to fire him in a month anyway and keep searching for a better candidate, and so on. Plus they teach you how to make more profit, more dividends, to keep shareholders happy even if workers have to suffer.”

      “Is that the case? I always suspected that!” smiled Mike.

      “Yeah, Mikey, you know I’m kidding.”

      Recently, John got his redundancy payment from his employer who was having a hard time, and it has been a couple of months since John started looking for a new job as he didn’t like to ask his parents for help, as he usually did. Moreover, despite his parents, it was his decision to take all his savings and go to England to pursue MBA degree as he thought it would help him to find a better job than the dead-end career of microserf he undertook before entering the business school. Borrowing money from his parents would feel like a defeat.

      “I have a friend who works in a cafe, and he says they always need cleaners,” said Mike. “The job involves cleaning the cafe in the evening when it’s closed. Not big money, but it’s something you could be doing till you find something.”

      “Oh, thank you, Mikey, but they make only £400, maybe £500 per month. I can’t even pay my rent with that. The minimum I’m willing to take is £900 or so. Is that too much to ask in this hopeless city?” A dejected John showed signs of despair. “Well, don’t worry, Mike. I have money; I just didn’t plan on being unemployed, that’s all.”

      In fact, John was running out of money. He was already planning to move to a cheaper room, and also calculated the expenses a room change normally incurs. Now, every time he went to the grocery store, he spent some time reading ads on the shop windows. Some ads read, “Looking for a roommate”, “Philippino only”, “One room in a house for six” – the cheapest option he found was a room for two in a house for eight, only for £200 per month with no security deposit. He saved the phone number from the ad, just in case.

      “I see these FOREX ads everywhere. What is it, for God’s sake? Please tell me!” Mike’s voice brought John back to reality.

      “Well, it is pretty simple, in fact. You just need to buy currency which is going to go up, i.e. increase in value.”

      “So how do you make money then? I heard some people got rich doing that.”

      “Okay, for example, let’s say, one pound costs one dollar. You expect that tomorrow one dollar will cost two pounds. So today you borrow one million pounds from the bank, buy one million dollars, and tomorrow you buy one million pounds for half a million dollars, return one million pounds to the bank, and the half of million dollars is now yours.”

      He wrote:



      If $1=£2


      £1,000,000 => $1,000,000 => £2,000,000


      “So, you can keep $500,000 as a profit.”

      “Sounds like a good deal for me!” Mike burst into laughter. “Five hundred grand! Why did you quit the job then? People should be doing great money out of it!”

      “You see, it’s not that simple to predict the future. If you predict right, then you make money. If not, then you lose. Once I saw one guy who made sixteen thousand pounds overnight trading a Japanese yen versus American dollar. I swear that’s true! But when you work for commission, you don’t really care about clients’ money since you have constant pressure to make commissions money for yourself and for the company you work for…”

      Mike’s mobile rang suddenly. He picked it up and his face changed dramatically.

      “Hello? What?!!! You’re kidding! Shit!!! Okay, we’ll be there, man! Shit!!!” exclaimed Mike.

      “What… What happened?!” asked John.

      “Somebody held up the bookie, Ladbrokes! People went on riots! Our guys are there. It was Santiago just now, he said shops are closed, but people break in and take anything they want! Let’s go!!!”

      In a moment Mike and John were running down Rectory Lane towards Ladbrokes betting shop. Different thoughts were in John’s mind at that moment so he decided to talk to Mike.

      “Listen, Mikey, it is not a good idea. The police station is just a couple of blocks from here. CCTV is everywhere, you know this. I don’t know if it’s the right idea, bro. They’ll find us before we even get back home!”

      “Come on! I’m not saying we are going to hold up some shop or break in, let’s just take a look and leave. By the way, Santiago said he already got nine or ten smart phones and PlayStations!” Mike looked really excited about things happening. “And he also said that Derek got a gun so we’ll be safe, innit!”

      “Gun?!!! Is he crazy?! Fuck, they can shoot him if they see a piece of weapon in his hand! Remember that guy shot dead in Tottenham, Mark sumthin’?”

      Mike slowed down a little. “Yeah, you might be right… Okay, we’ll just go and see. Fuck me; I never saw anything like this in my life! We’ll be careful, okay? But some day we will pay back to those rotten cops!”

      “Oh, come on, chillax, Mikey! You don’t really mean it, right?”

      They arrived СКАЧАТЬ