Science and Technology in the 21st Century. Future Physics & Technology. Azamat Abdoullaev
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СКАЧАТЬ fundamental truth about nature.

      The truth of natural causes or forces is that the action and the reaction relationships are universal phenomena applied to all physical interactions and forces, fundamental and non-fundamental.

      The Diversity and Unity of the Force-Interaction: the ToE as the Holy Grail of New Physics

      All forces are hierarchically related, making up the natural hierarchy of forces, forces, force lines and force fields, topped by the super symmetry force-interaction, a single universal force of coming Theory of Everything (ToE), or Final Theory, Ultimate Theory, or Master Theory, a single, all-encompassing, consistent and complete theoretical framework of physics linking together all the physical properties and phenomena of the universe.

      At present, there is no theory of everything that includes the standard model of particle physics and general relativity, such as to calculate the fine structure constant and the mass of the electron, hoping that a deeper search for new particles and dark force at the large particle accelerators could provide critical input for the ToE. There are a number of candidate theories to unite general relativity and quantum field theory, designed as the working theories of quantum gravity: string theory, superstring theory, M-theory, loop quantum gravity, causal fermion systems, and causal sets.

      The last two theories are recent developments and in line with our Causal Category Theory of Everything capable to generalize and complete new candidates for a unified physical theory, as causal sets program and the theory of causal fermion systems, considering general relativity and quantum field theory as limiting cases. In the causal sets program, the founding principles are that space-time is fundamentally discrete and that space-time events are related by a partial order, having the physical meaning of the causality relations between space-time events.

      Ultimately, the ToE would unify all the fundamental interactions of nature, gravity, strong interaction, weak interaction, and electromagnetism, as well as shedding light on a postulated inflationary force, dark energy and dark matter.

      As such, it is makes the Theory of All Forces in the Universe, ordered by the subordination and inclusion relationships (Abdoullaev A., Reality, Universal Ontology and Knowledge Systems: Toward the Intelligent World, IGI Global, USA, 2008):

      Prime Force (ToE)::

      Quantum Gravity (Space Curvature, Standard Model of Cosmology; Electronuclear Force (GUT, Standard Model of Particle Physics)::

      Strong Interaction (SU (3); Electroweak Interaction (SU(2) x U(1))::

      Weak Interaction, Electromagnetism U(1em)::

      Magnetism and Electricity::

      Non-Fundamental Forces (contact forces, elasticity, viscosity, friction, and pressure, etc.).

      The non-fundamental forces are classified as

      normal force,



      elastic forces,

      continuum mechanics forces of pressure,

      drag and stress,

      fictitious forces coming from non-inertial reference frames, as the centrifugal force and the Coriolis force,

      general relativity gravity.

      The pressure gradients and differentials is said to cause the buoyant force for fluids in gravitational fields, the aerodynamic forces of lifting in flight, winds in atmospheric science, like trade winds and anti-trade winds in the tropics.

      Besides, forces are also classified as conservative or not conservative, where conservative forces are equivalent to the gradient of a potential energy field while not conservative forces are not. The former includes gravity, the electromagnetic force, and the spring force, while the latter friction, contact forces, tension, compression, and drag.

      By their very nature, natural forces are natural causes and effects, all of the same kind of natural entities: events, actions, processes, or changes of states of some physical system, like the motive force is a rate of change of momentum. They are the mutual and reciprocal actions of one physical system or body to another to produce effects, or interactive relationships, the force-interrelationship.

      Forces are not only what causing efficient changes of physical properties, but also what opposing any agency and efficiency. Both the active processes producing changes and the reactive processes opposing changes, as the inertial force and motive force, change of momentum-motion, acting power and operating energy, force-fields. And the actions of forces are always in both directions, progressive and retrogressive, direct and inverse, inductive and resistive, attractive and repulsive, forward and backward, while defining the symmetry operations and conserving critical physical quantities as mass, momentum and energy, parity and baryon number.

      So forces are not only active agencies, but also passive agencies. Inertial forces, opposing any agency and efficiency, are the universal and inherent power of physical entities and systems to resist physical changes, mechanical, thermal, magnetic, or electric. Such resistive forces are opposing changes in the initial state of equilibrium, in motion, in electrical current, in magnetic fields, in electrical fields, in electromagnetic fields, etc. There are then mechanical inertia measured by mass, electrical inertia measured by conductivity and resistance, magnetic inertia by inductance and magnetic resistance, electromagnetic inertia by induction and permeability, etc.

      In other words, the space is inverted (Parity or P-symmetry) and the direction of time is reversed (T-symmetry, or time symmetry) because there are symmetrical forces in their actions and directions, as active and retroactive forces. All the complex physical processes are reversed, converted, retroacted and there is R-symmetry (force-relation symmetry), both global and local, the fundamental principle of nature or the physical universe.

      What’s Necessary for the Physical Science of the 21 Century

      Our research in theoretical physics, mathematics of relationships and formal ontology has been leading to the necessity of formulation of the new integrative concepts of physical science of the 21st century: Force-Interaction, or Force-Interrelationship, and its Principle of Reversibility and Convertibility Laws, as being among the most basic principles and fundamental laws in nature. That also reflects the general fact that we live in the dynamic universe of force-interactions defining all ensuing regularities in the order of physical entities and processes, including the symmetries and conservation laws (Abdoullaev A., Reality, Universal Ontology and Knowledge Systems: Toward the Intelligent World, IGI Global, USA, 2008).

      The enormous theoretical value and practical utility of Force-Interrelationship, Reversibility and Convertibility as the basic constructs and laws of physics and physical sciences are proved by the reverse force-relationships, reversible actions, of all natural effects and physical processes, of all interacting physical forces and fields.

      As a consequence of the Reversibility and Convertibility of all physical forces, phenomena and energy forms, each real physical process must have its inverse counterpart, like as there are magneto-optical processes and there converse, opto-magnetic processes, otherwise their nature, law and description should be properly reviewed.

      As another consequence, each real direct physical effect, when properly defined, must have its inverse counterpart, as the Faraday effect relating magnetism and optics has the inverse Faraday СКАЧАТЬ