Название: Nothing & Dot. Reorganization of reason
Автор: Sergey B. Konstantinov
Издательство: Издательские решения
isbn: 9785006486690
Contemplation of images (“things’, objects, and situations) is a psychic phenomenon inherent in the alive “Entity”;
You may substitute the term “Entity” for “Monad” or “Soul” – especially when it comes to the activity of the “I” in the conditions of reality, but we will deliberately refrain in order to avoid misinterpretations (we will soon study this concept) – do not rush to call the cup the “Grail’;
Of course, we understand very well that this is happening to us right now and, looking at the diagram, we can clearly imagine how: “I” is in a kind of spacious internal bubble, i.e. “I Myself’ (from the position of each of us, now), as if bathing in reality;
Here & now, all of us, being in this audience, and in these very conditions of complete isolation from the supposed “external” – are discussing the structure of the contemplation mechanism, and we say: “The photon wave is reflected from the object and so on’, however, we are already being and discussing in these very conditions. And again, look around, we were originally here and at the beginning of the discussion;
Understanding practice (the task to be solved): Most often, the correct perception of the mechanism of contemplation must be controlled, otherwise it will end up on the list of incomprehensibles. The thing is that – a person does not apply the conclusions to what he is reasoning about. In this case – we talking about the mechanism of contemplation, not abstractly, but directly about how we see the environment and the situation, just right now. Then – we make a conclusion, but – we are unable to apply this result (conclusion) to what we were originally reasoning about. Please note the output used:
1. We are here (in the same room);
2. We begin to reason;
3. A photon is reflected from an object;
4. It affects an eye cell;
5. The cell initiates a signal to the brain;
6. The brain processes the signal;
7. “I” sees the result of the processing;
8. Everything that happened up to this point was not clear to us until we figured it out, that is, we cannot see the electrons themselves – they must be processed, transforming into ephemeral images;
9. Among other things – images cannot be understood until they are identified and realized.
Please note – we begin the reasoning not in order to separate it from the situation, but on the contrary – we are investigating perception of the situation, the mechanism of contemplation of objects works, now, in the current mode. In connection with this study, we found out that we see inside the “Consciousness’ – “I” sees this as a result of processing. So: we’ve a conclusion. It remains to understand that this conclusion cannot be separated from what we see now. We began to reason under one set of conditions and assumed that everything is outside, but it turned out that it is inside;
In the process of research we have found out that “we are inside Consciousness’ – we were here before. If we suddenly refuse to accept this reality – allow ourselves to deny the established fact, discarding <these ideal> conditions and begin to assert the opposite, then – following scientific, physical principles, we will again prove that we are in isolated space.
From all this follows the accompanying conclusion:
“Materialism is outliving itself at the systemic level” – although, this is not very useful knowledge, since perhaps we would not have found the “True Path’, than starting the reasoning from the materialistic position, or in other words – everything has a basis, including who we are now (there is no negative experience) and, among other things, we take into account that – “Everything Has Its Time”;
Let us also assume another – “reverse position’. Let us assume that initially we have such a Scheme of Nature: “We are in an isolated bubble – inside Consciousness, and have always known, and now know only about this.” Now look around, turn on awareness, then imagine everything. And? Is it reasonable to assume that the “World We Contemplate’ has a “Real Original’ located somewhere out there, outside, and even in some unknown to us, and absurd – “physical form’? Imagine as best you can, periodically practice imagining this device “supposed” by us. The result of this exercise may surprise you. If you are very attentive, you will soon smile from the funny – the wild Ancient Stereotype that has dominated Humanity since the Beginning of Time, and we are under Its influence;
It is known that any objects are contemplated according to the same principle. We are able not only to see, but also to identify, qualify, evaluate objects, to realize volume, color, mutual relativity, other parameters: size, distance, dynamics…
Thus, we “understand objects as located’, in space and occupying part of the volume. In addition, we note, judging by the conclusions, the main tools: identification, qualification, and analysis, of contemplated objects and situations, are used in thought processes, and provide comparison (matching).
These tools can be assumed to be separate from Reason, and quite independent, as we distinguish “Mind’, as a kind of mathematical co-processor, but they can also be built-in, i.e. formed, functions. This does not change anything fundamentally, does not affect anything, does not return us to the previous worldview;
Let us emphasize the possibility of developing all functions. Example: If similar but different quality objects often “appear’ in the field of vision, then their processing (i.e. identification and qualification), as specific experience is extracted, will be carried out, each time – faster and more accurately. This is how people learn to work on a sorting conveyor, achieve heights in this matter, and become “Narrow Specialists’;
We constantly use an amazing tool, and call it the “Interpreter’. Does it even exist?, or is it a normal function of Reason – acquired, like all the others? In discussing the mechanism of contemplation, you noticed that photons are converted by the eye cell into electrons – this is an extremely important point in the study, since objects are affected and used by conditions corresponding to the situation.
So, photons cannot be processed because they are “objects themselves’ – the wave of data related to the Nature of “Consciousness and Entity’ in their fundamental relativity. We suggest you take your time, examine all in order to sturdy and know it later. Next, we need to consider the Concept of Entity;
The Entity (here) is a logically defined, unique alive Monad, capable of manifesting a special intention – Actively Developing, as well as contributing to the Development of Its independent manifestations, which have their Own Will, are conceptually dependent and inseparable from It. The Monad (here) – we mean a completely ordinary concept, that is, it is the “Primary Being”, a Special Life Unit, Giving Origin to all living beings in the СКАЧАТЬ