Unique English Course Speak real English. Часть 2. Александр Чумаков
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СКАЧАТЬ uthor of this Unique English Course. Speak real English. Part 2.

      Everything I do:

      I believe in helping you speak English better.

      I believe that English can be easy and fun.

      I believe that English is beautiful and awesome.

      The way I do it is:

      By teaching you real, true and excellent English.

      By using the best methods for learning and speaking English.

      By inspiring you and motivating you to stay committed to learning English.

      I just happened to make a great English course.

      Wanna do one?

      I have created this “Unique English Course. Speak real English. Part 2.” because I want to help you become a strong, fantastic and confident English speaker. I want you to succeed at English. I want you to speak true, real and excellent English.

      Now, I would like to tell you how I can help you start speaking real, true and excellent English and feel absolutely relaxed at the same time. I want you to think of my Unique English Course as a key to the door. It is the key to that beautiful door for you to enter the space of real, true and excellent English. I want to help you by giving you the key to that beautiful, fantastic and gorgeous door to the real world of English; the door that leads you to your better understanding, your better pronunciation and, finally, to your better speaking and, of course, to getting automatic respect from people when you speak English.

      I can help you to speak true, real and excellent English because I know how it feels to learn English as a foreign language. I do know what it feels and I do know what it takes to speak English where people around you do not speak English or speak English but very little. I know that because I was there. I was like you. I was born in Russia and I grew up in Russia. I myself learned English as a second language. That is why I understand perfectly well your anxiety, your worry and your embarrassment every time you need to speak English.

      When I was 10 years old, I already wanted to be of help. I already wanted to be a teacher. I did not know what I was going to teach, but one thing I knew for sure was that I wanted to be a teacher. I wanted to serve others.

      And I decided to teach English – one of the most beautiful languages in the world. I went to University. Since that time I have become a willing student of English, and I have become very much interested in how I could help people to speak excellent English all over the globe.

      Many years have passed since then, I have learned from the best, and I’ve found the method that I am going to share with you in this course. This is the story-telling method – one of the best methods in the world for learning foreign languages. I became a teacher of English many years ago. But still I am committed to serving people. Still, I am excited and curious about what I am doing. Still, I am devoted to my calling, which is to teach you to speak true, real and excellent English.

      If you let me teach you, and if you let me lead you and guide you through this tough, difficult and meandering process of acquiring English, together we will certainly take your English to a new level. And I promise you will speak English the way you never did before.

With love and respect,your English teacher Alex

      What you will learn in this unique english course

      Let me tell you what you are going to do in this Unique English Course to succeed at the course faster and better. My Unique English Course. Speak real English (part 2) has 12 units and 3 months of audio lessons.

      Each unit includes:

      1st A short story. Each story is a pleasant, enjoyable, instructive and mysterious journey which you are going to undertake and, most importantly, you are going to learn a good deal of good, new and useful ideas that can bring out the best in you.

      2nd The vocabulary lesson – this is where I explain the meaning of the words you might not know. Here I am going to walk you through some words and some idioms in English, you can hear people use, when they talk about things in everyday life situations and not only. In this lesson I am going to broaden your horizons in terms of using the words and I am going to make some comments of my own as well. I hope you will find them useful.

      And, of course, 3rd you will have your favorite mini-story lessons where I am asking the story and answering the questions. The mini-story lessons will help you to understand English grammar better and remember the ideas given faster and longer. I am sure you will have a lot of fun while taking this fantastic, sometimes difficult, but absolutely amazing journey. At the end of the journey, you will certainly become a better English speaker and a better human being.

      4th – The commentary lesson. Not each unit has a commentary lesson. Starting from the sixth lesson you are going to have a new lesson where I am going to philosophize about the meaning of the story and about the moral of the story. It will not only help you understand the story better, but it will also help you see better what is hidden between the lines. In other words, what you can learn from the story to speak English better and to learn more about the world around you to become a better human being. All this, I am sure, will help you get the message of the story and, of course, you will listen to English more, you will learn more and you will enjoy it more.

      Good luck to you!

With love and respect,your English teacher,Alexander Chumakov.

      Why do we learn stories here?

      Why do we learn stories here?

      That is a great question. You know, how much I love “The Why-questions”. Let me tell you why all my books, why all my English courses have stories and why the method I use when I teach English is called a story-telling method.

      Story-telling is one of the best methods for learning foreign languages. We, human beings, are storytelling creatures. Our brains love stories and we all learn from stories. Stories are vital. We convey our feelings, our mood, our energy and the truth with stories. We convey the mystery of the language. And most importantly, we learn English grammar intuitively like children do. That’s why stories. I don’t mean, don’t learn grammar. No. Grammar is important. I am saying that grammar is difficult. Grammar is very difficult. Grammar is boring. It is hard to say anything interesting and comprehensible to people when teaching them languages and you have to focus on grammar rules a lot.

      When you learn a language, a foreign language, for example, you learn English. You learn grammar rules, right? You learn all about the sentences and how words work together. And when you want to say something in English, you make the sentence in your own language first, and then you drag out of your memory the words you need and put them into the sentence. That is painful. That is difficult. That is boring and it takes time. When you acquire the language, you understand what you hear. You can only acquire the language when you understand the language, you understand the message. The message has to be interesting and comprehensible. In other words, the message has to be compelling and understandable. Only when you are totally involved in the story, the world disappears around you. You forget that it is in another language. You acquire the language. It means СКАЧАТЬ