Journey to the Emerald Era. Science fiction story. Sanzhar Kondybayev
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Название: Journey to the Emerald Era. Science fiction story

Автор: Sanzhar Kondybayev

Издательство: Издательские решения



isbn: 9785006454071


СКАЧАТЬ is great, and I thought that only big businessmen and politicians were published here, – he said, continuing to leaf through the magazine.

      – And now big scientists, – Aida added with a smile, watching how her success pleased her family.

      – Well, I didn’t even notice how big you became, – Erlan joked, slightly raising one eyebrow.

      – Now you’ll get it from me, – Aida responded with a playful threat, pretending to swing the magazine.

      The family scene filled with laughter when Erlan pretended to defend himself from an imaginary attack, and Sanzhar and Zhaniya giggled, watching their parents’ cheerful squabble.

      – Dad, why didn’t they publish you? – Zhaniya suddenly asked curiously, turning to her father.

      Yerlan looked thoughtfully at his daughter and then, with a soft smile, said:

      – When our Sanzhar finishes his studies with flying colors and becomes a famous journalist, he will publish me in Forbes. Sanzhar, will you publish about dad? – Yerlan asked with a smile, turning to his son.

      – And me, publish me in Forbes too, Sanzhar! – Zhaniya exclaimed, jumping up and down.

      Sanzhar grinned, imagining his little sister appearing on the cover of a magazine with a sly smile, and answered:

      – No, I’d rather go into the film business or create a YouTube channel, – Sanzhar said thoughtfully, as if already imagining his future.

      Yerlan laughed quietly, understanding that each of his children had their own dreams and ambitions, but added admonishingly:

      – Wherever you go, children, the main thing is to have an excellent basic education. Study well, and then you will become as smart as your mother, and you will be published in Forbes.

      Zhaniya frowned, suddenly changing her mind:

      – I don’t want to anymore, don’t publish me in Forbes, – she said, crossing her arms over her chest and frowning.

      Sanzhar noticed this and, laughing, suggested:

      – Dad, do you want me to publish about you in our university magazine KIMEP Times?

      Yerlan shook his head with a smile:

      – Oh… no, don’t publish me in the university magazine, – he said, smiling slightly. – This is too great an honor for me.

      Sanzhar giggled and teased his father:

      – Dad, you’re like Zhaniya – sometimes you want it, sometimes you don’t.

      Zhaniya frowned slightly, feeling that her brother was joking about her, but she did not fully understand what exactly he meant, and so she remained silent.

      – Actually, let’s publish one article in your magazine, – said Erlan, looking thoughtfully at his son. – But only when I finish my invention.

      At that moment, Aida, having laid out the pizza on the table, called everyone to dinner:

      – Everyone to the table! It’s time for dinner!

      The family headed to the kitchen, once again feeling the coziness and warmth that always accompanied such moments. The evening was just beginning, but it was already felt that something special was waiting for them ahead, something that would forever remain in the memory of each of them.

      1:6 The appearance of a mysterious picture. The family dinner was coming to an end. The table was set, the pizza was almost eaten, and in the center stood a carafe of apple juice, a reminder of this year’s bountiful harvest. A quiet, calm evening, when each family member enjoyed the moment together, created an atmosphere of coziness and warmth.

      Yerlan, raising a glass of apple juice, looked around the people gathered around the table.

      “The pizza was wonderful,” he began, smiling slightly. “I want to make a toast in honor of our wonderful mother, who today proved to the whole world that science is power, and that behind every great achievement there is a person who is not afraid of challenges.”

      “Hurray! Our mother is great!” Zhaniya cheerfully supported, clapping her hands.

      Aida, playfully bowing her head, added:

      “This won’t do, I want a gift, I want a gift!”

      Zhaniya suddenly remembered her surprise and joyfully exclaimed:

      “I have one!” – She suddenly jumped up from her chair and quickly ran to her room.

      Aida, looking at her daughter with curiosity, turned to the others:

      – Well, you see, where are your gifts?

      Sanjar, grinning, offered:

      – I can show you a trick.

      Yerlan, slightly confused, found himself:

      – And I… Ah… Well… You know, I love you so much that all words lose their meaning.

      Aida just shook her head, still smiling, and quietly added:

      – Okay, you’re always like this. I’m kidding, don’t worry.

      At that moment, Zhaniya ran into the room, holding a painting in her hands. Her eyes shone with pride as she handed her creation to Aida.

      – Wow, how beautiful! What is this, daughter? – Aida asked with admiration, carefully examining the work.

      – It’s a city! – Zhaniya answered proudly.

      Aida looked at the picture with admiration, then handed it to Erlan:

      – Look, your daughter painted it!

      Erlan took the picture and, looking at it, smiled broadly.

      – Wow! It’s a flying city! – he said with surprise and admiration.

      – That’s right, dad, it’s a flying city! – Zhaniya confirmed, raising her hands up, as if trying to reach the imaginary sky.

      – Beautiful, very beautiful, as always. You’re doing great, daughter. I think we need to hang this somewhere in a prominent place. Maybe in your room, Sanzhar? – Erlan suggested, handing the picture to his son.

      Sanzhar looked at the picture, and his face lit up with a smile.

      – Ha-ha, flying cities, flying cows! – he joked, slightly mocking his sister’s work.

      Zhaniya immediately frowned and her eyes filled with tears. She snatched the painting from Sanzhar, clutching it in her hands, and without saying a word, ran out of the room.

      Aida, observing the situation, smiled softly, trying to defuse the situation:

      – Okay, СКАЧАТЬ