The Power of Narrative Intelligence. Enhancing your mind’s potential. The art of understanding, influencing and acting. Arsen Avetisov
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СКАЧАТЬ are often easier to remember than just reading the material. How people perceive the world is influenced by their life positions, beliefs, ideals, and rules. Their world view created by them shapes their actions and makes them meaningful and purposeful.

      Historically, individuals adopt several types of world views. The world view, used in daily life, is the so-called everyday world view. The formation of this type of world view dates back to primitive society, when thinking was based on imaginative perceptions of the world. From this came the mythological world view, exemplified by the mythology of the ancient Greeks, familiar to everyone. Creating myths, people spiritualised and likened material objects and various phenomena to humans. Such a world view is sacred, secret, and magical. This world view has survived to the present day.

      The next stage of forming a person’s world view is based on the belief in supernatural forces. One example is the religious world view. This is a much more rigid version of judgements and ideas combined with a system of moral commandments. Such a world view helps support a person’s models of ethical behaviour.

      And finally, the next stage of forming a world view is the philosophical world view. This is a complex systemic way of viewing the world, where the human mind is assigned the highest role. If myth is based on emotions and feelings, philosophy is based on logic and evidence.

      As time passes, the information that a person possesses undergoes changes. It becomes distorted, and as perspectives shift, it can evolve into something else. It is natural for us to understand that a person’s perspective is constantly being shaped and improved as life progresses. This may seem familiar and understandable at first. However, there is a subtle but significant detail in all of this, which becomes apparent when you provide precise definitions of the concepts and processes mentioned above.

      The first concept is a person’s attitude to the surrounding reality. It is expressed in moods, feelings and actions, that is, it has an emotional and psychological basis.

      The second is a set of views on the world, i.e. cognitive-intellectual concept, our doctrine of the surrounding world.

      When people visualise their idea of the world, their attitude (emotional and psychological) goes up to the level where it becomes their set of views, their cognitive and intellectual doctrine.

      This is a crucial point for understanding the mechanism that underlies the influence and creation of an objective or distorted picture of the external world in the mind.

      Information about the world is received through the six sensory channels: vision (eyes), hearing (ears), taste (tongue), smell (nose), touch (skin), balance, position in space, weight, etc. (vestibular apparatus). Through these channels, we receive and conduct a preliminary analysis of information about the world around us.

      Some things can be done from a distance, for example, through seeing and hearing. Other senses like touch, taste, and smell require direct contact or proximity. If one sense is impaired, other senses can compensate for it. For example, individuals with poor eyesight might have highly developed hearing and smell. This happens because the brain constantly seeks information and utilises all available sensory channels to do so. The information gathered creates a sense of security.

      Until recently, all senses played relatively equal roles in shaping this sensory picture. People not only relied on sight and hearing but also on touch, smell, and taste. Not too long ago, they would literally taste gold coins and touch, smell, and try on objects when making purchases. The more sensory channels used, the more objective our perception of the world around us becomes.

      How many of the six senses do people use to perceive the world in the last quarter of a century, compared to how many have been used over the past millennia? It turns out that with an increase in the amount of information received, the multichannel nature and, consequently, the objectivity of its perception decreased.

      Now, a lottery which lures you to guess five numbers out of 36 is a game of chance and luck. The odds of winning are lower than the margin of error. People mostly rely on only two out of the six possible senses for their perception. The likelihood of accurately perceiving reality is probably still higher than winning the lottery. But to what extent?

      Reflection, Imitation, Learning

      Mirror areas, or how we learn.

      To succeed in the world it is not enough to be

      stupid, you must also be well-mannered.

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