Unwanted child. Scott Melani
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Название: Unwanted child

Автор: Scott Melani

Издательство: Автор





СКАЧАТЬ children who could not get enough and demanded more. But they too had to accept the fact that there was no more to be had. So the little surprise in Ted's honour was over, and the children, cheered up by the dessert they had eaten, headed for the recreation room, which was scheduled for after lunchtime.

      By and large Theodore was only given a little more attention than the others. He did not receive any special gift, except a few balloons, nor did he receive any privileges. The food he ate was the same as usual. In addition, one of his gifts did come loose from his chair and flew irretrievably to the ceiling. The rest of the balloons the teacher asked one of her assistants to take them to the teachers' lounge and leave them there. Theodore did not have a separate cot to which they could be tied, and going from one room to another, inadvertently could forget them or drop them. After all the lessons, the teacher planned to give the boy all his symbolic gifts. In fact, it was the first birthday party he had celebrated in five years, where everyone congratulated him together. For the first couple of years of his life, on Theodore's birthday, Lars carried him to the hospital to his mother's house to babysit her beloved baby. But her strength quickly waned, and by 743, when Ted was two years old, she had become infirm. After his mother's death, Lars became even more formalised in his treatment of the child, covering only basic matters concerning his upkeep so as not to become an ‘outcast’1 and lose all his possessions. Therefore, what kind of birthday celebration in the boy's family could we talk about?

      Of course, even such a gesture from the tutor in the form of balloons delighted Theodore. After all, he had never received any presents before. It would seem that nothing could spoil the boy's cheerful and cheerful mood. The school day was coming to an end and the children were going home, which caused a small crush in the main hall on the ground floor. Parents were darting back and forth without stopping to pick up their children and take them out of the Children's Educational Centre. Theodore's own father had never taken much care of him, and Mrs Donova knew it, so it might have felt a little like she was patronising him, but it wasn't quite true. For example, today the tutor was merely helping to put on the boy's jacket. It was at that moment that she was called by the headmistress, inviting her into her office.

      – Come, Theodore, let's go get your marbles and go back to wait for your father! – Mrs Donova said excitedly, leaning over to the boy's ear. Together they entered the principal's office, where, having already taken all the seats on the sofa, parents and their children were sitting with disgruntled expressions on their faces. The headmistress sat down at the desk and looking her employee straight in the eyes in a commanding voice said: ‘Miss Donova, there has been a complaint about your behaviour from several pupils in your group and their parents.’

      The teacher and Theodore stood almost at the very door separating the principal's office from the corridor. A man and a woman were sitting on the sofa, and on their laps were Patricia and Derek, the offended children. The teacher looked puzzled at the group of seated disgruntled people and said in response, addressing everyone present: ‘I'm not quite sure what I could have done to deserve the displeasure directed at me. We had a normal class today and there were no incidents, just like always.’

      – Actually, as it turns out, there was! – came the loud, indignant voice of Patricia's mother, addressed to Mrs Donova.

      – I can't wait to find out exactly what happened and what I'm being accused of. – The teacher of the children's group said calmly, putting her hand on Theodore's shoulder.

      – Did you think we wouldn't find out anything about your prank? And about the special attention you pay to some of your students? – The student's mum continued to press her, raising her tone every now and then. She shifted her displeased gaze to Theodore.

      – Really! How can this be? Don't our children deserve the same attention from your side? – Derek's father supported him, quietly slapping his palm on the armrest of the sofa.

      – Can you tell me what you think my fault is? – The teacher asked the question.

      – It's your fault for making a public display of this boy's name today. You singled him out from all the other kids. Gave him presents, fed him a dinner party and had the other children sing you a song in honour of his birthday. No one had ever celebrated a personal holiday within the walls of this institution until that moment. And I'm guessing they never will. Anyway, we need to undo what you've done today, just as publicly. And from now on, I hope Mrs Director will see to it that this sort of thing is not repeated. – Patricia's mother arrogantly stated her grievances of the day.

      – Well, either that or let's have a holiday for all the children. That would be fairer. – Derek's father supported his mother's monologue.

      – And more costly… – summarised the headmistress.

      Mrs Donova froze, as if she had lost her breath from the words spoken to her by the parents of the children, who were now looking at her as if she were an enemy of the people. Obviously, the woman had not expected such a reaction, both from the children, who had reported about the holiday in a distorted form to their parents on the same day, and from the parents themselves, who began to defend the truth, which was not the truth. After a few seconds of pause, the educator took the floor, trying to explain how things had really played out.

      Ms Donova: ‘I apologise if in any way I have offended you Patricia, and you Derek. Indeed, I took the initiative to organise a small celebratory dinner in Theodore's honour with my own money, which only added up to…’

      – Mrs Donova. We are very pleased that you admit your guilt, but we are not interested in your excuses, which you have so carefully prepared. What's done is done. The question is how to remedy the situation now. Please bring to this office the presents you gave this boy. -Patricia's mother interrupted the teacher.

      – But why? What are you going to do with these poor balloons? – The teacher asked in an incomprehensible tone of voice.

      – You are in no position to argue with me now, let alone raise your voice at me! Do what you are asked to do and don't argue. We are looking forward to seeing you… – a woman with a child in her arms answered the question dryly and imperiously. The teacher looked at the director of the education centre. The director nodded and pointed at the door, as if agreeing with the words of the disgruntled parent. It was understandable. No director needs a scandal, especially a scandal made out of nowhere. Mrs Donova lowered her head wistfully and left the office. Theodore felt guilty at that moment. His mood had plummeted. He froze in one place, staring at the floor and picking at it with the toe of his boot.

      – Oh, my God! What shamelessness! Standing there and arguing with me. I hope you don't have all the teachers like that! – broke up mum, summing up another indictment.

      However, she was politely and tactfully interrupted by the headmistress: ‘Believe me, Mrs Weinschein, our teachers are the best in their field and are specially selected. Mrs Donova is no exception.’

      Patricia's mum: ‘I don't really believe it anymore. Considering that this is not the first time she's done something wrong…’

      Headmistress: ‘I think we've dealt with the last situation. It was an accident. No one could have foreseen it. There's no need to put it all in one pile.’

      The door to the office opened and a kindergarten teacher came in with two yellow balloons that belonged to Theodore. She handed them to the boy again. He grabbed the ribbons, looked at them and immediately let go, staring at the floor again. The balls scattered around the room in different directions and as if magnetised to the ceiling, which was quite high. So it would have been impossible to get the balloons without a ladder. This gift was already no fun for Ted. Who needs such surprises, which spoil his mood and make him feel heavy at heart?

      – Wretched СКАЧАТЬ


Outcasts – people prosecuted under criminal law for particularly serious offences. They are forced to survive in the wild without the right to live in towns and villages. More about them is told in the book ‘Mercenary at heart’