The Knife’s Edge. Stephen Westaby
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Название: The Knife’s Edge

Автор: Stephen Westaby

Издательство: HarperCollins



isbn: 9780008285807


СКАЧАТЬ temperature was back at 37°C and although still empty, his heart looked cheerful enough. I asked Brian to leave some blood in it, so any residual air would be ejected into the graft. I could hear Steve’s artificial aortic valve clicking away reassuringly, and from the echo probe behind the heart we could see tiny bubbles flashing through it like a snow storm. I didn’t have to ask. Amir already had the air needle in place. Bubbles fizzed out intermittently, then stopped. Now we were ready to come off the machine. I asked Dave to start ventilating the lungs and soon afterwards heard Brian say that he was ‘off bypass’. Amir and the locum registrar stood like spectators at a football match, as I dispatched instructions from the stool. I was scrutinising the inside of the heart and aorta on the monitor screen while they watched it from the outside.

      ‘How does it look?’ I asked Amir. ‘Any bleeding?’

      ‘Looks great. Just some oozing from around the graft. Nothing serious.’

      ‘What are you going to do now then?’

      No answer. He was tired.

      ‘Give the protamine,’ I told Dave. Protamine extracted from salmon sperm reverses the anticoagulant effect of heparin, which comes from digested cow’s guts. So my noble profession relied on cows and fish, a sobering thought at this time in the morning.

      Amir gently packed gauze swabs around the heart to encourage the oozing blood to clot on them. Next he set about putting in the chest drains and stainless-steel wires to close up. The clock on the wall read 4.30. Dave flicked through a motorcycle magazine and Brian asked whether he could remove his equipment, get it ready for the morning and go home. No stamina, some people. Ayrin and her runner nurse were wilting too. I suggested they took turns to take a break while we transfused blood and clotting factors. For the first time a sense of calm filled the room. Job done.

      6 am. Daylight broke the horizon and the sparrows chirped. Headlights sprinted around the Oxford ring road below, the early-bird London commuters and shift workers at the Cowley car plant. Sue would already be on her way into the office, so I ambled back to Theatre 5, now empty except for Ayrin. She was scrubbing blood and urine from the floor, ready for the morning’s operating list. Steve was already settled in intensive care, surrounded by his extended family, perfectly stable.

      Cheerful Amir said, ‘Great case. So pleased you called me.’

      The locum registrar was nowhere to be seen. Gone to collect his pot of gold, I thought.

      At 7.30 I joined the intensive care ward round. I related Steve’s case story and asked whether his pupils were still small and reacting to light. Had anyone looked? Not yet, but they would. Had he shown any signs of waking up yet? No, but I was happy about that because I wanted him kept sedated and didn’t want the tube in his windpipe to make him cough. Coughing would shoot his intra-cranial pressure through the roof and his brain was already too swollen in there. By explaining that to the juniors in front of Hilary, I assumed that they would get the message. At least I hoped they would.

      I celebrated Steve’s recovery with a sausage and egg sandwich, and, with the Ritalin kicking in, I felt better too. I had a floppy mitral valve to fix, and happily for me there was no bed for a second case. But the tone of day soon changed. As I emerged from theatre in the late morning, Steve partially woke from the sedation and started to struggle in his bed. With his brain swelling, he was disorientated, confused and agitated, then he started coughing vigorously against the tracheal tube and strained against the ventilator. He was a big man and not easy to control.

      Did Hilary know of this sinister development? She had been given a relatives’ room and gone there to rest after the stressful night. Perhaps it was best to leave the family alone until we gained a clear picture of what had happened. That meant an urgent brain CT scan, which was not easy for a post-operative patient connected to all the paraphernalia. Drips, drains, pacing wires and monitors had to be wheeled through the hospital corridors to the radiology department, then his paralysed body moved from his bed into the scanner. But without the pictures, we couldn’t know how to help. So I walked round there myself and grovelled to my friend the chief radiographer to fit him in as a dire emergency.

      As the scans emerged it was obvious that the whole brain was swollen. The parts damaged during the original stroke had haemorrhaged, probably as a result of the obligatory anticoagulant given during surgery. The injured brain had expanded like a sponge soaking up water yet confined in a rigid box. The skull has one hole at its base, through which the spinal cord enters its bony canal. When pressure rises, the brain stem can be forced down into the spinal canal with fatal consequences. This is called coning, and a blown pupil heralds that catastrophe. So I needed a brain surgeon to look at the scans with me.

      So I played my last card. Steve was an old friend, I said, and I had spent all night and lots of money trying to save him. Richard groaned and went back through the scans.

      ‘OK, you win. He has nothing to lose, but it has to be quick. I’ll put off my next case.’

      Within thirty minutes Steve was on a neurosurgery operating table at the far end of the hospital. I pushed the bed there myself.

      2 pm. Steve’s scalp was peeled back and the bone saw removed the top of his cranium, revealing a tense, swollen brain without pulsation. We were watching a dying brain. Richard inserted an intracranial pressure monitor into the pulp and closed the scalp skin loosely over the top. Then we СКАЧАТЬ