How to sell your paintings?. Art Galina
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Название: How to sell your paintings?

Автор: Art Galina

Издательство: Автор





СКАЧАТЬ friends did I have? I looked, found artists I liked, and added them as friends. I liked what they did, and maybe they liked what I did. But it's hard to imagine that an artist will buy from another artist. And indeed, why would I buy a painting from my colleague?

      I realized that something needed to change. There should be many, very many of these "friends." And the quality of these friends is also important. That is, these should be potential buyers who are interested in painting, interested in pictures, they are busy with something: perhaps repairs, construction. Interior decoration, and much more.

      You need to understand who needs this. And you need to spend time finding them. It won't just happen. Spend time finding them. And take it seriously. Imagine sitting in your studio, painting a picture and thinking that you're a great artist, and when you paint it, everyone will come to see it.

      No. Actually, no one knows about this workshop, about you. And actually, you're not needed by anyone. Because there are plenty of paintings! And no one will remember you or think about you if you don't announce yourself! Now – how to do it? How to announce yourself? I'm not talking about how to paint a picture, everyone can do that themselves, and it's completely uninteresting now.

      Because there are many artists, and each one thinks they're a genius, and let them think so. It's very good. As soon as you paint a picture, it turns out that it's not even the middle of the process. It's not even half, what you painted. I've come up with a formula for myself: anyone can paint. But try to sell it. Try to find that person who needs it. And here the artist is at a loss. There are people who from birth, besides drawing, can sell themselves and successfully do it.

      And most artists don't know how to do that. So you need to learn. There's one more thing. How does the internet differ advantageously from a store? The store's premises cost money. And every picture displayed there can hang there for months, years, who knows when they'll buy it, and it also costs money. And on the internet, it can hang and eventually it will definitely sell.

      To live by painting, you need to paint many pictures and know how to present them. And attract as much audience to your store as possible. And then there will be success. That's what I understood for myself. And I am very grateful to Galina for this information.

      I started painting pictures for this purpose. And Galina taught me how to do it. And that's all correct. She told me what texts to write. She told me how to shoot videos. You need to show that what you're drawing is not just copied, but you painted your own picture. You need to try to make this content, in addition to pictures. Write interesting texts and engage people. Because they won't buy right away, but they'll want, hypothetically, to come to your studio and see who you are. And if they find it interesting, they'll buy this picture from you. And if it's not interesting, then goodbye. That's it, I guess. That's all.

      Pavel S.

      Participation in this project brought me not only pleasure but quiet joy and happiness. The most challenging aspect for me was to not get distracted from completing the tasks. My mind constantly wandered back to my usual rhythm of life. I came to the conclusion that the proposed interaction scheme and method of systematization are extremely optimal for me.

      Diligence, ambition, and concentration began to develop. I started to understand the correctness of actions and the reasons why they need to be done this way. The information published by Galina began to be perceived clearly and comprehensibly, something in the world has changed or within me… in a local sense, yes, it would be nice, and in a global sense.

      The most difficult part for me was to recall all the pleasant and unpleasant moments from my creative work. I was really torn after I chose paintings for sale and began systematically completing subsequent tasks. What struck me was that it's impossible to engage in creativity and sell paintings while compromising your soul in any way. I felt and still feel naked and transparent during my participation in the project.

      The project was given to me with titanic efforts, and a breakthrough came after the start of the tag phase. It was also easy for me to start. But the gap between, how Galina managed to so accurately predict the question that was right for me – I don't know. The gap between choosing paintings and starting to perform tasks on tags was comparable to the Second World War with all its horrors and the joys of victory, inside me.

      And now I'll add from myself (Art Galina). In selling paintings, there are technical and personal aspects. Personal ones are the most difficult. First of all, the relationship with oneself. I am grateful to Pavel for his openness in expressing feelings and sincerity, for his trust. He has good dynamics because there was a dialogue between us. We talked, talked, talked for a month. And all the ideas that came to him during our communication within the project are his ideas and thoughts. And all the achievements, results, successes, defeats that will come after the project is completed also belong to him.

      Liliya V.

      Good day, friends. I wanted to write a few words of thanks to Galina for the advanced, intensive courses on selling paintings. Excellent presentation of information, even the busiest person will be able to master and understand everything. Alongside the classes, participants develop their own thoughts and ideas.

      And everyone knows that when you are in a creative flow, you progress towards your goal much faster. Bravo, Master! Perhaps, as of today, this is the best course! I am very satisfied with the results. I am a graduate of the first stream of the "How to sell your paintings" school.

      What did learning give me? First of all, liberation from my fears, uncertainties, and limitations in terms of online communication, I also acquired amazing skills in sales practice.

      Result: 30 paintings sold in six months.

      I have an art dealer who actively promotes my works in virtual galleries, I have been accepted into the Professional Union of Abstractionists of Russia. And most importantly: my perception of life has changed. Now you also have the unique opportunity to take a course at the School from a real Professional in the field of painting sales, Galina. Create! Learn! Teach! Friends! Listen to me carefully, please! I have been trained by Galina and continue to do so.

      Result: 100 paintings sold in a year! Different formats and prices. I can say that every word of hers is worth its weight in gold, believe me. Just try to do everything she says! There are no analogs at the moment.

      Irina B.

      Due to circumstances beyond my control, I could only watch some of the videos. And I only completed the first part of the tasks. But I thank you, Galina, for the work done and the experience you shared with us.

      Svetlana B.

      Dear Galina! Thanks to your advice, publications, and, of course, lessons, I revised both my attitude towards work and made adjustments to the content on the website. It took a lot of time. But at the same time, I continue systematic work on the painting. Then I start writing a series of paintings, albeit small for now. But we'll see how it goes.

      I want to boast. As a result of correcting texts, headlines, and other tricks according to your advice (they are suitable not only for one gallery, if anything). Here are my results for low-frequency keywords: my work is in the second row, a girl in a colored scarf. My website is only a few weeks old. (screenshot from the search results).

      Nataly Ut.

      Hello, artists! Good evening, colleagues. I want to reveal a secret and lift the veil of mystery. Yes, yes. Interested? Well, okay, I'll tell you.

      The thing is, I've already completed the course СКАЧАТЬ