Easy Gourmet Dishes with Brian Binns. Brian Binns
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      “…It is several years since I wrote my last cookery book ,”Tea Time Favourites”, a best seller under the Sainsbury  label.

       Since that time I have been to many countries in Europe, in Russia and India, sampling and learning about the cuisines.

      These are some of my favourite recipes that are simple to follow and that are tolerant of small changes you may wish to make.



      Crispy Prawn Fingers

      These are international favourites, such a perfect combination of flavours and textures they can be eaten any time, part of a meal or snack.

      1. Mix the pork, scampi, sherry, coriander and the white of one egg together, blend to a smooth paste. Season to taste.

      2. Mix the remaining egg white with the corn flour and spread this onto one side of the bread, then spread the scampi mixture evenly to cover.

      3. Sprinkle sesame seeds over the surface gently pressing them so that they stick to the scampi mixture; Brush the undersides of the bread with egg yolk.

      4. Heat vegetable oil to 18 C°, it should be 4 cm deep. Fry the "filled" bread slices, seed side up until the underside is golden, approximately four minutes. Carefully turn the slices over and fry until the seeds are pale gold. Drain the toasts on kitchen paper.

      5. When you are ready to serve them, cut into 3 cm wide fingers and garnish with fresh coriander.

      Technical Tip

      These can be made up to 24 hours in advance and refrigerated before frying.

      Aubergine Layer with Feta, Tomato and Basil

      This amazing simple and delicious dish is one of my favourites to serve at any time.

      Serves 2

      The Aubergines: Two medium aubergines cut lengthwise, each into four slices. You may remove some of the skin if you wish. Salt and freshly ground black pepper Olive oil for frying, approximately 1 cm deep.

      Season the aubergine slices with salt and pepper. Put them into hot oil and fry until golden on each side. Remove to kitchen paper to absorb excess oil and put to one side.

      Heat the oil, add the diced tomatoes and quickly drive off excess juices, try to keep the tomatoes crisp. Remove from the heat, add the basil, stir to mix, season to taste. Stir in the Feta, put to one side.

      All the above can be done several hours ahead.

      Preparation of your serving plates:

      Yoghurt and cream mixed together 50/50, to a thick pouring consistency 200 g

      Tomato coulis or sauce 50 g

      Good ketchup mixed with a little tomato puree works quite well.

      Coat the serving plates evenly with the yoghurt mix. Decorate this artistically with the tomato sauce. This can be done before serving, keeping the plates chilled until required.

      Serving the Aubergine Layer

      Make a sandwich of the aubergine slices (four per serving) and the filling.

      Place onto a clean baking sheet and into a hot oven 200 degrees C°, for 5 minutes.

      Carefully position each onto a prepared plate.

      Cheese and Onion Tartalets

      Makes 20

      So simple, tasty and easy to make!

      1. Roll out the pastry thinly and line about twenty, 6 cm tartlet tins.

      2. Place the onion in a saucepan with the milk, salt and pepper. Bring to the boil and simmer for one minute. Remove from the heat and stir in the cheese and egg.

      3. Leave until cold, then spoon into the pastry cases.

      4. Bake in a preheated oven 20 C° for 15 min until golden.

      Personal Ploy

      Cheddar is the obvious choice but try a blue cheese or perhaps a mixture.

      Tartare of Salmon with Cucumber

      This is a dish I learned from Raymond Blanc, it is impressive to look at and a mouth watering starter.

      Makes 6

      1. Mix the dill, lemon zest, sugar, salt, together and massage gently into the salmon.

      2. Wrap in cling film, refrigerate for a minimum of 10 hours.

      3. Unwrap the salmon, rinse under cold water, dry with kitchen paper. Cut the salmon into 5 mm cubes, blend in the mustard /cream mix; leave in a cool place for an hour.

      4. Slice some cucumber thinly, sprinkle with salt leave for 10 minutes, rinse and pat dry, dress lightly with oil and vinegar.

      To serve: Place 6 cm dia. 4 cm. high pastry cutters, which you have lightly coated with vegetable oil onto serving plates, fill with the salmon mixture, press down with the back of a spoon.

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