Binary code Mystery number three. Artur Zadikyan
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Название: Binary code Mystery number three

Автор: Artur Zadikyan

Издательство: Автор





СКАЧАТЬ like-minded people. If anything, I am always ready to answer your questions. Write to me on e-mail. The address and method will be voiced to you individually by my assistants. Thank you for your attention.

      The hall applauded again approvingly.

      – Dear friends, I would like to give the floor to Comrade Gorbatov, an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, an honorary member of many international scientific communities. He called his report "Colossus with a clay head". May I have your attention, please? You have the floor, Zinovy Theodorovich.

      – Good afternoon," the academician began his speech.

      He was a man with a stern, clear gaze, military or athletic in appearance, smooth-shaven and neatly dressed. He was above middle-aged, with a slightly husky voice, which had a distinctive regional or ancestral accent.

      – Dear friends, comrades-in-arms, I will begin my speech with the words of Gorbachev, the destroyer of the Soviet Union.

      The topic was a beaten one as well. Ruthra tried to stay awake, occasionally listening to the topic.

      – …And as a natural outcome of "perestroika" – the collapse of the USSR, the collapse of the Soviet Army, the hasty withdrawal of many of its units and formations from Eastern Europe and the Baltics to the open field, and so on… in his time, the head of Soviet foreign intelligence for several years published a number of his aphorisms. Among them, in addition to "shock democracy", there is such a one: "A colossus with a clay head"… this aphorism, as it seems, very accurately characterizes the Soviet Union in the last 6 years of its existence… In the preface to his book "Special Operations. The Lubyanka and the Kremlin. 1930-1950 years" Pavel Anatolievich wrote: "Whether we want it or not, but time passes, and what yesterday was a Great State Secret loses its exclusivity and secrecy due to major turns in the history of the state and becomes common knowledge – if only there was a desire to know the truth. Observing my military oath, I kept silent as long as the Soviet Union existed. When the activities of Soviet intelligence and a number of aspects of Soviet foreign policy ceased to be secret after the famous events of 1991 and all that I had faithfully served ceased to exist, I could not and had no right to remain silent.

      About 20 minutes later and that topic was over.

      – …Let me conclude my speech. Thank you for your attention.

      Then the floor was given to two "former" top officers of the special services, who were now professors at the Slavic World Institute.

      – Good afternoon, comrades," one of them began his speech. – My colleague and I would like to familiarize you with our research, which we have called "The Kaganate of Traitors, or How the CIA Conquered Russia. You can familiarize yourself with the full material from the report, which you will print out from the secretary after the meeting. Let me tell you right away – it is not an easy read.

      This topic interested Ruthra more than the previous ones, however, after hearing a few famous names, and it became practically known before it even started. Ruthra tried to contact Isa, doubting such a possibility in this location, but the system worked clearly, the ISA responded. He made an intelligent, thoughtful face and glanced in the direction of the podium, and began to digest the latest analysis, not missing the main, important theme being presented by the storytellers.

      – All right, let's get started. First on the list is a certain Egorov. This man does not like public attention, but he played a key role in bringing Sobchak, Putin and Medvedev to power. In our development, he appears as Agent Spider, and we explain the extraordinary success of his protégé by the patronage of the CIA. His name is Kolya Egorov, and he is also known as Putin's best friend and right-hand man. In 1970, this Kolya Egorov entered the prestigious international department of the LSU Law Faculty together with his friend, sambo judoist Vova Putin… But why did the CIA need to seize power at the LSU Civil Law Department? The point is this. While studying the Soviet system as part of the Harvard Project, CIA analysts identified this inconspicuous but extremely sensitive point in the Soviet system – the Civil Law Department of the Law Faculty of Leningrad University. For all its apparent modesty, it was university professors who determined the spirit and letter of the laws of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the Civil Law Department of LSU was one of the most authoritative in this regard. Formally, the law professors acted as consultants, but in fact – who would think of arguing with the luminaries of legal thought in the field of lawmaking? The CIA considered this department as one of the key sources of legislation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and to seize power over this source was considered a task of strategic importance… Later, after the destruction of the USSR, the developments of the Harvard project formed the basis of the project to colonize Russia, and the CIA agents of the Cold War moved into the highest executive chairs of Russia… It was 1975. Meanwhile, Vova Putin was sent for introduction as a "mole" in the KGB, in the counterintelligence department for combating ideological sabotage. On the part of the competent authorities, he was to cover the activities of his friend saboteur… So, Kolya Egorov, agent Spider. Why Spider? Because he surrounds the attacked objects with his people, as if braiding them with a web, and when the decisive moment comes, it turns out that all the key actors are dependent on him, willy-nilly do exactly what he needs. Jews disguised as Russians were recruited by Spider with the aim of their introduction into power. All of Pauk's activities from the very first day of his stay at LSU were aimed at seizing power, first at the department, then in Leningrad, and then in Russia. At the same time, the same guys seized power in Gazprom and many other enterprises, they own all the most important things in Russia… They needed a Jew with a deliberately Russian name. However, if someone is corrupted by the mention of Jews, this "fifth point" can be ignored, we note the national factor only as the most logical explanation of the initial close unity of these people… She worked from 1987 to 1991 as an assistant professor at the Spider Department, now she is Deputy Head of the Economic Department of the President of the Russian Federation, Head of the Property Management Department of Gazprom, member of the Gazprom Management Committee. From 1976 to 1980 she was at the department, a graduate student of Ioffe… Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, a graduate student of the Pauk department – was Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gazprom, but in general he does not need any comments… Ilya Vladimirovich Eliseev, a graduate student of the Pauk department – now Deputy Chairman of the Board of Gazprombank, member of the Board of Directors of Gazprom-Media.... Anton Alexandrovich Ivanov, a graduate student of Spider's chair – first deputy general director of Gazprom-Media, chairman of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation… This special service should have a "think tank" – powerful analysts, careful planning, operational headquarters, which would have information about everything that was going on. Smart organizers had to plan everything, distribute roles, bring their people to key positions in advance, coordinate their actions, provide motivation for each participant, think through many options for different cases of events – without this there was no point in blowing up the houses. And also it was necessary to have confidence in the possibility to use the fruits of their terror, that is, to guarantee a win for themselves, and not for some other forces. And it was also necessary to ensure a favorable attitude to their future victory on the part of the West and the oligarchs … An ordinary gang, even consisting of officers of the special services, such a task is simply not possible. Such things are not done by a handful of conspirators from the underground. Here clearly worked experienced professionals with great power. Who are they? This question is yet to be answered, or rather – to answer those who did it, those whom we will find out and reveal soon. Thank you for your attention.

      The audience thanked the speaker with applause.

      The presenter gave the floor to a man in military uniform, whom he introduced to the audience as "our permanent general. The general came up on stage, sat down at the table, moved the microphone, adjusted his glasses, opened a folder from which he took out sheets of paper, and began his speech.

      – Dear fellow soldiers, I am not afraid to call you so, because we are a single СКАЧАТЬ