The Prince is the punishment of heaven. Рамиль Латыпов
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Название: The Prince is the punishment of heaven

Автор: Рамиль Латыпов

Издательство: Издательские решения



isbn: 9785006222908


СКАЧАТЬ Gennady joyfully remained at the entrance. He won’t disappear. Maybe he’ll get another one. Although, with his looks, this whore will pay him. He told me such stories himself.

      Madame has nice hands. Warm and soft. We went up to the second floor. Then we zigzagged along the corridor. And this is our goal. She opened the red door and we entered a room with ten young ladies. Everyone is naked. Demons, succubi, orcs, elves and even mermaids. All races of the world.

      «The ladies will serve you at their best.» «She came up and spoke behind my ear. «If I have any strength left, I’ll serve you myself.» From me you will get everything in full. – And even quieter. – If you get married, come to us again. I have the best ladies in town. Although we will get the guys if necessary.

      She turned around and left. The ladies began to surround me. I felt like a doe surrounded by lionesses. Hungry lionesses. Only they have a different hunger. An aphrodisiac was clearly spilled here. After all, my head began to spin. They took off my clothes. They kissed hands, face, neck. Then there was sex. The best in life. There was so much of it. I fell headlong into it.

      I woke up sitting in a carriage.

      «Prince, you’re awake.» Gennady sat next to him with traces of lipstick on his face. He didn’t disappear without me.

      – Yes, it was great. I’m so happy and squeezed like a lemon. «I need to tell my maids everything in the palace.» I want to repeat some positions with them. Although not in the near future.

      – Okay, prince. It’s time for us to return, otherwise the ball will begin soon. And you still need to change clothes.

      – It’s still a day.

      At these words of mine, the guard laughed and removed the curtains. It was night outside.

      – It was good for you. You even lost track of time.

      He laughed. He became much nicer to me than before. I won’t execute him when I become king. As planned earlier. I might need it. He knows where such establishments are in the city. And he’s cute.

      Chapter 2 Ball

      My room is cozy. Three maids dress me. They are affectionate and submissive. Food is on the table and they eat well. They are so affectionate when they are full. Soon they will eat so well. Therefore, I specially ran to the dining room and grabbed a lot of goodies. I’m wearing a white formal suit and a crown of gold and diamonds. Simple, it is only for the prince. Thin and light. But in time I will wear the king’s big crown. This is where she carries real power. Heavy crown with many rubies and diamonds. Decorated with our coat of arms and flag. All the power of the country is in this crown. And it’s filled with magic. You can cast powerful spells with it. Of course, if you have royal blood. My blood. It won’t suit a commoner. He might even die wearing it.

      – You are so beautiful, prince. – Said the demon Elsa, smiling. But the sadness is visible on the face. «It’s a pity that the butler Alex forbade us to sleep together before marriage.» We were also completely forbidden to approach you for a whole month. It’s a pity I liked sleeping in your bed.

      The other girls nodded too. You can’t fool me though. I know what disgusts them. I’m not handsome and not an expert in bed. They don’t need me, but the bed and food that I give them. But after the wedding there is no ban on mistresses. The main thing is that she gets pregnant quickly. Maybe ask guard Gennady to help with this. The child will be beautiful. But this is a last resort. I’ll try my best myself.

      – My prince is waiting for you. – The nasty butler Alex came in. He smelled of weak alcohol. Apparently he’s already drunk. Maybe he’s sad that I’m getting married. He offered me a lot. Wrote love letters. He’s old. Although he didn’t cross the line and helped with the maids. He let them go from work to me earlier. Although I might not let go. He did not beat them like other slaves. I don’t like ladies with bruises. And before coming to me, he personally bathed them. But he didn’t pester them. Although I heard from one maid with donkey ears that my rat has a lover, the gardener Yuri. But I didn’t know whether to believe them or not. In front of me, the gardener only spoke nervously and praised the flowers in the garden. He didn’t look at the maids who were next to me. He is only thirty years old. Handsome. Although almost everyone in the palace is more beautiful than me.

      I left the room. Surrounded by ladies and a butler. The maids wiped their eyes with a handkerchief. The butler too. Nobody likes my wedding. Maybe I won’t like her either if my wife is ugly. Although the elves are all beautiful. But maybe there are exceptions among them. Alliances between elves and goblins and orcs are not uncommon.

      Many corridors with paintings of battles and naval battles. Beautiful furniture everywhere. The tones are red and yellow. Just like our flag. And here is the throne room. There will be a meeting of guests, a banquet and a ball. There were three people in the hall. My parents and Chancellor Margo Zell. The first lady chancellor in the history of the country of Torus. A smart lady with glasses and a bun of black hair. Race demon, small horns and red skin. There was a tail too. I would have loved her that way, even though she was three hundred years old. But she looks eighteen. With a gorgeous figure. And refined facial features. Until this day, zero attention has been paid to me. I didn’t even say hello when we met. I liked that about her. It will be a pleasure to conquer her.

      – My son has come. Come, we still have a lot to discuss. – The father said rejoicing. But when he saw my ladies behind me, he got angry. – You girls go away. And don’t go near him. If I find out that you are going to see him, I will execute you immediately. Just know that. Alex, take them away, I order you. – And after thinking a little. «Stop crying, he’s my son after all, I know about your feelings for him and I don’t share them.»

      The ladies, hearing the king’s anger, hurried to leave the hall arm in arm with Alex. It’s a pity, I wanted to cuddle them at least once more before the ball. The cat may even press the girl in a dark corner and tear her off. I sat down on my throne next to the king. It is small and modest. But it is still a throne. I don’t sit on it often. Sitting behind your father’s throne is, yes. Big and cozy. You feel the power when you sit on it. The whole country is waiting for your decisions.

      «Prince, I’m glad you’re getting married.» This alliance with the elves will bring unprecedented prosperity to our country. The sooner you have heirs, the better. They will be able to strengthen our alliance. And if we are attacked by enemies, the children will be a strong argument for the elves to help us. Everything depends on you, my prince. – The lady chancellor winked at me. They put too much pressure on me. And so the doctor Toren checks my men’s health every week. It’s so disgusting to be naked in front of an old bearded gnome. But it has to be.

      – All for the sake of the country. – I said the standard slogan of my country. And he raised his hand in greeting. Index finger forward. The rest squeezed. «I can’t understand why you daddy forbade me to see the ladies?» – Although everyone understood from their facial expressions that seeing each other meant copulating.

      «Son,» Mom said tenderly. – Men’s health differs from women’s, as do their views on the world. If our guest finds out that you slept with three maids for a whole month before the wedding. She might be a little upset. And put poison in your tea. «She looked into my amazed eyes. I didn’t even think about that. – Don’t make such surprised eyes. We all knew about your lady maids. It’s good that you didn’t pester Alex. – She laughed a little. Everyone in the palace knew that it was he СКАЧАТЬ