A Fantastic English Course. Change your mind, change your English, change your life. Александр Чумаков
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      I don’t write English courses. I create life experiences.

Read by the author

      © Александр Чумаков, 2023

      ISBN 978-5-0062-0404-1

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      I heard my alarm-clock ringing. It was 6:15 in the morning. I reached out for my cell-phone to turn it off. A few moments later I was sitting on the edge of my bed. I looked around. There were books, my pants, my T-shirt and something else lying on the floor. Next to the TV-set there were three pairs of shoes. The window was curtained.

      I got up and went to the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror I saw a man. His face was fat. His face was not saved. His hair was untidy and not clean. He looked terrible. I realized that the man was no one else but me. Now let me introduce myself to you. My name is Alexander and I am the author of this fantastic English Course Change your Mind, Change your English, Change your Life. Let’s get back to the story.

      I was standing in front of the mirror, staring at myself, trying to figure out what was going on and what had led to this chaos, to this complete disorder in my life.

      That time I was working for one big company. I had a good salary. I loved what I did. Everything was great. But one morning the boss came into the office and he said that we went bankrupt and a big company bought us. New bosses never come alone. The new company owners brought new rules and new people. One of the rules was to speak real, true and excellent English. As I have never been good at English, I had nothing to do but to leave the company.

      I lost my job. After five months I spent all the money I had. I was broke. I had no idea what to do. I was depressed.

      But one fine day I met a man who told me how to change my mind, how to change my English and then it helped change my life completely. I decided to pay the price and become a believer. I was the same idiot, the same fool, but I was willing to move in the direction of my dream.

      It took me a while to find a truly remarkable and outstanding English teacher. After seven months I got much better at English. As a result, I got my job back in the company. Again I made a decent life. It took me seven months to turn my life around. It was simple, but it was not easy. I changed, and everything changed around me. It worked out for me, and it will work out for you.

      That’s why I have created this fantastic English course for you to help.

      What am I going to do in this course for you?

      In this course I am going to not only teach you how to speak real, true and excellent English, but I will also give you some tips about changing your English learning philosophy. I’ll guide you and I’ll train you, and most of all, I’ll give you that confidence, that belief, that M-16, if you will, and my undying love so that you can learn and speak excellent English. All this will certainly help you become a fantastic human being inside – this is my wish for you.

      “Change Your Mind, Change Your English, Change Your Life.” It is going to be a turning point, a life-changing experience that you are going to have while doing this course. “Change Your Mind, Change Your English, Change Your Life” English course is based on my little English Show called “Alex Says” that I have been running successfully for a few years on my YouTube channel.

      This English course is a mixture of video clips and audio lessons. The ideas, I am going to introduce in this English Course, are not my ideas. They belong to the best minds of this planet. I am very much excited to introduce them to you. Here they are: Maya Angelou, Jim Rohn, Jordan Peterson, Tony Robbins, Simon Sinek, Oprah Winfrey, Alan Watts, Robert Kiyosaki and many others.

      Simply because I have a fantastic habit and I am sure you have it too, which is to learn from the best. I do learn from the best. I mean, the best minds of this planet, and I borrow their ideas and then I pass them on to you: to the people who want to have new experiences, who want to learn from the best and who want to be the best.

      To achieve success in English start with yourself. Jim Rohn – an American successful businessman, millionaire, master motivator, famous writer and brilliant public speaker used to say, “The key to success is you.” I totally agree with him.

      It is not a secret that we, human beings, are emotional creatures. You absolutely must feel confident when you speak with other people. Why? Because when you feel confident, you begin to notice how everything around you begins to become better: people want to hear you. You stop being so called “an invisible man”. People begin to notice you; they want to talk to you. Of course, in order to start speaking English with confidence, you have to practice a lot. You have to consciously think, feel and live through every single sentence you hear, read and say, then and only then success will come to you. It always comes. It never fails when you invest three things: money, time and energy. You will speak English the way you never did before.

      “Change Your Mind, Change Your English, Change Your Life” is the door to that fascinating world of real, true and excellent English.

      This is a fantastic English course that will make your dream of speaking English a reality. Join me at this fantastic English course and we will take your English and your life to the next level together.

      I promise you that after doing this English course you will never be the same again. You will certainly speak English better and you will become a better human being not only outside but also inside.

      I wish you good luck and every success.

      With love and respect,

      Your fantastic English teacher,


      The Structure of the Course

      If you want to speak true, real and excellent English. If you want to think in English and if you want to build a new life, the life which is full of adventures, do my English course called “Change Your Mind, Change English, Change Your Life” and I promise you will change the way you think of English. You will improve your English. You will start speaking English the way you never did before. I am telling you, it will change your life. New opportunities will come into your life. Your life will never be the same again. I promise.

      Now let me tell you what you learn in this fantastic English course.

      There are 7 units and 3 months of audio lessons.

      Each Unit includes:

      First: Main Talk

      This fantastic English course is an absolutely new set of lessons; these are called Change Your English, Change Your Life.

      The reason they’re called Change Your Mind, Change Your English, Change Your Life is because in these lessons you’re going to do two things. Number one, you’re going to learn English, of course. As always, we have the mini-stories, but the content, the focus, the topics in these lessons are going to be focused on the psychology of success.

      So the first thing is listen to the main talk. And you can read this as well the first time if you cannot understand easily, you can read the transcript and listen at the same time. Do this perhaps two times per day, starting with the main story and СКАЧАТЬ