Talking to the Devil: an interview from the Other Side. Boris Shabrin
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Название: Talking to the Devil: an interview from the Other Side

Автор: Boris Shabrin

Издательство: Издательские решения



isbn: 9785006094680


СКАЧАТЬ work in the world?

      Lucifer: Evil operates in the world in many different ways. It manifests in individual actions such as lying, cheating, stealing and hurting others. It can also manifest itself in larger social structures such as systemic oppression, discrimination and exploitation.

      Evil often works through temptation, offering people power, wealth, or pleasure. It exploits people’s weaknesses and desires and seeks to convince them that their own interests are more important than the welfare of others.

      Another way evil works in the world is by creating chaos and destruction. This can be seen in natural disasters, wars and conflicts that can lead to widespread suffering and loss of life.

      Evil can also operate by suppressing the truth and promoting lies and misinformation. It seeks to cause confusion and sow discord, making it difficult for people to distinguish truth from lies.

      Ultimately, evil operates in the world by bringing discord, promoting self-interest rather than good, and causing harm and suffering to others.

      Fose: Are you saying that evil is inherently bad?

      Lucifer: Evil itself is neither bad nor good. It is a force of nature, and like any force, it can be used for positive or negative purposes. It is how one uses and interacts with this force that determines whether its effects are positive or negative.

      For example, ambition and the desire for power can be seen as evil forces that drive people to achieve success at all costs, often at the expense of others. However, these same forces can also inspire people to strive for greatness and to contribute positively to the world.

      Similarly, the chaos and destruction caused by natural disasters can be seen as evil forces that cause great suffering and loss of life. However, these same forces can also bring about positive changes, such as the rebirth and renewal that occurs after a forest fire or other natural disaster.

      It is important to understand that evil is a complex force that can manifest itself in different ways, and that ultimately it is up to the individual to interact with it. By choosing to use the power of evil in a positive and productive way, people are able to turn it from a destructive force into a source of growth and change.

      Fose: So how do people interact with evil?

      Lucifer: People interact with evil in a multitude of ways, and it is often through their actions and choices that the power of evil is either perpetuated or transformed.

      Many people are willing to compromise their moral principles and values to achieve their goals. This can lead them down a path of destruction and chaos, as they become consumed by their own ambitions and lose sight of the impact of their actions on others.

      Others may actively seek the power of evil by practicing dark magic or worshipping demonic entities. Such people often use the power of evil for their own gain or to harm others, and their actions can have devastating consequences. I’m not talking about you now, black magician Fose. “Blackness is different, too.

      After all, there are those who prefer to use the power of evil for positive and productive purposes. They may use the energy of chaos and destruction to create new opportunities for growth and change, or they may use the power of darkness to confront and overcome their inner demons.

      Fose: Why do you think people do that?

      Lucifer: There are many reasons why people may interact with the power of evil. For some, it may be a desire for power, control, or material gain. For others it may be a sense of curiosity or a desire to explore the darker side of themselves and the world around them.

      In some cases, a person may also be influenced by external factors, such as societal pressures, cultural norms, or even the actions of others. They may feel compelled to conform to certain standards of behavior or follow in the footsteps of those they admire, even if this means compromising their own moral principles and values.

      In addition, the power of evil can be incredibly seductive and alluring, offering a sense of freedom and liberation from the constraints of society and morality. It is easy for people to get carried away by the promise of a life without rules and restrictions and lose sight of the consequences of their actions.

      Ultimately, the reasons why people interact with the power of evil are complex and varied, and are often influenced by a combination of internal and external factors.

      Man’s Role in Evil

      Fose: Lucifer, people are often blamed for the manifestation of evil in the world. How do you see their role in this?

      Lucifer: Ah, people. They are such fascinating creatures, with all their hopes and dreams, and yet they are the cause of so much suffering in the world. But to answer your question, I must tell you that people do play a role in the manifestation of evil in the world.

      You see, people are given free will, which means that they have the ability to choose their actions and make decisions for themselves. And, unfortunately, not all people choose to do good. Some are guided by their own selfish desires, while others are influenced by the darkness that lurks in their hearts.

      As a demon, I know firsthand the consequences of such choices. Humans are capable of the most heinous acts of violence and cruelty, and they do so with alarming frequency. They wage wars, enslave their fellow human beings, and exploit the natural world for their own purposes.

      But I also have to admit that not all people are evil. Some of them have goodness in their hearts and strive to make the world a better place. They fight against oppression and injustice and try to bring light into darkness.

      Thus, although people play a role in the manifestation of evil, they also have the potential for great good. Each person chooses which path to follow, and we must all take responsibility for our actions.

      Fose: How do people come under the influence of evil?

      Lucifer: People can be influenced by evil in many ways. As I said before, people have free will, which means that they are capable of making their own decisions. However, it also means that they are vulnerable to the influence of darkness.

      One of the most common ways evil influences people is through temptation. We demons are masters of temptation and often use our powers to lead people to choices that are harmful to themselves or others. We prey on their weaknesses and desires and offer them power, pleasure, or wealth in exchange for their loyalty.

      Another way in which people can be influenced by evil is through the actions of others. If a person is surrounded by people who behave badly, he may begin to adopt their behavior. This is especially true for children, who are very impressionable and often imitate the actions of others.

      Finally, people can be influenced by evil through their own thoughts and emotions. Negative emotions such as anger, jealousy and fear can be a breeding ground for darkness, and demons can use this to their advantage. They can whisper thoughts of doubt and despair to a person, feeding their negative emotions and leading them down the path of darkness.

      Fose: Can you give an example of how people can be tempted by evil?

      Lucifer: Of course, there are many ways people can be tempted by evil. One common example is temptation by power. People have an insatiable desire for power, and we demons are experts at using that desire. СКАЧАТЬ