Super Queen-Mother. Book I. The Last Hope. Evgeniy Shmigirilov
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СКАЧАТЬ couldn’t pass the first trial – to win in mortal combat – and were thrown back for millions of years; that’s why we can’t use the knowledge of the United Galaxy Civilization.

      After millions of years of necessary waiting and detailed analysis of all combats, which were carried out, we worked out a new training technique for our future fighter. The losses of the previous five civilizations gave us an enormous data base to analyze our defeats. This time we must win…»

      Julia was listening and watching closely the scene taking place around her, while the voice was commenting on what was going on.

      The space around her was transmitting the end of one of the earthmen’s combats for their right to life.

      The battlefield took up all the visible space around the fighter. The ground was dug through all around; huge trees were broken or torn up by the roots; pits and gaps were being filled with water, and, in the distance, one could see large woodlands in conflagration.

      Flame was coming up to the stars, forming fire whirlwinds. With frightful roaring, they were coming away from the main bulk of fire for a long distance from the burning woodland. The fire whirlwinds quickly died, burning and evaporating everything on their way, and then were soon displaced by new ones.

      Large field stones were cleaved by powerful blows and scattered all over the field, up to the horizon.

      Everything in view was flooded with thick luminous liquid looking like blood, which was not only red, but also blue, green, black, and yellow.

      A big man, about one hundred and fifty feet high, was fighting shadows, trying to win.

      It was clear that he was exhausted. His numerous wounds were bleeding, and he himself and the ground around were in blood. Several times the fighter fell down on his knee, and each time he rose up, beating off attacks; long blinding flame was shooting out of devices fixed on his hands.

      Everything was in vain, however. His enemies were too numerous…

      Suddenly, ambient light started pulsating. This pulsating lighting worked against the fighter.

      From an outsider’s viewpoint, it was seen that, in the light, shadows jumped aside, hiding in tall grass. When, for an instant, it became dark, they jumped out of the grass and, as vampires, sucked the lifeblood and energy out of the fighter.

      Then, in a moment, the fighter lost all his strength; he staggered and fell first on one knee, then on both, and, finally, collapsed on the ground.

      The light pulsation was instantly stopped, and the light became dark blue. Bright red creatures, looking like short and fat half transparent snakes with big teeth, started to devour the fighter.

      The combat was continuing. Some earthly web-footed creature with big snakelike head and thick and short tail was fighting the enemy this time.

      The fighter was persistently beating off all attacks, setting his back against a rock and not making it possible for enemies to attack from the rear. His enemies, fitted with strong long paws and half-round heads without eyes, but with antenna-like outgrowths on their shoulders, were keenly catching the fighter’s every movement.

      A big energy octopus was floating in the air, in front of the earthly fighter. It was transparent like water.

      Its feelers instantly responded to the fighter’s movements. They copied all motions of the fighter’s arms, as if they were its own arms. The motions were copied by all its feelers over and over again, but much faster.

      When the watery octopus hit an enemy, the rear part of the latter flew off, and it was dying in fits, as from an electric stroke.

      When its feelers hit an energy ball sent by the enemy, it fell on the ground with hissing and crackling, and then quickly evaporated.

      The fighter was retreating and attacking. From outside, it was seen that his enemies were having a hard time. Dozens of them, scattered here and there, were killed or dying. The fighter artfully avoided attacks and then struck, like lightning, effectively using his energy animal.

      Carried away by the combat and forthcoming victory, the fighter, however, did not notice that in the process of the battle his enemies were emitting some light, volatile green gas. It was going up into the air, and at some height was merging into a single whole. The process of gas coalescence finished very quickly, resulting in an acid-green cloud.

      The enemies felt this. They stopped the battle, quickly moved away, forming a semicircle, raised their paws with palms up, and stayed put. Thin light winding lines came out of their paws and set against the acid-green cloud.

      It was quickly changing, taking the shape of a tube aimed at the earthly fighter. Soon the tube was formed in full and compressed. Suddenly, a blue fire lightning, aimed directly at the fighter, dashed with a crash out of the middle of the tube.

      At the same moment, it was blocked by a barrier – the energy octopus co-opted the whole power of the produced blow. The blow was followed by a short sharp whizz.

      The energy octopus got out of the earthly fighter’s hand. Its feelers were producing spasmodic, aimless movements. The whizz was heard again.

      «It looks like the octopus started sucking something in», Julia thought.

      Its transparent watery body was being filled with bright golden dust, overflowing from the fighter’s reservoir on his back. Its feelers were becoming shorter and shorter. Their contents were being swollen until the feelers disappeared entirely. One big ball was formed, filled with bright golden dust. In the background of the swelling whizzing orb, small lightning was rushing among specks of dust.

      The earthly creature did not cease his attempts to influence the energy weapon, which did not obey the fighter any more, but it did not help – a great amount of energy taken in by the octopus destroyed its controls.

      The ball, looking in its structure like a big soap bubble, began to whirl about its axis faster.

      Increasing whizz turned into airdrome rumble.

      Bright golden dust concentrated in the center of the whirling ball like a small kernel. The kernel became dazzling white, sparkling like the flame of a working welder.

      It was not only painful to look at and listen to it; it was on the verge of physical strength.

      In the meantime, the kernel swelled, filling in the whole ball.

      Julia turned away from the three-dimensional screen and covered her ears with hands.

      A deafening explosion, creating a big crater, was heard.

      The burning wood on the horizon disappeared, and no one of the combat participants was seen on the field.

      Their deaths were instantaneous – they had been evaporated.

      The next three-fingered fighter had a dinosaur-like head with large green eyes.

      He skillfully used a wave resonator and a laser as weapons. The fighter instantly destroyed all barriers with his resonator, and eliminated any target in sight.

      The fighter was very good. His enemies had nothing to do but to retreat and hide, but the fighter СКАЧАТЬ