Children of the gods. Irina Ritter
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Название: Children of the gods

Автор: Irina Ritter

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Современные детективы


isbn: 9785447437275


СКАЧАТЬ I told her mother, but she doesn’t listen to me.

      – Okay, tomorrow we shoot a video and send you the video.

      – I’ll wait!

      – I think that it is not necessary here to write the address. It’s better in PM, if anyone should. Because whoever did this probably all reads and will be able to prepare to move the body. – suggested one of the participants of the forum.

      – Do not even doubt that he’s reading! He tries to be aware of everything! – continued the other.

      – We still don’t know who the perpetrator is. Even if in a personal writing. What if he pretends to be a volunteer and sniffing out information? So it’s not going to help. – concluded third.

      – I heard from the locals that yesterday and today I collected DNA samples from all men living far from home, Timofeev. And also all ex-prisoners and the mentally ill. Has anyone heard anything about this? asked the woman under the name Ariadne.

      – Yes, it’s true. To us yesterday came from the police and took DNA samples. We live on the same street Timofeevym. Took all the men in the house. – confirmed the other participant groups.

      – And take these samples? asked her Ariadne.

      – Give a stick wrapped with cotton wool and you need it to drive on the reverse side of the cheeks. Then all the samples are put in separate jars and sign.

      – It is clear. Thank you.

      A few days Luba, Lena, and Tatiana Petrovna were engaged in shooting video. They went around and tried not to miss anything. When the video was ready, Luba sent it to Mikhail Savchenko. Left to wait, when he will scan and show you the place where you have to look for the girl. All this time the search did not stop. About a week later, Michael showed up and pointed out the place on video where to find. Lena took a friend’s dog and together they went in search of: looked through literally every square meter on a few times, climbed all the bushes, but nothing was found. Spent a lot of time and effort. After several days of fruitless Tatiana Petrovna angry and tired went online on the group page:

      – You’re a fucking quack! – he turned to the Archangel Michael, we girls spent a lot of time on your nonsense! We were shooting video for you – you promised that will show place!

      – I showed you the place! – began to defend myself a psychic.

      – Yes there we all rummaged – there’s nothing there! We dog walked. Looking for a few days! And you’re just on someone else’s grief want to earn popularity! Chase people to check out your nonsense!

      – So badly needed! – did not calm down Michael.

      I know from friends in the police about you! Have someone check you out!

      – I already checked in Tomsk! Nothing on me! And then the apology requested. I work with the UK.

      – What do the police still not found the girl, if you are working with the UK?

      – I said everything! I have a place – look!

      – Quack! God will punish you for what you people around by the nose lead! You can’t wear the crown on this matter!

      – You are not a search engine – you just grandma, and I want the search engines!

      – Yes you will be missed.

      The next day Tatiana called the Lobau investigator and told him about Mikhail Savchenko, who is sitting in group on search of Nadia Timofeeva under the name Archangel Michael, heard the answer just killed:

      – Yes, the police monitoring group in the Internet. We review comments, in case something interesting appears and check the participants. Michael this we know – he’s from Tomsk. This man is just sick. He has a diagnosis of mental retardation. He often lying in the hospital. So don’t pay any attention to him! If you find anything – call us!

      – Yes, of course, up-to-date!

      Tatiana felt empty, “God, what a fool! So much time spent on some fucking! Well, he’s okay – sick, but I was what she thought?”

      Time passed, and the girl was never found. Tatiana Petrovna every day never stopped to look. The girl began for her as a mother. To find almost nobody came because there was snow and people have lost hope of finding Nadia. Most spoke about the need to wait for spring when the snow melts and then again to start looking. Or the girl will find randomly somewhere in the forest, mushroom pickers or fishermen in the spring on the river or lake. Relatives of the accused that they did not come in search of us all. Tatiana defended Margaret and family on the Internet as could:

      – How dare you blame the mother! She’s got such grief! God forbid anyone to go through this! To lose an only child!

      But what does everyone think about the relationship of mothers and relatives of those who did not remain indifferent: – answered the woman-volunteer, which from the beginning were looking for Nadia in the squad. so many people constantly going on a quest, especially in September. Hundreds and hundreds of people! To be honest, mother never saw. She may, of course, was there, but navryadli. She could go just once to the crowd, to say something, I don’t know, but at least to appear… Our group that all came in the morning, left in the evening. But, for example, my friend, Is tough and not looking… all day, all night looking for. Two, three o’clock calling – they are Still looking, at eight in the morning I called – they are Already looking for… And so on for three days. Day of rest – and again. And though once someone Rodney would come to the stadium for the next collection and simply said “THANK you”!

      Chapter 10

      New year came nearer, and Nadia Timofeeva was not found. As the head of the investigation Department of the RF IC investigative measures to find a fifth-grade girl does not stop and will be conducted to obtain the result.

      Today criminal case upon loss of Nadi has more than 80 volumes. Surveyed about a thousand spaces, which surveyed approximately two thousand people. To date, no specific suspects, the girl’s location was not established.

      “Because of this, we cannot build any particular version. We are working on a whole range of versions that exist. Today again conduct search activities on the way girls. But I think the amount of information produced will lead to any result”, – said the head of the SU.

      Increasingly, investigators are now engaged in the processing of technical information – recording cameras, car recorders, mobile phones. “All persons who fall under our attention, we process for the full program. It quotes the holding of examinations, undelete files and recover information from phones and computers.”

      A criminal case will be investigated until you find the culprit. The suspension of such cases are not subject. “Such cases could be investigated, three, five, seven years. This practice in Russia. Today may not exist some methods of treatment of certain technical information, biological materials. But progress does not stand still. Today we disclose crimes that three or four years ago it was impossible to open”. – told the chief investigator.

      The task of the investigation is to collect СКАЧАТЬ