The Forgotten World. Дженифер Макларен
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Название: The Forgotten World

Автор: Дженифер Макларен

Издательство: Автор





СКАЧАТЬ p>For Jake, life has always been a routine. He woke up every morning, went to work in the gray office walls, performed the same tasks, returned home and spent the evenings in front of the TV. His days flowed one after another, like an endless stream of monotony. Jake had always dreamed of something bigger, but he had no idea what it could be.

      However, one day, on that rainy evening, when he decided to take a walk in the park, his life changed radically. It was raining like a bucket, and the streets were empty. Jake put on his old rain jacket and left the house. He had an umbrella at hand, and he walked along the wet sidewalks, feeling the raindrops that beat rhythmically on him.

      When he came to the park, he found that the usually busy place was completely empty. The trees bent under the load of water, and the paths turned into rivers. Jake walked slowly forward, thoughtfully looking at the reflection of the lights of the street lamps in the water.

      It was at that moment when he was crossing a small bridge that something unusual happened. At first, Jake thought his imagination was playing tricks on him. He blinked to dispel the vision, but then something happened that made his heart hurry. The clouds parted, and a portal opened in front of him, like a window into another world. Bright rays of light radiated from this portal, creating a magical aura. Jake felt like a whirlwind of power was taking him inside, and he couldn't resist. His arms and legs became as light as a feather, and he stepped inside this portal, feeling reality slowly disappear around him.

      When Jake came out of the portal, he found himself in a completely different place. The landscape was incredibly beautiful and alien. Giant trees towered to the sky, their branches framing the sky, giving the impression that he was in some magical forest. The river running past him sparkled bright blue, like a stream of living sapphires. Jake felt like he was in a fairy tale, surrounded by unusual plants emitting light and sounds that were incredibly harmonious and inspiring.

      His heart was beating faster, and his eyes were full of surprise and excitement. Jake realized that he was in a completely different world, which is full of mysteries and wonders. And now his life has changed forever, opening up unexplored horizons of adventures and opportunities for him.

      He looked around and found that his whole world had changed. Creatures completely unlike humans roamed around him. They were tall and slender, their skin shone with multicolored shades, from bright green to deep blue. The wings on their backs were incredibly colorful and decorated with patterns, like art canvases. These creatures had a wonderful grace in their movements, their eyes sparkled like precious stones, their hair was a waterfall of fresh flowers. They were communicating in some strange language, whose sounds were melodious and magical, but Jake could not understand a word.

      Jake felt lost and helpless in front of these incredible creatures. His life, which seemed so ordinary and predictable, suddenly became an adventure that he could not even dream of. In this new world full of magic and unexplored possibilities, he realized that incredible adventures and unexplored secrets were waiting for him.

      He decided to explore this world, which he accidentally discovered, and find answers to all his questions. Under the wings of these mysterious creatures, he hoped to find his place and understand how he got here and what he had to do. For Jake, the most exciting and unexpected stage of his life has begun, full of miracles and dangers.

       Chapter 2

      Jake went on his journey through this amazing world with a feeling of incredible excitement. He accidentally opened access to this world and immediately realized that he had an incredible opportunity to explore places he had never dreamed of. His adventure began in a dense forest where the trees were so tall that it seemed as if they reached the heavens. The forest was filled with mysterious sounds and shimmering light butterflies that circled around.

      Suddenly, a tiny fairy flew past Jake, and he almost fell from the clouds, looking at her magic wings. These wings shimmered like diamonds, and they emitted musical sounds as the fairy flew through the air. She seemed like a real fairy from a fairy tale. Shining like stars, she landed in front of Jake and smiled at him affably.

      The fairy was incredibly friendly and willing to share with Jake the knowledge of the world he had just discovered. She told him that this world is called "Earthlings" and that it is full of wonders and mysteries. The fairy told him about the creatures with bright skin and wings on their backs that inhabit this world, and about their amazing abilities. She also told Jake about the magic that permeates the entire nature of Earthlings and makes this world a real magical place to explore.

      With each new day, Jake learned more about the Earthlings and their amazing abilities. He explored mountains, rivers, and valleys, met different creatures and learned from them the wisdom of this amazing world. His journey became a real adventure, and he was glad that he accidentally opened access to this wonderful world and met such friendly and kind creatures as a fairy and Earthlings.

      Exploring the mountains was undoubtedly one of the most challenging and exciting stages of Jake's journey. Climbing the mountains turned out to be a difficult task. The terrain was steep, and the height reached an impressive size. Jake had to climb rocky slopes and overcome unpredictable weather conditions that could change at any moment. However, despite all the difficulties, he felt that every step up brings him closer to amazing discoveries.

      As soon as he reached the top, a breathtaking view appeared before him. The mountain peaks towered up to the clouds, and Jake felt like a small link in this majestic nature. Sparkling snow on the mountain tops created a magical contrast with the blue sky, and glaciers, like living sculptures, decorated this incredible landscape.

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