Исламское государство. Армия террора. Майкл Вайс
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СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      Brisard, Zarqawi, 143.


      Riedel, The Search for Al Qaeda, 103.


      Riedel, The Search for Al Qaeda, 102–03.


      Michael W. S. Ryan, “Dabiq: What Islamic State’s New Maga www.jamestown.org/programs/tm/single/?tx_ttnews[tt_news]=42702&cHash=0efbd71af77fb92c064b9403dc8ea838#.VLGK7caJnzL.


      “Four Blackwater Agents Hung in Fallujah Iraq March 31, 2004,” YouTube video of ABC broadcast, 2:41, posted by WARLORDSMEDIUM, December 11, 2011, www.youtube.com/watch?v=bln0q8E5onE.


      Gordon & Trainor, The Endgame, 23, 56–57.


      Интервью, взятое авторами, ноябрь 2014 г.


      Gordon & Trainor, The Endgame, 113.


      Gordon & Trainor, The Endgame, 114.


      Gordon & Trainor, The Endgame, 114.


      Bergen, The Osama bin Laden I Know, 364.


      Riedel, The Searchfor Al Qaeda, 105.


      Gordon & Trainor, The Endgame, 119.


      Lt. Colonel Kenneth Estes, US Marine Corps Operations in Iraq, 203–2006 (Marine Corps History Divistion), 66; CQ Researcher, Global Issues: Selections from CQ Researcher (CQPress, 2014), ebook.


      Napoleoni, Insurgent Iraq, 183.


      Napoleoni, Insurgent Iraq, 183.


      Riedel, The Search for Al Qaeda, 105.


      Riedel, The Search for Al Qaeda, 12–13.


      Riedel, The Search for Al Qaeda, 100.


      Riedel, The Search for Al Qaeda, 105; Napoleoni, Insurgent Iraq, 150–53.


      Riedel, The Search for Al Qaeda, 106.


      Riedel, The Search for Al Qaeda, 106; “Mapping the Global Muslim Population,” PewResearch, October 7, 2009, www.pewforum.org/2009/10/07/mapping-the-global-muslim-population.


      Riedel, The Search for Al Qaeda, 105.


      Gordon & Trainor, The Endgame, 123; “Haifa St, Baghdad, Iraq,” Google Maps, accessed January 17, 2015, www.google.com/maps/place/Haifa+St,+Baghdad,+Iraq/@33.3263295,44.3705687,12z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x15577f4a7ecb0a21:0x808bf83e3e9c97e9.


      Gordon & Trainor, The Endgame, 123.


      Gordon & Trainor, The Endgame, 123.


      Gordon & Trainor, The Endgame, 124.


      Gordon & Trainor, The Endgame, 126.


      Rayburn, Iraq After America, 110.


      Warzer Jaff and Robert E. Worth, “Deadliest Single Attack Since Fall of Hussein Kills More Than 120,” New York Times, February 28, 2005, www.nytimes.com/2005/02/28/international/middleeast/28cnd-iraq.html.


      “Interview Col. H. R. McMaster,” Frontline End Game, June 19, 2007, www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/endgame/interviews/mcmaster.html.


      Gordon & Trainor, The Endgame, 36.


      Интервью, взятое одним из авторов, декабрь 2014 г.


      Napoleoni, Insurgent Iraq, 190.


      “Anbar Before and After The Awakening Pt. IX: Sheik Sabah Aziz of the Albu Mahal,” Musings on Iraq blog, January 23, 2014, musingsoniraq.blogspot.com/2014/01/anbar-before-and-after-awakening-pt-ix.html.