Impact of Tibetan singing bowls massage in the tradition Tsering Ngodrub on the human body. Viktor Ogui
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СКАЧАТЬ of the “late” results of the health-improving influence. During EPD the tests participants were in the sitting position.

      The results of the recipient’s static diagnostics

      The results of the recipient’s static diagnostics are shown in Table 2 and Fig. 1. In accordance with such data the recipient’s AC distribution looks rather well-balanced. Only AC of the Large Intestine is a little beyond the allowable variation (red lines on the diagram of Fig. 1). The overwhelming majority of the rest of measured values is within the “ideal balance” (within the green lines on the diagram of Fig. 1).

      Table 2 Initial Values of the Recipient’s AC Activeness

      Table 2 Initial Values of the Recipient’s AC Activeness

      It should be mentioned that if the abnormality value exceeds 2 it is necessary to correct such AC. If the relative value of abnormality is lesser than 2 correction of such AC is, strictly speaking, unnecessary. As we see in Table 2 there are no “problematic” AC (those which need correction).

      Dynamic diagnostics

      Dynamic diagnostics. The results of dynamic diagnostics also show no problems in the recipient’s energoinformational exchange of the AC system. We may assume that there are some problems only in the AC of the Large Intestine which shows signs of “the 1st degree block” when only one branch of the analyzed meridian is adynamic.

      Thus, integrally the initial recipient’s FS from the point of view of EPD may be characterized as “norm” which requires no correction. At the same time the way the body reacted to the test load makes us arrive at the conclusion that the recipient possesses significant adaptive resources as well.

      Fig. 1 Initial State of the Recipient’s Acupuncture Channels

      Fig. 2 Initial Dynamic Properties of the Recipient’s Channel System

      The main values of the initial CRV State of the recipient

      The main values of the initial CRV State of the recipient are shown in Table 3. One can see that initially no significant problems in regulation of the recipient’s cardiac rhythm were found. Here it may just be noted that there is a rather increased value of the regulatory systems tension index (TI), i.e. there is some predomination of the excitative processes in the recipient’s body (sympathicotonia).

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