Out of the castle. Olga Zhvan
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Название: Out of the castle

Автор: Olga Zhvan


Жанр: Любовное фэнтези

Серия: The Worlds of Aurelia

isbn: 978-617-7060 83-2


СКАЧАТЬ Maaaaaaaaaaaaama! – the girl outstretched hands to Aurelia and got claws into her foot.

      Aurelia fell on knees and froze. Looking at the small copy of her own self, she tried to lay the events in her overwrought consciousness. As though one more thread which connected her to the reality broke, and she again didn't understand, where she was and what was happening around. It seemed the ground gone from under her feet and there was no opportunity to find a steady support.

      The child, meanwhile, continued to cry, and there was nothing for Aurelia but to embrace the girl and press to habitually responded heart.

* * *

      Having screamed, Aurelia jumped up on a bed and jerked to a door. She stopped and listened. It was silent. She looked out the door and didn’t see anybody. Aurelia sat down on a bed. It was a dream. It was a dream. It was a dream. Only a dream. The full reality of feeling of presence of the native little person was so obvious that now Aurelia's half-asleep consciousness refused to accept the reality surrounding it. The day broke, the first roosters were going to announce about it to all this world, and strange tired girl was sitting on a bed, trying to restore own borders of consciousness and listening to internal feelings.

* * *

      She saw Veres downstairs. He was as usual thoughtful, and that thoughtfulness and reticence reminding Borg slowly started to irritate Aurelia. Behind it the consciousness reduced in a point fixated on the injuring experience was felt. He had no Borg's ability to rivet on himself attention by one phrase, to force him to understand, having appeared at once in the center of your own life. Aurelia suppressed the flashed irritation, and reminded herself that few time passed for Veres to become the same he was before – the cheerful and self-confident young twenty-nine-year-old man. However, it was difficult to girl to imagine him like that, and she rather simply trusted words of his elder brother. The early gray hair on temples reminding about endured events, didn't add the age, but made his features more finely-cut. Aurelia caught the thought that as soon as she ceased to be irritated, involuntarily was fond of examining and solving his features and character, allowing thoughts of him if not to appear in the center of her own reflections, but very close to it. Having a little been confused by own attention, she sat on a bench opposite to Veres and silently pulled the plate with the steaming porridge and to a mug with hot broth.

      – Good morning, – the girl said with a little delay.

      – Good morning, – he answered without looking up from a plate.

      Exactly that day Aurelia desperately wanted to share the endured vision with someone alive, for some time it was not enough for her just to write down everything in a notebook, imagining that it was read by Borg.

      There was some fuss at the entrance, several new guests, quietly exchanging words, slowly settled down at the table, next to an exit. The hostess was flying around the counter, pouring beer. Sometimes it seemed to Aurelia that from all the beings living in this world, the feeling of curiosity is inherent only in her and that, probably, because she was born in other place. Though at that moment even she didn't know why those men in usual dusty raincoats took her attention.

      Four large men of uncertain age with tired faces slumped on the benches. Trying to listen to their monotonous voices, Aurelia suddenly caught herself that she didn't understand the sense of their speech. As though she heard half-known foreign language, words were familiar, and the essence escaped. Having suppressed the irritation which already became habitual, Aurelia paid after all the attention on rather cooled-down porridge. Realized that cold porridge was as tasteless, as hot, she looked round the hall again. That time her attention was drawn by the lonely traveler sitting in a far corner, he was dressed in the same raincoat, as newcomers. The man diligently hunched shoulders, and it was obvious that most all he wanted to remain unnoticed. Aurelia looked closer at him. His age was about forty, he was large with a craggy face. He hasty ate up a piece of bread and without having drunk up beer, threw a coin on a table and began to make the way quietly to an exit. Trying to have a good time somehow, Aurelia imagined the course of events: would anybody notice him or not… and if noticed, what would it be? Making the way by a table at which Veres and Aurelia were sitting, the man raised eyes and stopped dead, having met the eyes of the girl. Aurelia was confused by such focused attention, the question in her eyes lit up with curiosity shades, pushing aside the flashed irritation sparkles on a background.

      – Have you remade the reality? How?! – He stared at Aurelia and she felt absolutely uncomfortable.

      – I made nothing, – the girl answered in embarrassment, and for some reason repeated, – Nothing …

      – And who has made it for you?

      – I don't know, – the confusion was growing, filling Aurelia with easy unpleasant concern.

      Veres turned to the man and quietly said something to him, Aurelia didn't catch a word, but the man probably understood everything well because he sharply turned pale and accelerated the movement towards an exit. Veres, without having found time to explain something, started to drink beer.

      – Did Borg teach you as well? – Aurelia muttered irrelevantly just to talk though about something if only to get rid of concern. The speech was a contact, and it, in turn was a binding to reality from which the girl again started escaping promptly …

* * *

      Aurelia suddenly saw herself in the house of her parents, heard voices of the numerous guests who were in different rooms. But she was alone in the kitchen. Aurelia came to a veranda; the door to the yard was open. She for some reason didn't want to go to guests, and she decided to be alone for some time. Having stopped on the top step, the girl was lost in contemplation of the sky with true deep blue, of the sun which seemed to stand in the center of the Universe. Some steps led down, but she didn't go down, enjoying fresh air and a cup of fragrant hot coffee in her hand. The easy breezes was fanning shoulders, and right that moment she felt peace and homely joys which appeared when the one came to the parental house after a long absence. The little girl was playing in the yard, Aurelia didn't remember whose child was it, but the face seemed to her surprisingly familiar. The girl was wearing a pink dress and a light jacket; she had light ringlets which were dancing on a wind in time with her ringing carefree laughter.

      The sudden strong flaw tried to close a door, and it seemed to the girl for an instant that it would break it from hinges. Suddenly the wind became weaker, and, having looked to the yard, the girl saw that the girl as a balloon was hanging over the yard, and every instant she was getting more and more transparent, and some invisible force pulled her up. Aurelia suddenly understood that she could take her. She dropped a cup with coffee at a step and seized her by the small hand, trying to hold. Aurelia was pulling her down, and suddenly understood that girl felt a great pain because of it, and the force which was dragging her up was much stronger than the young woman …

      … Suddenly she saw herself in her apartment standing in a doorway on a balcony. She was still holding the girl who was hanging as a balloon under a balcony ceiling. Aurelia understood that it was not enough to pull her hand, it was necessary to clasp her with both hands and land without having injured. Taking the child closer, the girl saw that suddenly the baby became a white rag doll as though it was wetted and frozen. Aurelia felt the dragging pity to the child took and put her in the bed, having carefully wrapped up with a blanket to warm …

      … Sometime later she came up to a bed again; the child was laying with opened eyes on a pillow and looking at her. Having stroked СКАЧАТЬ