Russia. Crimea. History. Nikolay Starikov
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Название: Russia. Crimea. History

Автор: Nikolay Starikov


Жанр: История


isbn: 978-5-496-01693-3


СКАЧАТЬ On the night of 19 February, a fire started in the House of Trade Unions at Khreshchatik street. Nobody ever stormed the House, but the building somehow caught fire immediately and dramatically. There is quite substantial reasons to believe that, expecting a “Berkut” attack, the militants just tried to “clean up” and to cover their tracks[77].

      20 February 2014. In the morning, the Supreme Rada – according to an initiative of the ceding all and everything President Yanukovich – decided to withdraw from Kiev all law enforcement troops[78]. Yanukovich actually relinquished the power – by his consent to withdraw all loyal to the oath law enforcement troops from the Capital.

      • The Maidan protesters moved forth again – the police retreated. At this moment a mass shooting of protesting militants happened on the Institutskaya street. There were several snipers; they fired from several points. Footages show how the militants with shields were coming ahead and were falling, being struck by bullets, which are flying from behind and from a side. Who was shooting? It is extremely important – to thoroughly investigate the filthy and bloody story of the mass murder of people by “unknown snipers” in Kiev. Yanukovich has stated that he had not given a command to shoot at unarmed people. Such an order really did not exist. Furthermore, the fighters neither of “Berkut” nor of Internal Troops had firearms at their disposal when they were confronting the protesters. These guys could not have killed anyone and were not going to kill anyone. But at the same time, the same “unknown snipers” have made many shots at the law enforcement troopers and wounded more than 20 of them. Namely being exposed to this gunfire, the police forces began to retreat from the Maidan[79].

      • Openly, in front of cameras at a press conference, the leaders of the anti-terrorist units and groups of snipers claimed, that they did not shoot at the demonstrators. Snipers of the Interior Ministry of Ukraine were deployed at the scene of the clashes, but they have not used their special rifles at the protesters – they were preparing positions for anti-sniper fight… “The commander of a unit of the special forces to fight terrorism “Omega” colonel Anatoly Strel’chenko claimed, that the fighters of his unit have not shot on the protesters on the Institutskaya and Hrushevsky streets …”My unit was slandered as allegedly like a “death squad”. I want to officially state that “Omega” did not kill anyone, “ – said the commander of the elite unit of special forces …”[80]

      There is still no answer on the question, who was shooting. It is not going to be found. The special forces “Berkut” were blamed. Several “Berkut” troopers were arrested. But even a commission, created on a command of the putsch leaders, concluded that people were killed not of the firearms, which the law enforcement units may have had[81]. Who had been killing? Unknown snipers[82]. The mass murder of people by “unknown snipers”, who were – as a matter of fact – placed on roofs of Kiev by western secret agencies, enables to blame the authorities for brutalities and violence[83]. And to respond with violence. All Western and controlled by the West Ukrainian mass media got the best out of this provocation – they quickly have formed the public opinion in Europe, in the USA, and in Ukraine. This multi-step scenario, in which the opposition, Western powers and intelligence agencies, as well as “independent” media were playing one bloody game. This was the essence of the technique of overthrowing a power. The same – or similar – provocateurs were killing people in Syria, Libya, Egypt, Kirgizia, Tunisia, and – at last – in Moscow in 1993. Let us try to key in the word “sniper” together with a name of a country into a search line of whatever Internet search engine, and you will see how often our American “partners” repeat the same trick – first, the sniper fire at crowds and then – blaming the authorities in the massacre[84]. If the “script” of killings of different victims in absolutely different places of the world is the same – it is the evidence that the killer is a serial one, the evidence that the killer is just one. Nowadays only one country in the world can replicate provocations globally in pursuit of own geopolitical objectives.

      21 February 2014. Under a pressure of Western powers Yanukovich signed with the opposition an agreement about the settlement of the Ukrainian crisis. The Agreement contained mandatory provisions, in particular, – immediately (within 2 days) put into effect the Constitution of 2004, a Constitutional reform and a new early Presidential elections not later than in December 2014.

      The guarantors of the Agreement’s implementation were the Federal minister of the Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Poland Radosław Sikorski and the Head of the Department of the Continental Europe of the Foreign Ministry of the French Republic Éric Fournier[85].

      The surrender of all positions by the authorities was at the full swing. The Security Service of Ukraine announced the abolishment of the anti-terrorist operation, the start of which was declared on 19 February, but which in fact has never been started[86]. After the signing of the Agreement, the opposition began to work on an issue of physical extermination of Yanukovich. After the complete relinquishing the power, he may come in handy for them and for their Western curators only in a form of a corpse[87]. In such case, the problem of the legitimacy of their power would be solved itself. But Yanukovich managed to escape. Fleeing, he has not signed a decree about the putting into effect of the Constitution of 2004, what is a mandatory condition according to the Agreement. The putsch leaders did “not notice” such a trifle.

      • The same day the leader of the “Right Sector” Dmitry Yarosh declared the non-recognition of the Agreement between Yanukovich and the opposition leaders. He threatened to begin storming the Presidential Administration with the forces of the “Right Sector” if Yanukovich would not resign until the next morning[88].

      • At the night 21–22 February, the President Yanukovich left Kiev for Kharkov[89]. In Ukraine has been committed a coup d’état. There is no other name to the violent seizure and usurpation of power occurred there.

      22 February 2014. The Supreme Rada adopted a resolution, which declared that “Yanukovich has withdrawn from the exercising of his constitutional powers in an unconstitutional manner” and he does not fulfill his duties. Rada has scheduled early Presidential elections on the 25 May 2014[90]. At the same time, some TV channels broadcasted an interview with Yanukovich from Kharkov. He claimed that he is not going to resign and sign any documents or decisions of the Supreme Rada, which he deems to be illegal. He named all, what was happening in the country as “vandalism, gangsterism and a coup d’état”[91].

      23 February 2014. The Presidential duties – in violation of the Constitution – were assigned to the Chairman of the Supreme Rada Alexander Turchinov. The same day the Rada repealed the Law about the regional Languages[92]. The roistering of the militants in Kiev were the background of the voting in the Parliament. The militants several times attacked the “Berkut” troops on their way out of the city. Many Rada deputies were detained in the Parliamentary premises and forced to surrender their smart cards for secure voting. Unwanted “guests”, armed and disguised, were visiting houses and apartments of many politicians. Militants of the Maidan “self-defense” guarded the building of the Supreme Rada[93].

      Now СКАЧАТЬ


Kiev February 19: Maidan withstood the night, 25 killed. (in Russian).


Rada voted for a withdrawal of military forces from Kiev. (in Russian).


More than 20 police officers hit by sniper fire in the city center. (in Russian).


The commander of the elite unit of the Ukrainian Special Forces: they want to make us like a “death squad”. (in Russian).


V. Mikhailin. The black “Berkut” was bleached. (in Russian).


Details about how “unknown snipers” were used over the human history and nowadays – see: N. V. Starikov. Nationalization of Ruble. A way to a freedom for Russia – SPb, 2011 (in Russian).


N. V. Starikov. Kiev. Maidan. Unknown snipers. (in Russian).


About the possibility of using “unknown snipers” in Ukraine see the following articles of N. V. Starikov (all are in Russian): 22 January 2014 – “Snipers in Kiev – a provocation according to a manual”;; 23 January 2014 – “How NATO snipers open doors to “colored” revolutions”;; 4 October 2013 – “The October 1993. Moscow. Unknown snipers”;


Promulgated the text of the Agreement on the settlement of the crisis in Ukraine. (in Russian).


The Security Service of Ukraine declared about the abolishment of the antiterrorist operation. (in Russian).


D. Belyaev. How (they) were killing Yanukovich. (in Russian).


Euro-Maidan demands the resignation of Yanukovich before the morning of the coming Saturday. (in Russian).


Yanukovich left Kiev and arrived to Kharkov. 20140222/996370433.html (in Russian).


Rada ousted Yanukovich and appointed the presidential elections on the 25 May 2014. (in Russian).


Yanukovich named all that is happening in the country a coup d’état. (in Russian).


Resolution of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine No. 764-VII of 23.02.2014 (in Ukrainian).


The Governmental district of Kiev controlled by Euro-Maidan. (in Russian).