The Books of the Prophets Ezekiel and Daniel. Scientific line-by-line explanation of the Bible. Andrey Tikhomirov
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СКАЧАТЬ of man! eat your bread with trembling, and drink your water with trembling and sadness. (Suggestion is beneficial to the hypnotist, so that a person is always his slave).

      19 And tell the people of the earth: Thus saith the LORD God concerning the inhabitants of Jerusalem, concerning the land of Israel: they shall eat their bread with sorrow, and drink their water in despondency, because his land shall be deprived of all its abundance because of the iniquities of all who dwell therein. (Clever manipulative priests «broadcast» through their prophets, afraid to appear in front of their own eyes, so that they would not be exposed).

      20 And the inhabited cities will be destroyed, and the land will become desolate, and you will know that I am the LORD. (Everything is supposedly done by Mr. God).

      21 And the word of the LORD came to me: (Suggestion by words).

      22 Son of man! What is the saying you have in the land of Israel: «many days will pass, and every prophetic vision will disappear»? («Vision» – hypnotic influence passes over time).

      23 Therefore say to them, Thus saith the LORD God, I will destroy this saying, and they will no longer use such a saying in Israel; but tell them, The days are near, and the fulfillment of every prophetic vision. (The Lord God, that is, the Jewish priests, do not benefit from such sayings, therefore they must be destroyed).

      24 For no prophetic vision will remain in vain, and no foreshadowing will be false in the house of Israel. («Visions» are hypnotic influences).

      25 For I am the LORD, I speak; and the word that I speak will be fulfilled, and will not be delayed; in your days, rebellious house, I have spoken the word, and I will fulfill it, says the LORD God. (The suggestion of what God has once said, he will fulfill!).

      26 And the word of the LORD came to me: (Hypnotist’s voice).

      27 Son of man! Behold, the house of Israel says, «The prophetic vision that he saw will come true after many days, and he prophesies of distant times.» («Visions» are hypnotic influences).

      28 Therefore say to them, Thus saith the LORD God: None of my words will be delayed any more, but the word that I will speak will come to pass, saith the LORD God. (Apparently, even those Jews who trusted the prophet’s stories about his «visions» and «revelations», at the same time said about Ezekiel that, they say, it will inevitably come true, but in distant times).

      Chapter 13

      1 And the word of the LORD came to me: (Hypnotist’s voice).

      2 son of man! prophesy against the prophets of Israel prophesying, and tell the prophets from your own heart: listen to the word of the Lord! (The prophecies influenced the flock, exerting an influence beneficial to the priesthood).

      3 Thus saith the LORD God: Woe to the mad prophets who are led by their own spirit and have seen nothing! (There were also prophets who did not obey the Jewish elite).

      4 Your prophets, Israel, are like foxes in ruins. (Comparison with animals).

      5 You do not enter into the breaches, and you do not fence the house of Israel with a wall, so that you can stand firm in the battle in the day of the LORD. (Condemnation of the «wrong» prophets).

      6 They see nothing and foreshadow a lie, saying: «The Lord said»; but the Lord did not send them; and they are hopeful that the word will come true. (Condemnation of the «wrong» prophets).

      7 Have you not seen an empty vision? and are you not uttering a false foreshadowing, saying: «The Lord said,» and I didn’t say? («Visions» are hypnotic influences, generalized Jewish priests act under the name of the lord God).

      8 Therefore thus saith the LORD God: Since you speak empty words and see lies in your visions, therefore, behold, I am against you, saith the LORD God. («Visions» are hypnotic influences).

      9 And my hand will be against these prophets who see nothing and foretell lies; they will not be in the council of my people, and they will not be included in the list of the house of Israel, and they will not enter the land of Israel; and you will know that I am the Lord God. (Condemnation of «wrong» prophets).

      10 Because they mislead my people by saying, «Peace,» when there is no peace; and when they build a wall, they smear it with mud, (Condemnation of the «wrong» prophets).

      11 tell those who smear the wall with mud that it will fall. A torrential rain will fall, and you, stone hailstones, will fall, and a stormy wind will tear it apart. (Comparison with the construction of walls).

      12 And behold, the wall will fall; then will they not say to you, «Where is the coating with which you smeared?» (Comparison with the construction of walls).

      13 Therefore thus saith the LORD God: I will send a tempestuous wind in my anger, and it will rain in my fury, and hail stones in my indignation, to destroy. (Expressing the anger of the Jewish elite through the «right» prophet).

      14 And I will break down the wall that you have smeared with mud, and I will throw it to the ground, and its foundation will be opened, and it will fall, and you will perish with it; and you will know that I am the LORD. (Expressing the anger of the Jewish elite through the «right» prophet).

      15 And I will exhaust my rage on the wall and on those who smear it with dirt, and I will tell you: there is no wall, and there are no those who smeared it, (The utterance of the anger of the Jewish elite through the «right» prophet).

      16 The prophets of Israel, who prophesied to Jerusalem and proclaimed visions of peace to it, while there is no peace, says the LORD God. («Visions» are hypnotic influences).

      17 But you, son of man, turn your face to the daughters of your people, prophesying from your own heart, and prophesy against them, (The prophecy meant supposedly the inevitability of fulfillment in the future, in fact it was a simple suggestion of what is beneficial to the Jewish priesthood).

      18 And say, Thus saith the LORD God: Woe to them that sew magic pouches under their armpits, and make veils for the head of every height, to catch souls! Will you really save your souls by catching the souls of My people? (Expressing the anger of the Jewish elite through the «right» prophet).

      19 And dishonor me before my people for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread, killing souls who should not die, and giving life to souls who should not live, deceiving the people who listen to lies. (Expressing the anger of the Jewish elite through the «right» prophet).

      20 Therefore thus saith the LORD God: Behold, I am on your magic bags, with which you catch souls there, so that they may come, and I will tear them out from under your muscles, and I will set free the souls that you catch, so that they may come to you. (Sorcerers-sorcerers wore some kind of magic pouches under their muscles).

      21 And I will tear your veils, and I will deliver my people from your hands, and they will no longer be a prey in your hands, and you will know that I am the LORD. (Condemnation of the «wrong» prophets).

      22 Because by lying you grieve the heart of the righteous, which I did not want to grieve, and you support the hands of the wrongdoer, so that he does not turn from his evil way and does not save his life – (Condemnation of the «wrong» prophets).

      23 For this СКАЧАТЬ