The Books of the Prophets Ezekiel and Daniel. Scientific line-by-line explanation of the Bible. Andrey Tikhomirov
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СКАЧАТЬ in sorrow, with an anxious spirit; and the hand of the Lord was firmly on me. («Raised the spirit» – that is, Ezekiel fell into a hypnotic trance, Ezekiel, however, did not fly, but «walked» in a hypnotic state, «the hand of the Lord was firmly on me» – hypnosis worked perfectly, the session worked, Ezekiel became a slave of a priest-hypnotist, who allegedly was god).

      15 And I came to those who had been moved to Tel Aviv, who lived by the river Khovar, and I stayed where they lived, and spent seven days among them in amazement. (The Prophet of 7 days (the «sacred» seven) propagandized maxims beneficial to the Jewish priests, where the Jewish settlers lived).

      16 After seven days, the word of the Lord came to me: (However, the spell (hypnosis) gradually disappeared, so a new verbal suggestion became necessary).

      17 son of man! I have made you a guardian of the house of Israel, and you will listen to the word from my mouth, and you will instruct them from Me. (In its purest form, verbal hypnotic influence).

      18 When I say to the wicked, «You will die by death,» and you will not admonish him or speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, so that he may live, that wicked man will die in his iniquity, and I will seek his blood at your hands. (The wrongdoer is the one who does not admire Yahweh and does not comply with the laws of Judaism, of course, if he does not come to his senses, then death awaits him, the prophet must contribute to the fact that the wrongdoer realized his «mistakes» and embarked on the path of correction, otherwise the prophet becomes an instrument of killing the wrongdoer).

      19 But if you have admonished the wicked, and he has not turned from his iniquity and from his iniquitous way, then he will die in his iniquity, but you have saved your soul. (The prophet saves his soul in the event of the death of the wrongdoer, this is a very advantageous interpretation for the priests, who seem to have nothing to do with it, the priests remain behind the Scenes).

      20 And if a righteous man turns away from his righteousness and acts wickedly, when I put a stumbling block before him and he dies, then if you did not admonish him, he will die for his sin, and his righteous deeds that he did will not be remembered to him; and I will seek his blood at your hands. (In any case, the prophet will be extreme, God, that is, the scheming priest, will «seek the blood of the wrongdoer» and will find out through the «sacred» substance – blood about what the prophet undertook in order to return the «rebellious house» to the bosom of Judaism. It is not profitable for the priests to kill the «chosen ones», it is profitable for them to constantly «milk» them, that is, so that the «chosen ones» bring more and more often food (without a flaw) for the priests-schemers).

      21 But if you admonish the righteous, so that the righteous does not sin, and he does not sin, then he will also live, because he was admonished, and you saved your soul. (It is not profitable for the priests to kill the «chosen ones», it is profitable for them to constantly «milk» them, that is, so that the «chosen ones» bring more and more often food (without a flaw) for the priests-schemers).

      22 And the hand of the LORD was upon me there, and he said to me, Arise and go out into the field, and I will speak with you there. («The Hand of the Lord» is a hypnotic obsession caused by the passes of the hands. The priest-hypnotist commands his hypnotized slave).

      23 And I arose, and went out into the field; and, behold, the glory of the LORD stood there, like the glory that I had seen by the river Khovar; and I fell on my face. (In the field, the prophet fell into a hypnotic trance, which is shown by the phrase «I fell on my face»).

      24 And the spirit entered into me, and set me on my feet, and he spoke to me, and said to me, Go and shut yourself up in your house. («And the spirit entered me» – the hypnotic trance continues, the person becomes a slave to the hypnotist and fulfills all his instructions. From that time on, Ezekiel’s behavior became the behavior of the prophet).

      25 And you, son of man, behold, they will lay bonds on you, and bind you with them, and you will not walk among them. (Verbal suggestion, the general meaning of which is not to obey the rebels, even if they exert influence).

      26 And I will stick your tongue to your throat, and you will be numb, and you will not be their reprover, for they are a rebellious house. (The priest-hypnotist shows his power over the hypnotized, that he can stick his tongue to the larynx, the person becomes mute. This is quite possible with the help of hypnosis).

      27 And when I speak to you, then I will open your mouth, and you will say to them, «Thus saith the LORD God!» whoever wants to listen, listen; and whoever does not want to listen, do not listen: for they are a rebellious house. (Setting up how to act and talk to the rebels).

      Chapter 4

      1 And you, son of man, take a brick for yourself and put it before you, and draw the city of Jerusalem on it; (Jerusalem in the form of a brick. The ancient prophets had «visions», received «revelations» and gave «signs» thanks to the hypnotic influence of the priests-hypnotists. Ezekiel assures that after the first «vision» already described, he also had a number of similar ones, with the participation of all the same winged bull-shaped cherubim carrying the throne and Yahweh on it (in places the name of God is replaced by the respectful expression «glory to Yahweh». At the same time, God, that is, the hypnotist priests, each time turns to the prophet his «word», reveals to him his plans for the future of Israel and, as a rule, prescribes Ezekiel to carry out the corresponding sign, describing in detail how to perform it).

      2 and lay a siege against it, and make a fortification against it, and build a rampart around it, and set up a camp against it, and set up battering machines around it; (Plan for the siege of the city).

      3 and take for yourself an iron plank, and set it up as an iron wall between you and the city, and turn your face towards it, and it will be besieged, and you will besiege it. This will be a sign to the house of Israel. (The plan of the siege of the city as a portent, a method of imitative magic).

      4 But you lie down on your left side and put the iniquity of the house of Israel on it: according to the number of days that you lie on it, you will bear their iniquity. (Iniquity is a rejection of faith in Yahweh; lying motionless on one side for many days was catalepsy, but some researchers today attribute all these manifestations to the ecstatic state of the prophet and do not consider them as symptoms of a nervous illness. Naturally, these are primarily religious researchers).

      5 And I have appointed unto thee the years of their iniquity by the number of days: three hundred and ninety days shalt thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel. (390 days – the magic of numbers, for the iniquities of the Israelites).

      6 And when you have done this, lie down on your right side a second time, and bear the iniquity of the house of Judah on you for forty days, a day for a year, a day for a year I have appointed for you. (40 days – the magic of numbers, for the iniquities of the Jews).

      7 And turn your face and your naked right hand to the siege of Jerusalem, and prophesy against it. (The plan of the siege of the city as a portent, a method of imitative magic).

      8 Behold, I have laid a bond upon you, and you will not turn from one side to the other until you have fulfilled the days of your siege. (Suggestion of the priest-hypnotist).

      9 Take for yourself wheat and barley, and beans, and lentils, and millet, and spelt, and pour them into one vessel, and make yourself loaves of them, according to the number of days in which you will lie on your side; three hundred and ninety days you will eat them. (Without nutrition, СКАЧАТЬ