Little book of poems. rimmalonna
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Название: Little book of poems

Автор: rimmalonna

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Поэзия


isbn: 9785005689733


СКАЧАТЬ it couldn’t have been worse

      No one cares about your loss

      Funny you should ask how we became this selfish

      Extraordinary things forever perish

      Know why? They are everywhere

      Keeping us alive was a just game

      It was coming through and finally came

      The end, goodbye, I’m done

      If I were you then I would give up

      Unless you bury us you can’t live it up

      No breaks, break up it is

      You got used to licking love off the knifes, darling

      Don’t you see how low down this time you’re falling?

      Zone out, let that sink in

      Find a boy who’d cherish you, not his own projections

      You are not here to meet someone’s expectations

      Enough, be strong, be whole

      Love, next time don’t let me even close

      Attention seekers always need a dose


      It must’ve been something I never saw

      It must’ve been something you never showed

      How can someone feel it without a soul?

      That once was like shipwrecked, then found washed ashore

      Roads lead to the dead end though I don’t care

      So let’s take the ferry and better sail

      Discover unknown, make it sanctuary

      It’s just you and me who could make it three


      Though you didn’t have my heart broken

      I’m pissed «bout how we’re still talkin’

      There’s really nothing left for me to say

      Go have a motherfucking life and day


      I like the way some people

      cloth their thoughts

      in words

      of languages that for me foreign.

      This job is not a simple one,

      but, hopefully,

      I will learn how to do it

      by myself, I promise.


      Our parting ways doesn’t feel like a heartbreak

      As we were extraordinary, no matter what we did make

      As if we knew we could still be friends

      If a break-up ever occurs

      Cause you never were truly mine

      And I wasn’t wholeheartedly yours

      How terrifyingly thin is the line between

      Crippling loneliness and its twin

      Which is freedom

      Labeling things is so hard

      So much that it hurts

      I wish people could read minds

      What good are ambiguous words

      A smiling freckled face

      has finally realised

      it’s time we ended that race

      Just being will suffice


      I remember the time I was loved

      I remember the time I did love

      Such a pity it was never at the same time

      I stand and wait for stars to fall

      Since here I am anticipating awe.

      Though you’ve been searching for them all,

      In vain you tried, my friend, I stole the show.

      In vain you tried, my friend, I stole the show.

      I’ve learned to push your buttons that’s for sure

      The grass is greener if you say so

      With empty hands you’re left unless you ask for more


      I feel so lonely, but I’m not alone

      There always be the people who

      I love and who I’m loved by. You know

      Temptation’s high, desire even more

      Than I could possibly imagine

      It seems ridiculous accept

      The fact that I am here on my own

      There’s no one by my side, although

      I feel just fine

      Before I met you on that plane

      I never knew that I was wrong

      Abandoned child in a woman’s body

      The fatherless soul

      That’s better? How to put it better?

      Such a stare left me speechless

      Nonetheless I’m not that reckless

      So many fall behind

      Let alone your exes

      Who are the last deserve their second chances


      How dare you behave this way?

      I didn’t give you any cause

      Now ’farewell’ I’m here to say,

      Don’t ask me why, deal with your flaws

      Thanks for drama, I need it for my art

      Russian СКАЧАТЬ