A Companion to Latin American Literature and Culture. Группа авторов
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СКАЧАТЬ and innovations, it goes without saying that the tenuously integrated and multifaceted field of “Latin American Studies,” as different from “Latin America” itself, would be, at the same time, open to theoretical developments stemming from various epistemological locations. In fact, “Latin American Studies” comprises many disciplines which more often than not do not dovetail as an inquiry developed under similar or compatible methodologies, perspectives, or set of assumptions. Fractures, contradictions, incoherencies, urgencies, and directions vary enormously from one discipline to the next. Even though one may be able to say that there was/is a linguistic turn or a cultural studies turn in history, or a visual studies turn in anthropology and gender studies appear everywhere, the scholarship in each of those fields of inquiry encompasses questions and answers set within the paradigm of its own. Nevertheless, the institutions that the coloniality of power necessitates to manage knowledge – fellowships, conferences, scholarly journals, university presses, course curricula at university-level instruction, and hiring of teachers and professors—have in the first quarter of this century produced a great deal of scholarship under the aegis of cultural studies, postcolonial studies, queer theory, various Marxist approaches, and postcritical studies.

      Perhaps a list of key terms in postcolonial studies (see Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths and Helen Tiffin 1989) could serve here as a quick reminder of some of the topics and perspectives that postcolonial studies put to the fore of the study of societies which, like Latin America, have undergone deep periods of colonization, together with the effects that colonization had on the colonizers’ own cultures. Postcolonial theory placed under an unforgiving critical lens the concept of the nation-state as a critical tool for understanding the transformations of political and cultural communities. We are reminded of how recent the birth of nations is in Europe and also of how the idea of “nation” has served to invent past rootedness and unified traditions in places where social, racial, and political heterogeneity has been the long-standing experience. Along with a fierce critique of “nation,” the nation-state and even subaltern agency, postcolonial studies questioned the neutrality and efficacy of concepts such as syncretism, authenticity, subaltern, transculturation, national language, agency, and modernity. It showed the unscientific and self-interested development of concepts and reporting of event-concepts such as cannibalism, savagery, and backwardness. Examination of the terms of the construction of the “other” and “otherness” yielded illuminating understandings on the processes by which some subjects figured examples of the normal and others were deemed to occupied the space of barbarism. Postcolonial studies critically advanced the notions of ambiguity, decolonial thinking, diaspora, alterity, and agency as analytical tools to deconstruct the philosophies of sovereignty, unified thinking subjects at the helm of the production of modernity. Postcolonial theory produced critical perspectives onto concepts taken for granted such as “national liberation” or wars of national liberation. It questioned the neutrality of all disciplines. History, cartography, archaeology, and even biology were subject to new historiographical understandings that showed how the terms of their emplotment linked them to an unacknowledged relation with the coloniality of power. Biography and autobiography, narrative modes crucial to the study of literature, lost their secure connection to the “the truth” and texts became ever more distant from authentic points of origin that could validate their long-standing privileged situation as both art and testimony.

      Although not necessarily linked to the work that the coloniality of power has performed in the reconceptualization of subjects and perspectives, I think it is important to mention here the appearance of a book like When Montezuma Met Cortés: The True Story of the Meeting that Changed History (2018) by the historian Matthew Restall. The title repositions and signifies the events that are ordinarily understood to bear the force necessary for changing the course of history. Before Restall’s book, the narrative of world history had reserved that distinction for the moment when Columbus arrived in this hemisphere, but such narrative posited Columbus as subject, accidentally “discovering” America and excluded from the scene any Indigenous person. In Restall’s version, the focus is on the meeting between the two civilizations, on the duality implicit in the idea of encounter and the exchanges that followed. The book is a gripping and deeply informed rethinking of the meeting of these two civilizations as distilled in the “persons” of these two men at that moment in history.

      The critical assessment of the telling of the story of the conquest of Mexico completely overturns what we have been told about the long duration of the events of 1521 in Tenochtitlan. Restall writes against the grain of almost all old and new accounts of the “conquest of Mexico.” He starts by completely dismantling the thus far unassailable testimonial and self-serving narratives of Bernal Diaz del Castillo, as well as the letters written by Cortes. One by one, the book takes apart the epistemological maneuvers necessary for intelligent people to believe in the Bernal Diaz account of both the prowess of the Spanish conquistadors and the pusillanimous nature of the Aztecs together with the rise of the spectacular “descriptions” of human sacrifice. Over and over, Restall puts to the question: why did subsequent historians believe the narrative put forth by Bernal Diaz and Cortes when it clearly violated elementary forms of understanding plausible human behavior? With reference to the riddle of Montezuma’s death, for instance, Restall asks why did the Spanish spend so much energy denying that they had murdered him in СКАЧАТЬ