Flooded city. Рамиль Латыпов
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Название: Flooded city

Автор: Рамиль Латыпов

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9785005639851


СКАЧАТЬ little manna.

      “You magicians always have problems with you.” – She spat disgustingly. – Will you write a missing person’s report? The thing must have been expensive. Judging by your clothes. You are a mid-level magician at least.

      – No, there will be no statement. Dropped it into the river. And you will know that I am a magician of the highest level.

      – Yes, at least imperial. Pay in gold and come in. – Said the lady with the wart. Apparently she was bored with the conversation. She smiled sweetly at Soph

      – Three silver ones? – Said the thief. My friend has kind and gentle voices that have melted more than one heart.

      – Five silver and go ahead. – Said the guard without a wart.

      I reached out and gave the money out of the void. You won’t even be allowed into the city without money. Although officially everyone is allowed into the city without paying. But I wouldn’t argue with the guards. I don’t want to go to prison for resisting.

      Although the guards spoiled my mood, the city lifted it. The beautiful ladies were dizzy. And after passing the local brothel, I indulged in memories, but Soph quickly cooled me off with a blow to the head and we moved on.

      Here’s the guild. The same as I remember her. But last time they didn’t let me in. Entry is only for those over eighteen. Those are stupid rules. But today I got in without any problems. The guard at the gate only looked at us disdainfully, without saying a word. There are always a lot of rabble hanging around here. Inside, as always in such places, it was crowded. Someone drank dark kvass, someone played with dice or cards. About twenty people stood near the wall with tasks. Three reception desks. I went to the most beautiful lady who was available. She turned out to be a nice lady Cyclops. She smiled when she saw me. But when I noticed a thief next to me, my ardor diminished. I should at least draw a sign for this cat saying that he is only my friend. Otherwise I will have problems with my personal life.

      – Hello, the most beautiful creature in the world. “I said, smiling. The lady immediately covered herself with paint. “I’m with my partner, we’re just friends.” – I emphasized noticing the interest not only of the receptionist, but also of the ladies at the next table. Fine. – We want to register in the guild. I also have things for sale. Skins and bodies.

      – Yes, he and I don’t date, I’m dating for ladies. – Soph smiled at the Cyclops. – For little buds like you.

      – Oh. I’m so pleased with this. The guild always needs new people. I am your curator Bai – Her cheeks were literally glowing. – Fill out these forms. We will accept the goods in the yard after receiving the documents.

      I took the form and began to fill it out. Filled it out quickly. Noticing that my companion did not fill it out, but only twirled it in his hand, without understanding.

      – You can’t write? – I asked quietly.

      – Read too. Who will teach me the local language in the bandit camp? But my native language is not used here.

      I nodded, took the form from him, asked questions and wrote answers. Editing the content a bit. He turned out to be such a foul-mouthed person. Handed over the forms. Cyclops examined them carefully. She took out a large stone of “Truth” and we put our hands together. The receptionist compared the form with the inscription on the stone.

      – So this is “Mikhail underwear.” A year ago the whole city was talking about you.

      – Yes it’s me. – Why make excuses?

      – How interesting it is. You can tell me too. – Said the cheerful Soph, apparently he was interested in this story. That’s probably how he ran away from the ladies.

      – I was walking with the wife of the local baron, Anna Yutu. And he ran away at night. I didn’t have time to take much of my clothes. That’s the whole story. – I turned to the curator. How is the bald chub doing?

      – Eleanor Yutu died a month ago. And don’t you dare insult him, we loved him here. – Said the angry Baya. But then she changed her face, became sweet again and continued. “We are ruled by his wife Anna Yutu.

      “We should go visit her and say hello.”

      – The nephew of the previous baron rules with his new husband Yegor. Therefore, I forgive you, if you want to work in the guild, do not create problems for us.

      – Understood. – I nodded. It’s a pity that the baroness still has good memories.

      – Because there are documents there. Are we suitable for your guild? – the partner asked, grabbing the curator’s hand.

      – Yes, come over. Here are your cards. “She put two square cards on the table. Our names were displayed on them. – Will you create a clan?

      – Let’s. Let there be “The Magician and his friends.” – I said, looking at the dissatisfied face of the thief.

      – Such a clan already exists. Need a different name.

      – Let’s better call ourselves “Malawi”. So my homeland is called in the east. – Soph said, apparently this means a lot to him. I didn’t argue. He just nodded in approval, receiving an ear-to-ear smile from him. He’s cute when he smiles.

      – How interesting I haven’t heard about this country. – The curator checked the records. – The name is free. Wonderful. Your iron rank is the lowest. But you can take on any tasks no higher than two ranks higher than yours. There is an iron rank and so on, steel, bronze, silver and gold. The greatest adventurers receive a platinum rank. But this rank is given personally by the king or the head of the guild for special merits.

      – As you remember, I have skins and my friend wants to deposit money into the account. – I turned to the disgruntled thief. – Is it true?

      He reluctantly placed six gold pieces on the table. The curator took them and registered them on our common account. Then she went out into the street with us where I took out skins and carcasses from the void. Earned three gold. A lot of. The Guild does not skimp on the reward. Everything was put into the account. Then she came in with us and helped us choose the first task. We took on the task of guarding a trade caravan. It’s a simple job in the evening and you don’t have to pay for a hotel.

      The two of us left the guild. Strangely, we were not pestered by regulars. Maybe they have a rule not to bully newbies. After all, over time, fewer and fewer people began to become adventurers. Everyone becomes a bard, a craftsman or a merchant. There is more work there and the pay is better. Being an adventurer you won’t earn much money. And if war starts, they will be drafted like an ordinary soldier.

      – Everything went well. It’s a pity, of course, I gave the money to the account. And it’s so nice when they warm your wallet. – At these words his stomach began to growl treacherously. How much will fit in there? We ate in the morning. Although he has a different metabolism, he is half-human.

      – Let’s go to the tavern and gather rumors. This is the most important thing in our business. – I said smiling. Then he added more quietly. – Let’s eat fish with light kvass.

      Hearing СКАЧАТЬ