Children of the Moon. Evadeen Brickwood
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Название: Children of the Moon

Автор: Evadeen Brickwood

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Книги для детей: прочее

Серия: Remember the Future

isbn: 9783738094008



      Katherine gave Sally advice while putting away her socks in the bottom drawer. Sally Holfield was nervous about going to such a famous school. She thought that she wouldn’t keep up with the other talented students.

      “New kids are sometimes targeted by the snobs here. So expect some hazing.” She knew what she was talking about.

      “Sounds scary.”

      “Only if you let them get to you. And we’ll also be around.”

      “Trevor gave Holly Benson the cold shoulder last year until she gave up on him. He was hopeless as a victim.” Chryséis grinned.

      “Who’s Holly Benson?”

      “She’s one of the popular girls in our grade. Stinking rich.”

      “Trust me, you don’t want anything to do with her,” Katherine said.

      They wore their pajamas, because it was lights out at nine. It was 8:37 p.m. according to the LCD clock on Katherine’s bedside table. ‘Lights out’ was at nine sharp. They still had some time left.

      Sally brushed her teeth and then sat in front of the dressing table the girls shared, to brush out her hair. “Why did Holly do that? I mean, why is she so nasty?” She asked the mirror. Sally wanted to be everybody’s friend and who was this Trevor?

      She combed her light brown hair into a ponytail only to brush bangs back in her face to achieve a sultry starlet look.

      Katherine hung up a poster of her favorite girlie band ‘Bliss Five’ over her bed.

      “Sally, do you mind handing me the sticky tape over there…?” She pointed to the table while holding the poster up against the wall.

      “Holly’s a spoilt brat, that’s what!” Chryséis stated bluntly.

      She usually just said whatever popped into her head and wasn’t always diplomatic.

      Sally gave Katherine the tape in silence and sat down in front of the mirror to put away her brush and hair clips. Chryséis moved into another yoga position on the carpet, putting her legs straight up into the air.

      When Katherine had started at Pemberton, Chryséis had saved her from Holly Benson. That’s how they had become best friends.

      If Holly respected anybody, it was Chryséis. Somehow she found it hard to stand up to her and avoided fights with the quick-witted Chryséis.

      Soon normality returned to the ‘Pemberton Academy for Advanced Learning’ and everything went its usual way.

      Or almost everything..

      Chapter 3

      What, Time Travel?

      “It has to work now, it has to!” Katherine was upset. Tools and bits and pieces of plastic lay in wild confusion all over her lab desk.

      “What am I doing wrong?”

      Katherine had come up with the idea to work on an endless energy source, based on the principles of quantum mechanics - her favorite subject. Professor Helbert had made it sound so logical in his book. She took a tiny screwdriver off her notes and read the formula again.

      The formula was no problem, but when she tried to adjust the differentials, things hit a snag.


      She threw the screwdriver impatiently back on the desk. It spun off the surface and clinked onto the floor. Katherine rolled her eyes and bent down. Christopher Higgins slunk shyly past her. He was a stocky little chap with buck teeth and rather brilliant for his age.

      Katherine suddenly reappeared behind the lab desk and startled him. His papers tumbled to the floor and he stared at her.


      The fourth-grader scurried to pick up his papers.

      “Sorry,” he muttered and rushed to the far end of the laboratory. Katherine sighed. Now she surely had the reputation to be mean to the younger ones. Great.

      She sat down and put her chin in her hand. She had everything to work with here, but the stupid vacuum battery just didn’t want to do its thing.

      The science lab was Dr. Broadbent’s pride and joy. Thanks to the generous donation from a past student, the school had been able to upgrade the facilities.

      A certain Cecil Whitby had apparently cherished his memories of Pemberton in the sixties to such an extent that he left the school half of his considerable fortune five years ago. The money had been used to upgrade the science lab. It was henceforth called the 'Whitby Wing' and could now probably rival any NASA science lab.

      Katherine saw Walt, the janitor, through the half-drawn Venetian window blinds. He instructed the two gardeners in the art of clipping hedges. The hedges looked just fine to her. Which was something that couldn’t be said for her project.

      “Need any help?” Katherine spun around. Suddenly Trevor stood next to her.

      “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. You just looked ready to pull your hair out. I thought you might need some... help.” He regretted his remark instantly.

      “My word, Trevor, do you want to give me a heart attack?” Katherine flew at him. “And why would I need any help?”

      “Actually,” he said slowly. “I just wanted to see, if I could help. Okay, never mind, you have everything under control.” Trevor knew that she didn’t easily lose her cool, so this had to be serious. He waited.

      “Sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you like that.” Katherine drew her fingers through her loose hair, only to tuck it back behind her ears again. “But this thing is driving me c r a z y!”

      She pointed at the jumbled mess in front of her and Trevor understood.

      “Don’t tell me it’s Professor Helbert’s vacuum battery. The ‘endless energy source’. Not bad for a project, but nobody has managed to get it right yet.”

      “Well, count me in as nobody.” Katherine glanced hotly at her obstinate creation. “I really want to smash the thing on the floor and trample it into a pancake.”

      “Ouch, Chryséis is already rubbing off on you?”

      “Hmm,” Katherine grumbled.

      Professor Gaylord Helbert’s theory for the vacuum battery centered - roughly speaking - around two poles touching in a vacuum, thereby generating endless power. According to the formula, different harmonic levels within a range of electromagnetic waves could be activated for all sorts of useful applications. Theoretically.

      “Hang it. Chryséis is busy with another project. Some new theory about the time continuum. Black holes in space and so on. But I can’t do it on my own.” So there - she had said it. By now, black holes sounded more appealing to Katherine as well.

      “Okay then, let’s see. Did СКАЧАТЬ