Casino Gambling For Dummies. Swain Scheps
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Название: Casino Gambling For Dummies

Автор: Swain Scheps

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Сделай Сам


isbn: 9781119873143


СКАЧАТЬ are in charge of only a couple of tables in the pit and report directly to the pit boss. They dress and act like the pit boss, and you typically can’t distinguish between the two without asking. Both of them make sure that proper casino procedure is followed. These procedures include refilling dealer chip racks, monitoring markers, and handing out comps, all while remaining cool and calm.


      For most people, gambling is a social sport. Because automated games are a more solitary venture, many players prefer the camaraderie of table gaming. Dealers are at the center of this emotional wheel of fun. Excellent customer-service skills are a requirement; after all, dealers stand on the front line when it comes to irate, belligerent, or inebriated gamblers. Even during high-pressure situations, dealers must promote a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.

      Dealers have their fingers on the pulse of the casino — figuratively and literally. Their hands, after all, deal the blackjacks and the full houses and take the money you lose or pay off your winners. Theirs is a high-pressure job with a demanding audience. Overseeing several players at a table, dealers must be confident in their gambling knowledge. They must know who wins, who loses, and how much to pay out on each hand. Many gamers mistakenly believe that dealers simply shuffle and deal cards, but dealers must also handle dice, chips, and money — accurately and quickly.


Dealers have a wide range of personalities. Some are polite and outgoing, others efficient and brusque. Although finding a compatible dealer doesn’t change the cards or the size of your winnings, it can make your gaming experience more enjoyable and, sometimes, that’s as much as you can ask for. You can spot a good dealer by their smile, humor, demeanor, and often the size of the crowd at the table. When you find one you like, sit down, but remember the dealer has no control over the outcome. Most dealers prefer that you win because they make their money primarily from tips.

      Slot employees: The reel dealers

      The average American casino makes nearly two-thirds of its profits from its various slot machines. Much is at stake along the rows and rows of jabbering slots and other digital games. Therefore, casinos are diligent when it comes to maintaining and stocking them for long-term play. Just like the pit bosses and dealers who watch over the table games (see the previous section), the staff members assigned to the slot machines — the slot attendants and the slot supervisors — keep a careful eye on their vast realm.

      Slot attendants

      The person you’re most likely to deal with if you have a problem or question about your machine is a slot attendant. Slot attendants are on constant vigil, ever watchful for the next jackpot or flashing light requesting service. The attendants are the perfect people to ask if you’re not sure how to play a particular machine; they know every bell, cherry, and bar like the back of their hands.


If you need change, assistance with a game, or simply a bill that’s just a tad crisper than the one you have, summon a slot attendant, who’s usually at your beck and call. However, if a machine needs repair, the slot attendant calls a slot technician.

      Slot supervisors

      The slot supervisor rules the realm of the slot machines, managing employees and overseeing the maintenance and upkeep of the machines. The slot supervisor generally has several slot attendants as direct reports. For casual gamblers, slot supervisors normally play a part in your life only if you hit a jackpot that can’t be paid out in coins.


      Management: Running the tables

      In addition to the employees who ensure the smooth-running operations on the floor, a host of other casino personnel contribute to the success of the house. As a beginning casino player, you may not come into contact with any of these people. However, if you do, management employees such as the casino host may become familiar (and friendly) faces.

      Casino hosts

      Modern casino hosts best resemble a successful hotel concierge: They’re both at your service. Whether dealing with new guests, loyal customers, or high-rollers, the casino host focuses on service, service, and more service.

      A typical casino host is an affable and professional employee whose mission is to serve your every need. Hosts are hands-on people who greet VIP guests at the door and pamper them throughout their stay. Depending on the size and popularity of the casino and the thickness of your wallet, a casino host may

       Comp your rooms

       Arrange for greens fees at the golf course

       Get tickets to sold-out shows

       Give away free meals


If it’s your first time in a casino, don’t expect to have the keys to the Hangover suite at Caesar’s Palace handed to you. But even low rollers can make a relationship with the casino host profitable. Keep the following in mind:

       Join the club: The casino host expects you to be a casino loyalty club member before you’re offered many comps. And don’t forget to use your players’ club card whenever you play so the casino can track how much you’re gambling. (See Chapter 20 for more on players’ club cards.)

       Express yourself: Don’t wait for the host to find you in the penny slots area; go introduce yourself to the host.

       Be loyal: Find your favorite gambling locale and stick to it. Even small-scale visits can make you a valuable customer if they’re repeated regularly.

       Just ask: The players who get comps are the ones who ask the casino host. Don’t be rude or demanding; just ask politely and see what benefits you qualify for.

Player development is all about forming relationships. Casino hosts are eager to wine and dine you if they believe they can create player loyalty through these lavish perks. Although player-development departments often employ telemarketers or other representatives to reach out to gamers through databases, casino hosts achieve their goals one-on-one by working their cellphones and roaming the casino floors, seeking СКАЧАТЬ