Casino Gambling For Dummies. Swain Scheps
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Название: Casino Gambling For Dummies

Автор: Swain Scheps

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Сделай Сам


isbn: 9781119873143


СКАЧАТЬ important money-management issues.)


Don’t overdo it. Government studies show that as many as 1 in every 25 adults has a problem with compulsive gambling. Think about that the next time you sit down at a blackjack table. Several people in the pit probably shouldn’t be there. Could you be one of them? Gambling addiction is a serious matter. (Refer to Appendix B for some helpful info.)

      Identifying the colors of the rainbow

      Knowledge is power and is your only ally against the formidable forces that threaten to separate you from your hard-earned cash. One piece of knowledge you definitely need, particularly if you’re going to wade into the shark-infested waters of table games, is the varying colors and matching denominations of standard casino chips, the little round tokens you use when you bet.


The casinos make this bit easy for you because the chips also have a denomination printed on them so that you know the red chip, for instance, is worth $5 and the green chip is worth $25. The following is a standard list of casino-chip colors, as well as their corresponding values:

       White: $1

       Red: $5

       Green: $25

       Black: $100

       Purple: $500

       Burgundy or Yellow: $1,000

       Brown: $5,000

      Casino games are as diverse as the people who play them — and that’s part of the fun. You may think of craps as a rough-and-tumble game, played by hustlers and wiseguys, but step into a casino, and you’re just as likely to spot an angelic-looking nurse rolling dice next to a cursing cowboy from Texas. And because no game has a precise player profile, don’t restrict yourself to the few games you think suit you. Give each one a try and see where it takes you.

Although the majority of casino visitors prefer slot machines, chances are, if you’re reading this book, you’re willing to try new ways to gamble. After you read this book and know which games have the best odds, take a quick walk around the casino floor to see where you want to start and give several of them a try.

      Touring the table games

      In a casino, the tables come in all shapes and sizes, from the stadium shape of poker tables, to the half-round crescent of blackjack, and to the long rectangular craps tables. And the table is just about all they have in common.

      Unspoken rules seem to govern the table games. Most casino guests have discovered from experience to avoid the taboos: holding your cards with two hands, touching chips in the betting circle after the cards are dealt, and throwing the dice so wildly that they fly over the rail and end up in somebody’s drink. You can discover general casino etiquette in Chapter 5 and more game-specific rules in most chapters. However, before you worry about acting properly, this section includes a brief overview of the main table games that you may encounter in a casino.

      Poker: Boosted by Internet and TV tournaments

      Poker rooms have been a staple at Nevada casinos since the 1940s. But it took the advent of the Internet to transform poker from a backroom game into something akin to an international sport, complete with major events, television coverage, and superstars. Starting in 2004, the online poker boom created an insatiable American market for poker that has resulted in more than 20 states legalizing live casino poker, card rooms, poker clubs, or online poker.

      The Internet was the catalyst, but the underlying appeal of the game is even simpler: Good players can consistently win. In poker, you compete against other players rather than the house. And with honed skills and intimate knowledge of the game, you can have a significant edge over those other, less-prepared gamblers.


Hiding your emotions is a requisite skill for a successful poker player. They don’t call it a poker face for nothin’! So, if you can’t control your nervous ticks when you bluff, or if your eyes get as big as saucers when you make a full house, either play your poker online or put a bag over your head. (For other tips, read Chapter 6.)

      Blackjack: The best odds

      Blackjack also is intriguing because each hand is like a movie clip — with you as the star. Each game has an opening scene (the deal), the simmering suspense (the dealer’s hidden card), the moment of truth when the hero (you!) makes a dramatic choice, and finally, the conclusion, where the hero wins or loses. The trick, of course, is to have more happy endings than tragedies. (Chapter 7 provides a thorough look at the best blackjack strategies.)

      Craps: Backslaps, high-fives, and cheerleaders

      This dice game draws a raucous crowd and has many of the best bets in the casino. Some guests find the noise and the complex layout of craps to be a little intimidating. But before you slink back to your comfort zone, consider this fact: The house advantage is low in craps, making this game a great bet. Just be sure you stick with the best craps bets.

      Furthermore, craps is like a sporting event, with its dramatic swings of luck, high-fives, backslaps, and noisy cheering section. Every roll has a home team (players who bet with the dice) and an opposing team (wrong-way bettors) that gets dirty looks and ridicules from the hometown fans. Now, if they just had those big foam We’re No. 1 fingers, the experience would be complete (though it would make rolling the dice a little harder). For more on craps, check out Chapter 8.

      Roulette: The place for eccentric hunches

      The spinning wheel of roulette symbolizes the world of casino gambling. This popular, entry-level game is ideal for novice gamblers because it requires absolutely no skill, concentration, or complex strategies. You simply bet on the number or possible numbers the ball СКАЧАТЬ