Dark Lord. Book One. Рамиль Латыпов
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СКАЧАТЬ your folder?”

      “He works in the fields. You know everything for the count. All for the country. “Pop’s sleeping in the hayloft with a bottle in his arms.

      “That’s good. You know, he used to be a good hunter. Even the best. It’s a pity that this happened to your mother. “He’s not sorry. That’s how to smile, you stinky bastard. “The Count didn’t feed Lyon for two days afterwards. He punished me with a stick and beat me. But let’s not talk about it. Did you prepare the tax?

      – Yes, about the most beautiful Merun. I was so disgusted by his smile, but there was nothing to do. I put the deer skin on the table. – Clean and fresh. For two months the taxes will definitely be enough, O most beautiful of men.

      “Let’s see. – He liked the praise, even licked his lips a little. An abomination. He fiddled with the skin for a long time, then said.“Okay, two months is two months. I can’t say no to such blue eyes. Bye kid. Grow up a little. Maybe you’ll stay with me. “He took the skin and left. Well, at least I won’t see him for two months, and that’s fine. It is necessary to call my father to the table. But first I’ll stop by my neighbor’s house. Give the skins and drink tea with milk and cookies.

      “Anyone home?” – Knocking on the gate of my neighbor Elena’s house, I said.

      “And my neighbor Ivor, come in, my boy. She opened the door and let me in. Her place was always clean and smelled like cookies. Don’t know. But I really liked her. I wish she was my mom.

      “I’ve brought you some animal skins. And here are a few berries, nuts and medicinal herbs. – We were sitting at her table with tea and ginger cookies.

      “Oh, that’s good. I’ll need them. The taxman came and made a lot of money, which I wouldn’t have done without you. She looked at me very strangely. I didn’t like it. She patted my head, but not like my mom.

      “You know, Aunt Elena, that I treat you like a mother. It’s a pity that my father doesn’t stop drinking. Otherwise I’d be your husband.” At my words, she took her hand away. His eyes grew serious.

      “I’ll never marry him.” He’s bad. He molested me. Barely got away with a hoe. But you’re a good boy. Don’t worry. You’re like a son to me. But it’s just that you’re very good-looking, and you’re getting a little carried away. And you drink the tea, otherwise it will get cold. And look at my toys. Like it or not? She took out a few toys made from my pelts. Squirrels in fancy clothes. Some played the flute, some played the drums. Some of them have wooden swords in their hands. I really liked her toys. In the city, they were highly valued and paid a silver coin apiece. – Do you have a girl?’ I choked on the question. ‘You’re a good boy. I guess there’s someone out there?

      “No, Aunt Elena, there is no one. Because I don’t have time for this. After you, I’ll feed my father and go to the forest for new skins.

      “Oh, I forgot, here’s your share. She placed three silver coins on the table.

      “No, you don’t have to. I have enough money. And if my father finds out that I have money, he will drink it (I hid the coin. One gold piece is one hundred silver pieces, and one silver piece is one hundred copper pieces). You’d better keep it for now. I gave a good hide to the taxman. There will be no taxes for two months. When I go to the city, you’ll give it to me in three days. I need a new saw and some good arrows. Maybe the onion is new. This one’s too bad.”

      “Okay, neighbor. I’ll keep your coins for myself. You come by my place in the evenings. I’ll keep you warm.” Like a mom, just like a mom. – Of course I’ll never go to her house tonight.

      After finishing my tea, I ran to my father, who was sleeping with an empty bottle in his arms. We ate deer meat and some sorrel soup. Then he went into the city to carouse further. I was sitting on the bench by the entrance again, cleaning my bow and arrow.

      “That fool’s going into the woods again. Shaggy stuffed animal. The folder is going on a drinking spree again. A drunk. Maybe he’ll get drunk already. My dad had his eye on your bull for a long time. We’ll send you to an orphanage as a fool. There such fools will quickly be put in their place. The truth of Mirka.

      “Yes, it’s true —" said a little girl of about six with no teeth, freckles, and black hair. “He’s dufak yefe thoth.

      “That’s right. Throw yourself at him, boys. “More dirt and rocks were thrown at me. True, I didn’t hear much. It was more of a show-off. I usually didn’t pay attention. “He’s had enough for one day. We’ll come back tomorrow and do some more work. A four-eared freak. “And be quiet. “Beautiful bastard. And he will live a long time. Magic isn’t what I am.

      I stuck out my tongue as usual when they were gone. But it’s time for me to go hunting, too. The forest is loud as usual. Lots of forest creatures and birds. I examined the traps. All the little things again. Nothing serious. And where are the adventurers from yesterday? I went on quietly for ten minutes and then I heard voices in the distance. He hid behind a tree and a bush.

      “I don’t think we’ll find him.” We went through the whole forest. Yesterday’s gruff male voice was saying.

      “Don’t despair, Uncle Zaire, we did kill such a beast yesterday. I got a huge reward for it. An unfamiliar male mawkish voice said. I sat up to look. The owner of the voice was a thin elf who looked to be in his late twenties. But you don’t know their exact age.

      “You’re messing around again, Rudy. We’re here to find this lord. A young demon with red hair said. Very beautiful. I didn’t get a good look at it yesterday. Now I’m admiring it to the fullest. There was no armor, just a light shirt and leather pants. How slender she is.

      “I don’t know who’s talking. You saved the boy yourself yesterday. By spending a common potion. We bought them for us, using the same amount of money. Two silver coins were given away. And you personally spent it on it. I also left him a golden deer skin. I guess you liked it. Although you refuse to come with me. And with him, then, no. He’s just a kid.

      “He’s a kid now, but he’ll grow up in five years. Then I’ll do a lot with it. I don’t like you slug, that’s all. Don’t bother me. Let’s talk business instead. She pulled out a large map. – We’ve checked this area. Only two left. But something tells me. We won’t find anything here. And what makes you think that the crystal with the demon lord Alejandro is just lying here and waiting for us?

      “Look at this. The slimy elf produced an ancient-looking parchment. – This is a scroll of Darkness that says that five thousand years ago, there was a battle of all the tribes of the world with an invader from the world of darkness. But he lost and his army was defeated. The great dragon Neroon bound his soul in crystal and flew away. According to legend, he flew for five days, but he was hit by an arrow of his henchman Alejandro Gnusia and he dropped it into the sea. The sea has dried up for many years and we are now standing at the bottom of it.

      “The sea can’t dry up. Old dwarf Zaire said.

      “Maybe. It’s a long process, but that’s what happened. Check the cards here. He held up the cards. “You see. There used to be a sea. Now it’s gone.

      “I won’t argue with you. But if we don’t find anything tomorrow, let’s move on. СКАЧАТЬ