Construction for dummies in Russia: save money and mind. Alexander Kalashnikov
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СКАЧАТЬ chemical anchors. According to the project, a chemical anchor was laid, 100 mm long. The technical supervision of the customer warned that we should use only such an anchor – and nothing else, because. the project has passed the state examination, and a step away from this requirement for us is execution.

      But in fact, it was impossible to use such fasteners, because the wall of the brick is very thin (10-15 mm) and practically the anchor only holds on to it, because the brick inside is completely empty, as in the figure – this is the old Soviet brick “Kabanchik”, which is already have not been produced for a long time.

      Yes, this project passed the state examination , it was accompanied by acts of testing chemical anchors for pull-out, which supposedly had to securely fix the brackets on this particular building, but nevertheless, this is what happened.

      When performing facade work, it is always necessary to test specific anchors for pull-out from a particular wall or object, which must be confirmed by test reports. Accordingly, we called a testing laboratory to the site, which is very common with manufacturers or suppliers of fasteners. Tested chemical anchors. None of the 5 or 6 attempts to confirm their suitability was successful – the brick walls broke under the most minimal (up to 150-200 kg.) Loads.

      When asked how the same laboratory (by the way, a world-famous manufacturer, I’ll regret their reputation …) gave the designers a conclusion that chemical anchors of such a length can be used on this object, the answer was something like this : “We don’t know, a person who we have this act issued, it no longer works for us … ”. I repeat, the project with this fastener passed the state examination .

      At the same time, we also tested conventional facade anchors with a longer length – 250 mm, which successfully passed the tests, because. they were fixed in ordinary masonry, which followed the facing hollow brick. Having received new test reports, we refuted the design solution, for the third time I repeat, which passed the state examination , and received permission from the customer to use extended length conventional anchors. Question substitutions one anchor to another was also affected by an increase in the cost of fasteners, but with respect to other aspects, nevertheless, this allowed us to get out of the situation at relatively low costs.

      However, there were some consequences:

      1. Due to carrying out all the tests and agreeing to replace the anchors, a week of time was spent, which led to a delay in the completion of work for this period.

      2. For the delay in obligations for this week, the customer (and the contract was state-owned) first presented us with a penalty, although in fact he was to blame. In such situations, government customers never accepted the argument that the time it took to correct the documentation was not our fault, but their own. It is not customary for them, otherwise the performers (technical supervision, department heads, etc.) will then receive a cap for violating the deadlines for carrying out work and failing to take action against contractors. After refusing to pay the penalty, the customer sued us and sued her.

      3. We used more expensive anchors, no one compensated us for the difference in price, again because there is an estimate approved in the budget – please be kind enough to fit into it. This is called “replacement without increasing the value of the contract”. Although the increase in the cost of fasteners was about 20%.

      Prevention measures.

      1. Extremely vigilantly compare not only the estimate with the project, but also the project with the real object.

      2. Be sure to correspond and notify the customer in writing about the identified errors and inconsistencies in the design and estimate documentation, draw up acts for all, including commission inspection acts. In the future, this can help not only to make changes to the project documentation correctly, but also to justify the change in the cost of work.

      3. Carefully read the contract, sometimes it provides for the possibility of an increase in the cost of work or materials upon bilateral agreement with the customer, but as a rule, such an increase is limited to an amount up to 10 or 15 % of the total contract value.

      metal weight

      Profit can be lost even where you do not expect it at all.


      We had one object where, among other things, we had to make porches or canopies over the entrances to the building. We had an estimate, which included the amount of metal needed for the installation of the porches in tons, and the project did not contain a word about how these porches should look, no diagrams or sketches. If I'm not mistaken, the estimate was about 300 kg. metal without specifying its type, dimensions, profile and thickness. In the estimate, this metal was listed as processed metal, that is, as finished metal products, which immediately increases their cost, probably twice as much as the cost of pure metal. Complete lack of clarity on how to do the job…

      The technical supervision explained how to be something like this: “Do it normally, so that it is reliable and beautiful enough, but without frills …”

      We looked at how this is usually done at other objects, figured out what metal would be needed, its thickness, sketched out how it would all look like, figured out that snow could fall on the visors from the roof … It seems everything turned out fine on paper. We bought metal, welded spatial frames, racks, assembled everything, painted it. We are waiting for acceptance by the construction supervisor .

      A representative of technical supervision came, measured each element of our porches, measured the thickness of each of their elements. In general, I calculated the real weight of the metal that we spent on the whole thing. In fact, it turned out to be 40 percent less … Accordingly, she said that since there is less metal, there will also be less money, and these 40% were cut out of the cost of work.

      We went nuts from such a “flagrant injustice”, because the porches looked quite presentable, reliable. We did not expect this at all – we simply did not think that someone could have such an approach to the formation of technical specifications and to the acceptance of work. They conveyed their claims to the customer, explained that there was nowhere to sculpt excess metal, insisted on accepting 100% of the work … To which an absolutely logical answer followed, that we mounted exactly as much metal as we were paid for, and no matter what salary we paid workers for this work.

      As a result, this money was withdrawn from us and it was useless to prove something, except that it was possible to weld this missing metal somewhere else, but it was just stupid, because. the structures were already absolutely finished, it was already unprofitable to pay for these works anew and spend time on this.


      If you are dealing with weight volumes and do not have a project for the execution of work, check everything in advance using a metal weight calculator or metal weight tables.

      Even if you have both a project and an estimate in which the amount of material is the same, still compare, at least selectively, the weight of the metal that will be needed the most, again using the metal weight calculator or the metal weight table.

      4. Why it is impossible to deviate from the design on the example of facade work. The right approach to preparing for facade work.

      When a customer decides to update the facade of his building, he usually asks: “How much will it cost to mount the facade?”. Whatever the question is formulated …, such is the answer. In this review, we will figure out what questions, how and to whom to ask in order to get the right answer.

      The СКАЧАТЬ