Американские историки. Учебное пособие. Иван Цветков
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      Bradford W. History of Plymouth plantation. Boston, 1856.


      Наиболее известное историческое сочинение К. Мазера: Mather C. Magnalia Christi americana. London, 1702.


      Beverley R. The history and present state of Virginia. London, 1705.


      Prince T. A chronological history of New England. Boston, 1736.


      Belknap J. The history of New-Hampshire. 3 Vols. Boston, 1784—1792.


      Belknap J. American biography. 2 Vols. Boston, 1794.


      Minot G. R. The history of the insurrections, in Massachusetts… Worcester, Massachusetts, 1788.


      Marshall J. The life of George Washington. 5 Vols. London, 1804—1807.


      Warren M. O. History of the rise, progress, and termination of the American Revolution. 3 Vols. Boston, 1805.


      Bancroft G. History of the United States of America, from the discovery of the continent. 10 Vols. Boston, 1876.


      Parkman F. France and England in North America. A series of historical narratives. Boston, 1891.


      Beard C. A. An economic interpretation of the Constitution of the United States. New York, 1913.


      Zinn H. A people's history of the United States. London; New York, 1980.


      White H. V. Metahistory: the historical imagination in nineteenth-century Europe. Baltimore, 1973.


      Saunt C. Telling Stories: The Political Uses of Myth and History in the Cherokee and Creek Nations // The Journal of American History. Dec. 2006. Volume 93, No. 3; Gordon L. Dorothea Lange: The Photographer as Agricultural Sociologist // Ibid.; Ratner-Rosenhagen J. Conventional Iconoclasm: The Cultural Work of the Nietzsche Image in Twentieth-Century America // Ibid.


      Oldmixon J. The British Empire in America. London, 1708.


      Наиболее известна его многократно переиздаваемая биография Дж. Вашингтона: Weems M. L. A history of the life and death, virtues and exploits of General George Washington. Philadelphia, 1800.


      Ramsay D. The history of the American revolution. 2 Vols. Philadelphia, 1789; Gordon W. The history of the rise, progress, and establishment, of the independence of the United States of America. 3 Vols. New-York, 1789.


      См. напр: Sparks J. The life of George Washington. Auburn [N. Y.], 1851.


      Douglass W. A summary, historical and political, of the first planting, progressive improvements, and present state of the British settlements in North-America. 2 Vols. Boston, 1752.


      McMaster J. B. A history of the people of the United States from the Revolution to the Civil War. New York, 1914.


      См.: Geertz C. The interpretation of cultures. New York, 1973.


      Osgood H. L. The American colonies in the seventeenth century. New York, London, 1904; Beer G. L. British colonial policy, 1754—1765. New York, 1907; Andrews C. M. The colonial period of American history. New Haven, London, 1934.


      Boorstin D. J. The Americans, the colonial experience. New York, 1958; Morgan E. S. The birth of the Republic, 1763—89. Chicago, 1956; Hartz L. The liberal tradition in America. New York, 1955.


      Bailyn B. The ideological origins of the American Revolution. Cambridge, 1967; Wood G. S. The creation of the American Republic, 1776—1787. Chapel Hill, 1969; Pocock J. G. A. The Machiavellian moment: Florentine political thought and the Atlantic republican tradition. Princeton, N. J., 1975.


      См., например: Jordan W. D. Familial politics: Thomas Paine and the killing of the СКАЧАТЬ