A Companion to the Hellenistic and Roman Near East. Группа авторов
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Название: A Companion to the Hellenistic and Roman Near East

Автор: Группа авторов

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: История


isbn: 9781119037422


СКАЧАТЬ and Huitink 2012). The prologue mentions in this connection “the extent and nature of both parts of the Galilee [i.e. Upper and Lower Galilee], the borders of Judaea, the special features of the country, its lakes and springs” (BJ 1.22; on the region see also Chapter 22). Jerusalem is highlighted as the central location, with its walls and defense systems, the plan of the temple complex and the inner sanctuary, “the measurements of these buildings and the altar being all precisely stated” (1.25–26). Frequently Josephus offers detailed descriptions of the places where the Romans fought the Jews: Iotapata/Yodfat (3.158–160), where Josephus was arrested, Joppa (3.419–421), the Lake of Gennesareth (also called Sea of Galilee, Lake Tiberias, and Kinneret) and the area surrounding it (3.506–521), Gamala (4.5–8), Jericho and its vicinity (4.451–485), and last but not least Masada (7.280–294). The description of Gamala at the beginning of book 4, a town that joined the rebels together with the cities of Tiberias and Tarichaea, is an interesting example. Like most descriptions of towns in the War, it coincides with the moment the Roman troops, led by Vespasian, are about to march on it. Josephus remarks that Gamala refused to surrender because it relied upon “the natural difficulties of its position” (4.4) and then briefly describes its location: “from a lofty mountain there descends a rugged spur rising in the middle to a hump, the declivity from the summit of which is of the same length before as behind, so that in form the ridge resembles a camel” (4.5). The simile of a camel, which fits and matches the town’s name (gāmāl means “camel” in Hebrew), enables those unfamiliar with the location to visualize the scene. Next Josephus gradually zooms in to the town itself: first to the ravines that surround it on all sides, partly made deeper by the besieged people themselves under the leadership of Josephus; then to the houses “built against the steep mountain flank and astonishingly huddled together,” and finally to the southern part of the city, which, by virtue of its greater height, forms a citadel. Then follows another awe-inspiring piece of figurative language: the city “seems to be suspended in air and to be falling headlong upon itself” (4.7). Josephus also mentions that there is a spring inside the town and rounds his description off with the remark that he himself had fortified the town with walls and secured it further by mines and trenches (4.10). The description of Gamala is clearly selective, because it focuses on the defense system of the town and its ability to withstand a siege. The subsequent narrative about the siege and defeat of Gamala refers again to elements from the initial description of the place, which explains the Romans’ strategic and military difficulties and highlights the dramatic end for the Jews: the ravines which “had been excavated to a vast depth beneath the citadel” (4.79) became a deadly trap, causing the death of many inhabitants, who plunged into them with their wives and children rather than surrendering themselves (4.11–83).

      Another elaborate description concerns the Lake of Gennesareth with its surrounding area, which reminds one of Herodotus’s descriptions of exotic regions. Josephus draws attention to the unique species of fish that live in the lake and to the strange fact that the river Jordan runs straight through the middle of it (3.508–509). He includes a short excursus on the sources of the river Jordan. The surrounding district is “remarkable for its natural properties and beauty” (3.516). It supplies all kinds of fruit for no less than ten months a year and is being watered by a spring which some hold to be a branch of the Nile (3.516–520). The description implies that by his conquest Vespasian managed to turn an exotic nation at the edge of the inhabited world into a well-organized Roman province. Josephus follows Vespasian’s campaign step by step and also describes Peraea, Samaria, Judaea, and the kingdom of Agrippa (3.35–58). As indicated already in the prologue, the conflict culminates in the siege and destruction of Jerusalem, described in detail in books 5 and 6.

      Friendly Kings of the Romans

      Josephus’s Herod narratives provide valuable information about friendly kings along the eastern frontier of the Roman Empire and their interactions with their patrons. Herod the Great’s official status in the empire was rex sociusque et amicus (“king, ally, and friend”). Originally, Herod was a commoner who took over the power from a well-established СКАЧАТЬ