A Companion to the Hellenistic and Roman Near East. Группа авторов
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Название: A Companion to the Hellenistic and Roman Near East

Автор: Группа авторов

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: История


isbn: 9781119037422


СКАЧАТЬ target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="#uac24e4e1-6da7-5fa9-94cb-25b977795d57">6 Jewish Sources 7 Josephus 8 Syriac Sources 9 Greek and Latin Inscriptions 10 Ancient North Arabian 11 Parchments and Papyri 12 Statues, Reliefs, and Paintings: Hellenism versus Local Culture 13 Archaeology and Architecture 14 Numismatics 15 Air-Photography 16 Mosaics

      15  Part II Regions, Places, and Peoples 17 The Tetrapolis and Other City Foundations 18 The Decapolis 19 Commagene 20 Hellenistic and Roman Phoenicia 21 Lebanon 22 Judaea, the Palestinian Coast, the Galilee, Idumaea, and Samaria 23 The Nabataeans 24 Palmyra 25 Dura-Europos 26 The Middle Euphrates 27 The Parthian and Sasanian Near East (including Hatra, Edessa, and the Characene) 28 The Desert and its Peoples

      16  Part III Themes 29 The Roman Armies in the Near East 30 Roads and Harbors 31 Kingdoms and Principalities 32 Trade 33 Local and Regional Economies 34 The Arabs 35 Indigenous Law 36 Funerary Traditions 37 Religious Life 38 Early Christianity in the Near East

      17  Bibliography

      18  Index

      19  End User License Agreement

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Near Eastern section from the Peutinger...

      2 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Distribution of the scripts of the oases...

      3 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Bottom part of gigantic marble...Figure 12.2 Painted synagogue from Dura-Europos...Figure 12.3 Basalt lintel from Suweida in the...Figure 12.4 Funerary relief from Palmyra, now...

      4 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Colonnaded main street in Apamea...Figure 13.2 Capital from the Sanctuary of Artemis...Figure 13.3 The Sanctuary of Artemis in Gerasa...Figure 13.4 Temple A in Niha...

      5 Chapter 14Figure 14.1A Silver stater of Aradus, fourth century...Figure 14.1B Athenian tetradrachm or Syrian imitation of one, fourth century...Figure 14.1C Copper-alloy coin of Alexander the Great...Figure 14.1D Silver tetradrachm in the name of Alexander the Great...Figure 14.2A Silver tetradrachm of Aradus...Figure 14.2B Silver drachm of Aradus...Figure 14.2C Silver tetradrachm of Ptolemy...Figure 14.2D Silver tetradrachm of Antiochus...Figure 14.3A Copper-alloy coin of the Seleucid...Figure 14.3B Silver tetradrachm with the portrait...Figure 14.3C Silver tetradrachm minted at Antioch...Figure 14.3D Silver tetradrachm of Augustus...Figure 14.4A Silver tetradrachm of Nero...Figure 14.4B Silver denarius of Septimius Severus...Figure 14.4C Silver “radiate”...Figure 14.4D Silver tetradrachm of Philip...Figure 14.4E Base silver tetradrachm of the...Figure 14.5A Radiate of the eastern usurper Quietus...Figure 14.5B Radiate of Maximianus...Figure 14.5C Post-reform radiate of Constantius...Figure 14.5D Copper-alloy coin of Nerva...Figure 14.5E Copper-alloy coin of Elagabalus...Figure 14.5F Copper-alloy coin minted in...Figure 14.6A Silver tetradrachm minted at Aradus...Figure 14.6B Silver tetradrachm minted at Tyre...Figure 14.6C Copper-alloy coin of Antiochus...Figure 14.6D Copper-alloy coin of Ptolemy...Figure 14.7A Copper-alloy coin of Sidon...Figure 14.7B Silver drachm of the Nabatean...Figure 14.7C Copper-alloy coin of Trajan...Figure 14.7D Copper-alloy coin of Macrinus...Figure 14.8A Copper-alloy coin of Macrinus...Figure 14.8B Copper-alloy coin of Severus Alexander...Figure 14.8C Copper-alloy coin of Antoninus Pius...Figure 14.8D Copper-alloy coin of Valerian...Figure 14.9A Copper-alloy coin of the joint...Figure 14.9B Copper-alloy coin of Gallienus...Figure 14.9C Copper-alloy coin of the early fourth...Figure 14.9D Copper-alloy coin of Justin...

      6 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 Australian aerial photography on the Palestine...Figure 15.2 A mosaic of Royal Air Force vertical photographs...Figure 15.3 Google Earth imagery allowing...Figure 15.4 Successive street grid extensions at Antioch...Figure 15.5 The Roman town at Umm el-Jimal...Figure 15.6 Yajuz seen in 1998 (above) when it...Figure 15.7 Umm er-Rasas, Jordan. The village...Figure 15.8 A Roman farm south of Madaba in Jordan...Figure 15.9 The late Roman legionary fortress at...Figure 15.10 Roads and tracks in Arabia. (A) The...Figure 15.11 Fossilized field boundaries. Although dating...Figure 15.12 Qanats. (A) An example southeast of the Roman...

      7 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 Mosaic from Antioch (House of the Drinking...Figure 16.2 Mosaic from Zeugma (Gaziantep Museum)...Figure 16.3 Mosaic from Emesa (Maarret en-Noman Museum...Figure 16.4 Mosaic from Palmyra (in situ) of...Figure 16.5 Mosaic from Shahba-Philippopolis (Shahba Museum)...

      8 Chapter 17Map of northern Syria. Courtesy of A...Figure 17.2 The colonnade at Apamea...

      9 Chapter 18Figure 18.1 Plan of Gerasa, after A. Lichtenberger, R. Raja...Figure 18.2 The nymphaeum of Pella on the reverse...

      10 Chapter 19Figure 19.1 Relief of Jupiter Dolichenus from...Figure 19.2 Statues on top of Nemrud Dağı...

      11 Chapter 20Figure 20.1 Hippodrome at Tyre...Figure 20.2 Temple of Zeus at Baetocaece...

      12 Chapter 21Figure 21.1 The courtyard of the great Roman sanctuary...

      13 Chapter 22Figure 22.1 Qumran – caves where the Dead СКАЧАТЬ