Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Physics, Instrumentation, and Radiation Biology. Rachel A. Powsner
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СКАЧАТЬ 1 Basic Nuclear Medicine Physics

      Properties and structure of matter

      Matter has several fundamental properties. For our purposes the most important are mass and charge (electric). We recognize mass by the force gravity exerts on a material object (commonly referred to as its weight) and by the object’s inertia, which is the “resistance” we encounter when we attempt to change the position or motion of a material object.

      Similarly, we can, at least at times, recognize charge by the direct effect it can have on us, or that we can observe it to have on inanimate objects. For example, we may feel the presence of a strongly charged object when it causes our hair to move or even to stand on end. More often than not, however, we are insensitive to charge. But whether grossly detectable or not, its effects must be considered here because of the role charge plays in the structure of matter.

      The molecule is held together by the chemical bonds among its atoms. These bonds are formed by the force of electrical attraction between oppositely charged parts of the molecule. This force is often referred to as the Coulomb force after Charles A. de Coulomb, the physicist who characterized it. This is the force involved in chemical reactions such as the combining of hydrogen and oxygen to form water. The electrons of the atom are held by the electrical force between them and the positive nucleus. The nucleus of the atom is held together by another type of force—nuclear force—which is involved in the release of atomic energy. Nuclear forces are magnitudes greater than electrical forces.


Schematic illustration of electrostatic charge. Schematic illustration of the NaCl molecule is the smallest unit of salt that retains the characteristics of salt. Schematic illustration of periodic table.

      The elements in the periodic table are arranged in columns (called groups) and rows (called periods). In general, elements within groups demonstrate similar properties. This is because elements in a group often have similar numbers of electrons in their outer shell; outer shell electron configurations are more important in determining how an atom interacts with other elemental atoms. The lanthanides and actinides are special groups of elements, conventionally shown in rows, separated and placed below the table. These two groups have the same number of outer‐shell electrons and share many common properties.

      Atomic structure

Schematic illustration of flat atom. The standard two-dimensional drawing of atomic structure.


      In our simple solar‐system model of the atom, the electrons are viewed as orbiting the nucleus at high speeds. They have a negative charge and the nucleus has a positive charge. The electrical charges of the atom are “balanced,” that is, the total negative charge of the electrons equals the positive charge of the nucleus. As we shall see in a moment, this is simply another way to point out that the number of orbital electrons equals the number of nuclear protons.

       Electron shells and binding energy: